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24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805

and to identify possible risk factors which may be the target of

prevention and treatment approaches.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Prevalence of substance use among

Russian, Somali and Kurdish migrants

in Finland: A population-based study

E. Salama

1 ,

, S. N


2 , A.




University of Turku, Psychiatry, Turku, Finland


University of Oulu, Department of Clinical Neurosciences,

Rovaniemi, Finland


National Institute of Health and Welfare, Helsinki, Finland

Corresponding author.


Although substance use is a well-known public

health risk factor, European population-based studies reporting the

substance use among adult migrant populations are scarce.


We aim to: (1) determine the prevalence of alcohol

use, cigarette smoking and consumption cannabis and intravenous

drugs in Russian, Somali and Kurdish migrants in Finland and com-

pare them to those of the Finnish general population; (2) determine

if socio-economic andmigration-related factors are associatedwith

substance use in migrants.


We used data primarily from the Finnishmigrant health

and well-being study. Alcohol use was measured with the AUDIT-C

questionnaire, smoking habits and the lifetime cannabis and intra-

venous drug use were recorded. Age-adjusted prevalence rates

were determined by ethnicity and sex. The associations between

background factors and substance use were analysed using logistic

regression analysis.


The prevalence rate of risky drinking is lower and the

proportion of abstainers is higher in migrants than in the gen-

eral population. Current smoking is more common in Russian (31%,


< 0,05) andKurdish (31%,


< 0,05)migrantmen than in the general

population (21%). Younger age was associated with risky drinking,

socioeconomic disadvantage increased the odd for the daily smok-

ing amongmigrants, andmigration-related factors were associated

with substance use.


Migrants report less substance use than the general

population, but acculturation-related factors seem to be associated

with higher levels of substance use among migrants. Substance use

seems to be a gendered phenomenon in migrant populations in

comparison to the general population, where lately the alcohol and

tobacco consumption of women have been growing.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Before and after nalmefene, a case


N. Salgado

1 ,

, S . B


2 , B. M


1 , C. S




Hospital Dr. Rodriguez Lafora, Psiquiatria, Madrid, Spain


Hospital Universitario 12 de octubre, Psiquiatria, Madrid, Spain

Corresponding author.


Clinical and social improvement after treatment

with nalmefene in an alcoholic 41-year-old male, with history of

dependence during 20 years.

Case report

Our patient had been abusing alcohol for almost

20 years with short breaks of abstinence (one month). Before

treatment he made a consumption of 105 g of alcohol per day.

Serological examination showed hepatic alterations (GGT 2115,

ALT 229) and a low amount of platelets (61,000). He also had no

other relevant medical history and other possible clinical diagnoses

were excluded. After a week detoxification program and alcohol

consumption cessation during one month, the analytical values

drastically changed: ALT 35, GGT 275, platelets 222,000.


Nalmefene is an opioid systemmodulator with antag-

onist activity at the and receptors and partial agonist activity at

the receptor. Nalmefene as-needed has been shown to reduce the

total amount of alcohol consumption and number of heavy drink-

ing days and to improve liver function. The aim of this treatment is

centered in decreasing consumption rather than achieving a total



Against other pharmacologic approaches such as

disulfiram an acamprosate, the options that allow acute consump-

tion help patients in controlling drinking rampage and make them

realize they will be able to afford alcohol cessation.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Alcohol use disorder following

traumatic brain injury: Lessons

learned from bench to bedside

G. Santos

1 ,

, C. Lima


, J. Vitória



Hospital Magalhães Lemos, Psiquiatria, Porto, Portugal


Hospital Magalhães Lemos, Psychiatry, Porto, Portugal

Corresponding author.

Introduction and objectives

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) can result

in a variety of neuropsychiatric disturbances ranging from subtle

deficits to severe intellectual and emotional disturbances, including

cognitive impairments, mood and psychotic disorders and behav-

ioral disturbances. Alcohol use disorder (AUD) and TBI are closely

related. The reward-mediated behaviors central to alcohol addic-

tion seem to interact with the cognitive dysfunction of TBI. First, a

significant proportion of patients with TBI have a history of alco-

hol abuse. Second, AUD might jeopardize TBI recovery and trigger

or lower seizures threshold. Third, both AUD and TBI share a neg-

ative impact on mental functioning (from memory and cognitive

performance to mood impairment). Finally, there is some limited

and recent evidence that TBI can increase AUD in patients with no

history of substance use prior to the injury, by disrupting incentive-

motivation neurocircuitry.


We aim to present a 27-year-old Portuguese male

patient without prior psychiatric history who developed AUD and

epilepsy after TBI (from a work-related fall).


After 3 years of treatment, the patient’s hasn’t achieved

abstinence. His treatment included pharmacological therapy with

mood stabilizers, flufenazine injections and naltrexone, psy-

chotherapy and rehabilitative interventions.


Given the sparse knowledge about this dual diagno-

sis, the approach of AUD after TBI is still challenging and the best

treatment remains to be determined. Monitoring alcohol consump-

tion should be considered in all patients presenting with TBI.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Gender differences in the use of

prohibited substances in prison

O. Sanz Garcia

1 ,

, M.P. Iba˜nez


, A. Muro



Barcelona, Spain


Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Deu, Uhpp-c.P. Brians 1, Sant Esteve de

Sesrovires, Barcelona, Spain

Corresponding author.