24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805
Sociodemographic characteristics and
clinical outcomes among patients
with comorbid alcohol dependence
and depressive spectrum disorders
E. Solodkaia
1 ,∗
, I. Loginov
1, V. Sergina
1, A. Zhurbuck
1, S. Savin
H. Jian
Far Eastern State Medical University, Psychiatry and Narcology,
Khabarovsk, Russia
Computer Center of FEB RAS, Laboratory of medical information,
Khabarovsk, Russia
Harbin Medical University, Psychiatry, Harbin, China
Corresponding author.
The accelerated development of substance depen-
dence with social disadaptation and delinquent behavior, which is
associated with the integration of pathological processes addictive
and mental pathology, is observed in most patients with comorbid
mental disorders.
We evaluated the association of sociodemographic charac-
teristics with clinical outcomes among patients with comorbidity
of alcohol dependence and depression.
To study the structure and clinical features of depres-
sive spectrumdisorders with comorbid alcohol dependence among
males aged 18–60. Datawere collected at the Khabarovsk territorial
psychiatric clinic, and all participants provided written informed
consent prior to participation. Participants in the current study
consisted of 89 males with comorbid alcohol dependence and
depression (ICD-10 criteria).
The present study based on clinical examination and
interview, including data of demographic characteristics, family
background and remission. Logistic regressionwas used to evaluate
the associations of interest.
Analyses showed that risk of relapse was higher among
males with low education and income level (
= 0.65;
= 0.55),
family destruction until puberty (
= 0.76), parental alcohol mis-
use (
= 0.74), authoritarian parenting style in childhood (
= 0.55),
conflict relationships with spouse (
= 0.80), “conflict” dominant
motivation for abstinence (
= 0.77), mood swings (
= 0.74) and
absence of treatment for depression (
= 0.80).
Integrative approach to treatment of patients with
comorbid alcohol dependence and depressive spectrum disorders
should take into consideration sociodemographic characteristics.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Integrated approaches to the
treatment of pain syndrome in the
patients with drug addiction
I. Sosin
, Y. Chuev , O. Goncharova
Kharkov Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Narcology,
Kharkov, Ukraine
Corresponding author.
Pain syndrome is integral acute sign of drug addic-
tion at psychoactive substance deprivation and is a severe urgent
Objectives and aims
To work out integrated approaches to pain
syndrome cessation with combined pharmacotherapy and non-
pharmaceutical methods. To study dynamics of pain syndrome
reduction at application of the developed methods.
One hundred and eighty-nine opioid addicts (cessation
state) were examined. The treatment efficiency was evaluatedwith
visual analogue scale; Roland-Morris questionnaire; pain numeric
rating scale.
Four innovative options of modified therapy for pain
authorized with the patents of Ukraine were proposed (with mem-
brane plasmapheresis, medical electrophoresis, laser therapy and
standard pharmacotherapy):
– pain syndrome cessation in opioid addicts is provided with
Tramadol (up to 600mg i/m), at intravascular laser hemother-
apy (wavelength 0.63mcm, power 2mW, 30–40min exposure, 3–4
days course);
– recurrent deprivation pain syndrome cessation is realized by
membrane plasmapheresis with intravascular laser blood irradi-
ation and i/m 1.0mL Ketanov solution 2–3 days;
– pain syndrome treatment in drug and alcohol addicts is provided
with Analgin and Sibazon by electrophoresis, current 1.5–5mA,
exposure 25–30min, 1–2 procedures daily;
– pain syndrome cessation in drug addicts is performed by injec-
tion of 0.5% Seduxen solution (up to 4.0mL), paracetamol – (up
to 0.4 g), 10% solution of sodium caffeine benzoate – 1.0–2.0mL
subcutaneously, at night – 0.5% seduxen 2.0–4.0mL, paracetamol
– 0.2–0.4 g.
Monitoring and statistical processing data proved
that the proposed methods give 1.5–2-fold growth in efficiency of
treatment for pain syndrome in drug addicts.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Clinical and biological predictors of
the resistance to anti-smoking
therapy of tobacco dependent patients
O. Speranskaya
Serbsky National Research Centre for Social and Forensic Psychiatry,
tobacco dependence, Moscow, Russia
The treatment resistance to anti-smoking drugs (NRT,
varenicline) remains one the most important problems of the effi-
cacy of antismoking programs.
The role of biological signs (EEF profile, genetic changers) in the
possibility of forthcoming resistance to anti-smoking drugs needs
Thirty-one tobacco dependent patients, age 47–61, male,
smoking period more than 25 years, had the resistance to NRT (15)
ore varenicline (16) appeared after several successful quits. The
number of cigarettes was 28–60 per day.
Thirty male patients, age 42–59, smoking period 20 years with-
out therapy resistance were in the control group. The number of
cigarettes per day was 22–35.
EEG indices and genetic polymorphism of COMT were identified in
both groups of the patients.
The patients with therapy resistance had special clinical
features of tobacco dependence: the prevalence of ideatory com-
ponent of tobacco craving. The maximum intensity (up to 4 points
in special scale) symptoms of craving to smoke, correlated with
high (82.7
0.1) level of alexithymia (
= .759,
< 0.01), low values
of alpha index of EEG (
< 0.05), the presence of double valin allele
of COMT (
= 0.0741).
The presence of at least one valin polymorfism allele
rs4680 COMT
gene might be the predictor of pharmacological
resistance to anti-smoking therapy, as well as low values of alpha
index of EEG and clinical signs.
Disclosure of interest
The author has not supplied his declaration
of competing interest.