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24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805



Metacognitive factors in a sample of

Greek alcohol dependent patients

P. Stefanatou

1 ,

, E. Giannouli


, P. Tsellos


, Z. Antonopoulou



T. Paparrigopoulos


, V. Ermiliou


, M. Typaldou



Athens University Medical School, First Department of Psychiatry,

Eginition Hospital, Athens, Greece


Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Department of

Psychology, Athens, Greece

Corresponding author.


The harmful use of alcohol causes a large disease,

social and economic burden in societies. Metacognition is a com-

plex concept referring to the cognitive control and regulation of

many types of cognitive processes.


Metacognitions are considered to be an important fac-

tor in the development and continuance of psychological disorders.


The purpose of this study is to examine the probable

relations between alcohol abuse and Metacognitions with the

Metacognitions Questionaire – 30 (MCQ-30).


Twenty-three men and 16 women, aged between 22 and

64 years, inpatients in Eginition Hospital, due to alcohol depen-

dence, completed the Greek-Version of the MCQ-30.


The mean total scores of alcoholics were higher than

the ones of the healthy subjects. Namely, the group of the alco-

hol abused patients presented a higher score in comparison with

the normal group in three of the five metacognitive dimensions.

Additionally, alcoholic men outscored alcoholic women in two of

the five factors. Specifically, alcoholic men appeared to be less con-

fident about their memory and attention than alcoholic women.

Furthermore, alcoholicmen, compared to alcoholicwomen claimed

in a significant greater level that worrying helped them to function.


The above findings suggest that metacognitions

could play a role in the orientation and maintenance of alcoholic

abuse behavior. Moreover, these results may pose the question of

whether these metacognitive beliefs could be seen as an indica-

tor of differentiating alcoholic men from women. Overall, further

research could provide additional information concerning the rela-

tion between Metacognitions and alcoholic dependence.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Transformation of social networking

sites’ usage patterns – a threat to


A.R. Szczegielniak

, K. Palka , K. Krysta

Medical University of Silesia, Department of Psychiatry and

Psychotherapy, Katowice, Poland

Corresponding author.


Internet as a vast global network, consisting of com-

mercial, educational, informational and communicational facilities,

has a huge impact on human behavior. Designed simultaneously by

the needs of users and technical capacity, has become an addictive

medium thanks to low cost of usage and broad availability. Social

networking sites (SNSs) have a special place in the cyberspace. Due

to the wide range of services, additionally differing on latitude, age

and other variables, SNSs’ impact on a life of an average user is

difficult to assess.


The study assess the changes between 2013 and 2015 in

usage patterns and impact of the social networking sites on users

with focus onpossibility of dependence development and emphasis

on gender differences.

Materials and methods

Anonymous questionnaire, available on-

line, was prepared solely for the purpose of the study. Questions

were related to the types and frequency of specific activities

undertaken by the private profiles of users and based on pilot study

conducted in January 2013.


The first stage (March–April 2013) consisted of 1248

respondents, the second stage (August–September 2015) gathered

1112 respondents. Research showed changes in age of users, type

of information looked for and tools used to browse SNSs.


Private profiles are no longer used only for commu-

nication or personal expression; it is a new way of getting to know

what is happening and sharing voices of communities. As a tool of

makingmoney, which ismore andmore visible, SNSs interferewith

previous patterns of portals’ usage.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Effectiveness of aripiprazole in

remission from borderline personality

disorder associated with multiple

drug use – case report

A. Teixeira

, J. Jaber , R. Fernades , J. Veríssimo

Clinica Jorge Jaber, Addictions, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Corresponding author.

The essential feature of borderline personality disorder is perva-

sive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image,

and affects, and marked impulsivity beginning by early adulthood

and present in a variety of contexts. These individuals may show

performance in school or work situations unstructured. Impulsiv-

ity exhibits at least two potentially harmful to themselves. They

can play, make irresponsible spending, overeating, abusing psy-

choactive substances, engage in unsafe sex, or recklessly. People

with borderline personality disorder have recursively behavior,

gestures, or threats of suicide or self-mutilating behavior.


The following case features a patient whose char-

acteristics meet the diagnostic criteria for borderline personality

disorder, with positive family history of psychiatric illness (par-

ent drug addict and bipolar disorder patients) and user of multiple

drugs, particularly cocaine, marijuana and alcohol. The same has

been treated with the same professional team between 2011 and

2013, with an average of 2.3 psychiatric hospitalizations per year

and with signs unchanged until the last year, and these inter-

vals between hospitalizations patient had outpatient care when

introduction of drug aripiprazole caused the remission of some

symptoms and attenuating others, with significant improvement

in quality of life of life of the patient, as the scope of complete

abstinence from drug use and school progress.


Although this is only one case, the excellence of

result with aripiprazole in mood stabilization and improvement

of impulsive behaviors, especially in the cessation of compulsive

use, makes our attention turns to the substance so that it remains

subject of further studies.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Combined use of varenicicline and

cognitive behavioral treatment for

nicotine dependence in patients

admitted to a psychiatric clinic in Rio

de Janeiro – Brazil

A. Teixeira

1 ,

, J. Jaber


, R. Elias


, J. Veríssimo Junior


, A. Tomé



Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Clinica Jorge Jaber, Addictions, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Corresponding author.