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24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805


More than 80% of the patients demonstrated lowscores in a number

of subtests, such as “a story to be completed”, “a verbal expres-

sion” and “a story to be extended”. That was the evidence for the

patients’ poor understanding association between behavior and its

consequences, which can cause them to get into conflict or danger-

ous situations. The patients had poor ability to understand changes

in initial meanings of verbal reactions by the context of the sit-

uation caused. They poorly discerned various meanings one and

the same verbal messages may have by the character of relation-

ships between people and peculiarities of communication. Even

during the period of prolonged withdrawal, the patients are found

to poorly discern associations between behavior and outcomes, to

misunderstand character of social relationships, and find it difficult

to predict people’s behavior. All above makes difficult the process

of interaction with the persons surrounding them, reduces possi-

bilities for social adaptation, prevent stabilization of remission and

poses the risk of the addiction recurrence.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Nalmefene for daily consumption of


J. Valdés Valdazo

1 ,

, L.T. Velilla Diaz


, C. Martínez Martínez



A. Serrano García


, C. Manso Bazus


, C. Llanes Álvarez



Leon, Spain


Caule, Psychiatry, Leon, Spain


Complejo Asistencial Zamora, Psychiatry, Zamora, Spain

Corresponding author.


The level of high-risk alcohol consumption WHO is

estimated at more than 40mg for women and 60mg for men.

Nalmefene is a new treatment that breaks the cycle of continued

use of alcohol.


A sample of 18 patients of a Mental Health Centre

in the province of Leon alcohol dependent and high consumption

They received nalmefene 18mg daily continuous treatment for 6–9

months is


appreciate the adherence of patients and the

efficacy, tolerability and impact on physical health.


We appreciate reduction in the amount of alcohol

ingested observed by both the patient and their relatives without

any cases of neglect and few side effects.

We got two patients leave the alcohol completely and an average

decline in consumption over 9 Basic Units of Drink.* (90 g).

We observed improvement in the quality of life in patients with

multiple pathologies and difficult social situation.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


A case of marchiafava bignami disease

with frontal cortex involvement and

late onset, long-lasting psychiatric


C. Vecchi

1 ,

, C . G


1 , A.


1 , I. C


1 , S. D

i Marco

1 ,

A. Venesia

1 , C. D


1 , N.


2 , F. D

e Marchi

1 ,

R. Cantello

1 , P. Z




Università del Piemonte Orientale, Translational Medicine, Novara,



AOU Maggiore della Carità, Psychiatry, Novara, Italy

Corresponding author.


To describe the case and management of a patient with

marchiafava bignami disease (MBD) with frontal cortical lesions,

no specific symptoms at first referral to the emergency room, and

late onset of atypical psychiatric symptoms.


We report the case of a 44-year-old patient with

a history of chronic alcohol abuse, eventually diagnosed with



Magnetic resonance showed lesions in the splenium and

in the body of corpus callosum and bilateral lesions of the frontal

cortex. The patient showed late-onset atypical psychiatric symp-

toms, which were drug resistant.


The case we describe seems to support the existing

few ones describing cortical involvement in MBD, which suggest

that this is associated with a poorer prognosis. Psychiatric symp-

toms may be challenging to treat because of drug resistance. The

involvement of psychiatrists together with neurologists and radiol-

ogists, with a consultation–liaison approach has proved important

for the achievement of diagnosis and of the most appropriate man-

agement and treatment for this patient.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Alexithymia in a sample of

alcohol-dependent patients: Clinical

correlations and cognitive patterns

R. Vecchiotti

1 , 2 , 3 ,

, L. Orsolini

1 , 2 , 3 , 4

, M. Panichi

1 , 2

, M. Marconi



A. Valchera

1 , 2


Villa S. Giuseppe Hospital, Hermanas Hospitalarias, Department of

Psychiatry, Ascoli Piceno, Italy


Polyedra, Research, Teramo, Italy


Maastricht University, Department of Psychiatry and

Neuropsychology, Maastricht, Netherlands


University of Hertfordshire, School of Life and Medical Sciences,

Hatfield-Herts, United Kingdom

Corresponding author.


Alexithymia represents a personality construct,

characterized by an inability in identifying and verbally describ-

ing own and others’ emotions. According to the recent research

on emotional dysregulation and the alexithymic construct, it has

been described a positive correlation between alcoholism and

alexithymia. The present study aims to evaluate the presence of

alexithymia in a sample of alcohol dependant patients and, there-

fore, analyze how the presence of these alexithymic traits may

influence/interact with a range of cognitive processes such as

the anger rumination, metacognitive capabilities and dissociative



A sample of 40 alcohol dependant inpatients affected

with alcohol dependence and alcohol-related issueswere recruited,

evaluated and compared with a sample of 40 healthy controls.

A clinical evaluation and a complete clinical and psychological

assessment were carried out in order to investigate alcohol-related

clinical patterns, alexithymia construct, anxiety and depression

symptomatology and cognitive pattern.


Subjects with alcohol addiction show higher total scores

in all tests except the scale that evaluates anxiety, compared to

healthy controls. Finally, a factorial ANOVA analysis demonstrated

that alcoholism seems to be determined by the lack of emotional

recognition from which derives a dissociative state, which conse-

quently generates a depressive rumination.


According to the recent literature, the present study

identifies a significant proportion of alexithymic patients within

the sample of subjects affected by alcohol-related disorders. Other

clinical variables (i.e. depression, pathological anxiety-related

worry, anger rumination, dissociation and metacognitive capabili-

ties) mirror a specific cognitive pattern in the sample of alcoholics

rather than the healthy group.