24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805
psychotherapy versus CBT. There is the dissimilarity between pref-
erences for patients’ treatment and preferences for psychiatrists
himself/herself treatment:
– more than half of the sample would opt for benzodiazepines in
their patients but only the third of the sample would prefer benzo-
diazepines for himself/herself treatment;
– more psychiatrists would prefer to receive psychotherapy treat-
ment than they would prefer to give it to their patients.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Relationship between cognitions and
perceived self-efficacy with the
severity of panic disorder with
L. Leon-Quismondo
1 ,∗
, G. Lahera
“Principe de Asturias” University Hospital, Psychiatry, Alcala de
Henares, Spain
University of Alcala, Irycis-Cibersam, Psychiatry, Alcala de Henares,
Corresponding author.
The influence of cognitions and the perceived self-
efficacy on mental health has been studied for a long time. Some
studies have linked the perceived self-efficacy and apprehensive
cognitions with the severity of panic disorder with agoraphobia.
To study the relationship between self-efficacy and
dysfunctional beliefs of patients with panic disorder with agora-
phobia and severity of the disorder.
A systematic review of the literature was performed to
examine the evidence of relationship between self-efficacy and
cognitionswith the severity of panic disorder. PubMed and PsycInfo
databases were searched.
The studies conclude that a higher level of self-efficacy
decreases anticipatory anxiety and negative emotional states in
panic disorder with agoraphobia, reducing the severity of panic
disorder. There is a temporal relationship between dysfunctional
beliefs, self-efficacy and fear of a panic attack: changes in fear
are preceded by changes in beliefs, changes in efficacy or changes
in both beliefs and self-efficacy. Therefore, a higher level of self-
efficacy and positive beliefs have been studied as a significant
predictor of lower severity of the disorder and a greater improve-
ment during treatment.
These results support the hypothesis that cognitive
changes precede improvement and the importance of cognitive
appraisals for anticipatory anxiety and severity of the panic dis-
order with agoraphobia.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
The system prevention of adjustment
disorders in medical students
I. Leshchyna
Kharkov National Medical University, Psychiatry, narcology and
medical psychology, Kharkov, Ukraine
The problem of consolidation and strengthening of the mental
health of students can be solved by the active use of complex sys-
tems of psychoprevention mental disorders in students.
The purpose of investigation was development of the scientifically
determined system prevention of adjustment disorders in medical
In this research, were determined and systematized clinical-
aspects of mental health and state of disadaptation medical
Adjustment disorders were diagnosed in 107 people (12.86%). In
the structure of mental pathology are dominated by prolonged
and short-term depressive reaction (38.6% and 31.2%) and mixed
anxiety-depressive reaction (22.3%).
Primary psychoprevention was aimed at identification and elim-
ination markers of risk of adjustment disorder among healthy
students, followed by complex use of measures aimed at poten-
tiation of resistance to mental disorders, increased socialization,
optimization way of living, learning, relaxation. Secondary psy-
choprevention was directed to early diagnosis and prognosis of
adjustment disorder using screening for mass examination. Mea-
sures of tertiary psychoprevention based on qualitative assessment
of clinical picture of adjustment disorder aimed at making optimal
clinical decision and included the integrated use of psychocorrec-
tion and psychopharmacotherapy. Their goal was clinical recovery
and prevention of aggravation psychopathological symptoms and
psychosocial disadaptation.
The effectiveness of proposed psychoprevention was significant
decrease (more than twice) frequency of manifestation new cases
mental disadaptation disorders in students.
The development and active implementation in practice psy-
choprevention of adjustment disorders in students is one of the
priority areas preserving the health of young person under con-
ditions professional education and should be complex, maximally
approached to the students.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Body dysmorphic disorder and
psychosis: A case report and review of
H. Maatallah
, H.Ben Ammar , M. Said , A. Aissa
Razi Hospital, F, Tunis, Tunisia
Corresponding author.
Patients with body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) are
concerned about a slight or non-existent defect on their appear-
ance, causing significant stress and interfering on their social and
professional life.
Despite its prevalence and psychosocial impact, this disorder
remains unknown by many clinicians.
Methods and objective
Through a review of literature and illus-
tration in our case report we will define: the symptomatology of
this pathology, psychopathological models of the disorder and the
etiopathogenic assumptions associated with it, in terms of risk fac-
tors and neurobiological correlations.
Case report
Patient 33 years old unmarried having been the vic-
tim of an AVP at the age of 25 years causing him a head injury
above right eye for which he undergoes cosmetic surgery three
times but the patient still not satisfiedwith installation of psychotic
and delusional disorders requiring the use of antipsychotics.
The complexity of body dysmorphic disorder should
not discourage clinicians to confront this disease. The management
requires more than putting under medical treatment associated
to psychotherapy, we also need a good relationship of trust and
maintain effective working alliance.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.