24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805
The data reflect a 92% reduction in alcohol use after
6 months of the administration of paliperidone palmitate.
We can say that paliperidone palmitate is effective in reducing
alcohol use in patients with dual diagnosis.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Chronic ketamine use increases serum
levels of brain-derived neurotrophic
V. Ricci
1 ,∗
, G. Martinotti
Department of Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, Aosta, Italy
University “G.d’Annunzio”, Department of Neuroscience – Imaging
– and Clinical Sciences, Chieti, Italy
Corresponding author.
Ketamine is a non-competitive
(NMDA) receptor antagonist which interferes with the action of
excitatory amino acids (EAAs) including glutamate and aspar-
tate. The use of ketamine at subanaesthetic doses has increased
because of its psychotomimetic properties. However, long-term
ketamine abuse may interfere with memory processes and inhibit
the induction of long-term potentiation (LTP) in the hippocampus,
an effect probably mediated by its NMDA antagonist action. Neu-
rotrophins such as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and
nerve growth factor (NGF) serve as survival factors for selected pop-
ulations of central nervous system neurons, including cholinergic
and dopaminergic neurons. In addition, neurotrophins, particularly
BDNF, may regulate LTP in the hippocampus and influence synaptic
The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis
that ketamine use in humans is associatedwith altered serumlevels
of neurotrophins.
We measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
the NGF and BDNF serum levels in two groups of subjects: frequent
ketamine users and healthy subjects.
Our data show that BDNF serum levels were increased in
chronic ketamine users as compared to healthy subjects, while NGF
levels were not affected by ketamine use.
These findings suggest that chronic ketamine intake
is associated with increases in BDNF serum levels in humans. Other
studies are needed to explore the pharmacological and molecular
mechanism by which ketamine, and/or other NMDA antagonists,
may induce modification in the production and utilization of BDNF
and alter normal brain function.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Related factors with substance use in
old adults
E. Ros-Cucurull
1 , 2 , 3 ,∗
, C . Daigre
1 , 2 , 3 , L . Grau-Lopez
1 , 2 , 3 ,C. Barral
1 , 2 , A .C. Abad
1 , 2 , M .B. Ortiz
4 , R. Martinez-Arias
1 ,E. Garcia
1 , C. Cardona
1 , C. Jacas
1 , M.Casa
s 1 , 3 , C . Roncero
1 , 2 , 31
Hospital Vall d’Hebron, Psychiatry, Barcelona, Spain
Addiction and Dual Diagnosis Unit- Vall d’Hebron, Psychiatry,
Barcelona, Spain
Universidad Autonoma, Psychiatry, Barcelona, Spain
Hospital Mare de Deu de la Mercè, Psychiatry, Barcelona, Spain
Corresponding author.
Substance use disorder is a growing phenomenon among
the elderly. It is undervalued, misidentified, underdiagnosed and
poorly treated.
Study prevalence, characteristics and risk factors associated
with drug use among the elderly.
A 6-month prospective study of substance use in elderly
patients (65+) who attended the addiction and dual diagnosis unit,
Vall d’Hebron University Hospital.
Fifty-nine patients evaluated, mean age 70.04 years, 60%
men. A total of 49.1% are married, 35.8% divorced and 53.8% live
with a partner and/or children. A total of 67.3% have basic studies
and 78.8% are pensioners. A total of 82.7% have no criminal record.
Medical comorbidity presents in 90.4% of the sample, psychiatric
and addictive family background in 42.3% and 37.3%. A total of 67.3%
have comorbid Axis I (mainly affective disorders) and 25% Axis II
(cluster B most). A total of 7.7% attempted suicide at least once.
The main substance is alcohol (76.9%), followed by prescription
drugs (19.3%). A total of 28.8% are multi-drug users. A total of 67.3%
have used tobacco in their life and 63.5% are currently dependent.
The average age of onset for a disorder for any substance consump-
tion is 28.19, being lower for alcohol and illegal substances and
higher for prescription drugs.
A total of 61.5% have gone through treatment before but only 32.7%
has been admitted because of addiction. The adherence rate is 90.4%
and the relapse rate 8.3% at first month and 13% at 6 months.
Old adults present differences compared to overall
drug user population: prevalence by gender is almost equal, lower
Axis II, less multi-drug consumption and both dropout and relapse
rate are drastically lower.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Dual diagnosis patients at first
admission in an acute psychiatric
ward. Trend over a decade
A. Rossi
1 ,∗
, A . Lombardi
1 , C. Gramaglia
1 , M.Cavanna
1 , F. Bert
2 ,R. Siliquin
i 2 , P. Zeppegno
Università del Piemonte Orientale, Traslational Medicine, Novara,
Università degli Studi di Torino, Scienze della Sanità Pubblica e
Pediatriche, Torino, Italy
Corresponding author.
Dual diagnosis (DD) is the coexistence of a Psychi-
atric Disorder (PD), and Substance Use Disorder (SUD). The increase
of DD observed in recent years has caused serious problems to both
public and private services organization.
Our aim is to assess the prevalence and features (including
clinical and sociodemographic ones) of DD over a decade, compar-
ing the period 2003–2004 and 2013–2014.
We performed a retrospective study retrieving the
medical records of DD patients at their first admission to the
Psychiatry Ward AOU “Maggiore della Carità”, Novara, Italy.
Sociodemographic and clinical features were recorded. The two
groups of patients (2003–2004 vs. 2013–2014) were compared.
In both periods DD patients are usually Italian male, aged
19–40, single. They have usually attended middle school, live with
parents, have two or more brothers and/or sisters but no kids. DD
patients in 2003–2004 and 2013–2014 showed differences as far
as employment and diagnosis are concerned. The first were more
frequently employed than the latter: moreover the 2003–2004
patients were more frequently diagnosed with a personality disor-
der while the 2013–2014 patients had mixed diagnoses. We have
found differences in the possible predictors of substance abuse in
the two periods, as well.
The identification of changes in the prevalence of
first admissionDDpatients and their clinical and sociodemographic
features may help to highlight an evolving pattern of substance use