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24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805


clinical implications and suggestions for future research directions

are considered.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


[1] Moallem N. SSP 2012.

[2] Barzman DH, et al. SSP 2006.

[3] Millan MJ. SSP 2000.


Is methylphenidate a prescription

drug being sold in the illegal market?

Analysis of samples submitted to a

drug checking facility

P. Quintana-Mathé

1 , 2

, M. Grifell-Guàrdia

2 , 3 , 4 ,

, Á. Palma

3 , 4


I. Fornís-Espinosa


, C. Gil-Lladanosa


, F. Caudevilla-Galligo



L. Galindo-Guarin

3 , 4 , 6

, M. Farré-Albaladejo

6 , 7


M. Torrens-Melich

3 , 4 , 6

, M. Ventura-Vilamala

2 , 4


Institut Català de la Salut, EAP Raval Sud, Barcelona, Spain


Associació Benestar i Desenvolupament, Energy Control, Barcelona,



Parc de Salut Mar, Institut de Neuropsiquiatria i Addiccions,

Barcelona, Spain


Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute, Grup de Recerca en

Addiccions, Barcelona, Spain


ABD – Associació Benestar i Desenvolupament, Energy Control,

Barcelona, Spain


Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, Spain


Hospital Germans Trías i Pujol, Farmacologia Clínica, Badalona,


Corresponding author.


Methylphenidate is a CNS stimulant approved for

treatment of ADHD. It is generally considered well tolerated

and exhibiting low dependence potential, although diversion for

recreational use has been described. Provided that its effects are

comparable to those of more popular drugs of abuse, such as

cocaine and amphetamines, we hypothesized that it could be sold

as such.


The aim of this study was:

– to describe the presence of methylphenidate from the sam-

ples handled to, and analyzed by, Spanish harm-reduction service

energy control between August 2009 and August 2015;

– to determine whether it is being sold as other drugs.

Materials and methods

All samples presented to energy control

(EC) were analyzed. EC is a Spanish harm-reduction non-

governmental organization that offers to users the possibility of

analyzing the substances they intend to consume.

Samples in which methylphenidate was detected using Gas

Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry were selected for this study.


From a total of 20062 samples, 17 contained

methylphenidate (0,09%), with no clear variations among the

years studied. The samples were mostly sold as amphetamine

(29%), methylphenidate (23%) and ethylphenidate (18%).


Presence of Methylphenidate in the Spanish illegal

drug market seems anecdotic and stable over the studied time-

frame. Moreover, it was sold as substances with similar dosages,

lowering potential for life-threatening intoxications. Therefore, our

results suggest that diversion of methylphenidate into the drug

market as adulterant is not a concerning phenomenon.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The role of buprenorphine

maintenance therapy in opioide

recidive prevention: Experiences from


K. Radic

1 ,

, D. Bosnjak


, A. Korpar


, A. Puljic


, A. Bagaric



University Psychiatric Hospital Vrapˇce, Addictions Treatment

Department, Zagreb, Croatia


General Hospital Varaˇzdin, Department of Psychiatry, Varaˇzdin,


Corresponding author.


Buprenorphine, a partial agonist ofmu opioid recep-

tors and an antagonist at kappa opioid receptors, is widely used in

the treatment of the opioid addiction, as it reduces cravings and

effects of opioid withdrawal, decreases opioid consumption and

diminishes rewarding effects of it. In University Psychiatric Hospi-

tal Vrapˇce, the oldest psychiatric hospital in Croatia, buprenorphine

maintenance therapy is a standard and important part of integra-

tive psychiatric treatment offered to opioid drug users.


To show potential benefits of buprenorphine maintenance

therapy as a pharmacological agent in psychiatric care for opioid

drug users.


To describe series of clinical cases in which the intro-

duction of buprenorphine in therapy of opioid drug users lead to

reduced number of their hospitalizations.


Clinical cases from University Psychiatric Hospital

Vrapˇce Addictions Treatment Department were identified and the

course of patients’ treatment was analyzed. Summaries of cases,

with the emphasis on protective factors for stabile maintenance,

are presented.


After switching patients from various opiates to

buprenorphine in a controlled in-patient environment, our patients

becamemore functional and their integrative psychiatric treatment

could then start. After discharge, an improvement was visible in

different dimensions of their lives, and the re-admittance was the

exception, since recidives were rare. They continued their treat-

ment actively, in outpatient programmes of our clinic.


Drug-seeking behaviour of presented opioid users

was avoided by buprenorphine maintenance therapy provided

with intermittent psychotherapeutic interventions or usual psy-

chiatric support in aftercare. In our experience, such integrative

psychiatric care prevents re-admittances and recidives.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


New drugs: Use of everyday

substances as substances of abuse

M.D.L.C. Ramirez Dominguez

, I. Prieto Sánchez , M. Nu˜nez Caro ,

L. Hernandez Gonzalez

Complejo Hospitalario de Huelva, Psiquiatria, Huelva, Spain

Corresponding author.


Emerging drugs are a growing problem, of whichwe

have little information and clinical experience and pose a challenge

in everyday clinical practice because many are not detectable with

the test at our disposal and its effect on cognition and behavior are

not well known.


Conduct a thorough literature review of all the material

in this regard has been published both in high impact journals and

in the last International Congress of Dual Pathology.


There are many and varied new substances used for

harmful/abuse consumption mainly for their sedative effects