24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S72–S115
Two hundred and nineteen stable patients with
schizophrenia (mean age = 31.6 years, 75.3%male gender)were sys-
tematically included in the multicentre network of FondaMental
Expert Center for schizophrenia (FACE-SZ) and assessed with Cal-
gary Depression Scale for depression. High sensitivity CRP (hs-CRP)
was measured with an assay using nephelometry (Dade Behring).
Abnormal CRP level was defined by levels > 3mg/L. Current medi-
cation was recorded.
Overall, 63 subjects (28.8%) were found to have abnor-
mal CRP levels, 43 (20.1%) received a diagnosis of comorbid current
depression, and 51 (31.9%) had ongoing antidepressant treatment.
In univariate analysis, abnormal CRP levels were found to be signif-
icantly associated with metabolic syndrome (
= 0.0011) and with
antidepressant consumption (
= 0.01), while depression, psychotic
symptomatology, age of onset, illness duration, sociodemographic
characteristics, current tobacco or cannabis status were not (all
> 0.05).
In a multivariate model, abnormal CRP was highly associated with
antidepressant consumption independently of other confounding
variables (adjusted odd ratio = 2.9, 95% confidence interval 1.2–6.8).
Abnormal CRP levels in schizophrenia were found
to be associated with antidepressant consumption, but not with
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Birth by cesarean section and
schizophrenia. Results from the
multi-center FACE-SZ dataset
G. Fond
1 ,∗
, L. Boyer
2, P.M. Llorca
3, M. Leboyer
Schizophrenia Expert Center Fondation Fondamental, Créteil, France
Pôle de psychiatrie universitaire, Pôle de psychiatrie universitaire,
Marseille, France
Schizophrenia Expert Center Fondation Fondamental,
Clermont-Ferrand, France
Corresponding author.
Children born by cesarean section (“c-birth”) are
known to have different microbiota and a natural history of differ-
ent disorders including allergy, asthma and overweight compared
to vaginally born (“v-birth”) children. C-birth is not known to
increase the risk of schizophrenia (SZ), but to be associated with
an earlier age at onset. To further explore possible links between
c-birth and SZ, we compared clinical and biological characteristics
of c-born SZ patients compared to v-born ones.
Four hundred and fifty-four stable community-dwelling
SZ patients (mean age = 32.4 years, 75.8% male gender) were sys-
tematically included in the multicentre network of FondaMental
Expert Center for schizophrenia (FACE-SZ).
Overall, 49 patients (10.8%) were c-born. These patients
had a mean age at schizophrenia onset of 21.9
6.7 years, a
mean duration of illness of 10.5
8.7 years and a mean PANSS
total score of 70.9
18.7. None of these variables was signifi-
cantly associated with c-birth. Multivariate analysis showed that
c-birth remained associated with lower peripheral inflammation
(aOR = 0.07; 95% CI 0.009–0.555,
= 0.012) and lower premorbid
ability (aOR = 0.945; 95% CI 0.898–0.994,
= 0.03) independently of
age, age at illness onset, sex, education level, psychotic and mood
symptomatology, antipsychotic treatment, tobacco consumption,
birth weight and mothers suffering from schizophrenia or bipolar
Altogether, literature data as well as our results sug-
gest that c-birth is associated with lower weight gain and lower
inflammation in schizophrenia, which could be explained bymicro-
biota differences. Further studies should take into account c-birth
when exploring the role of microbiota in SZ patients.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Abnormal connectivity in dorsolateral
prefrontal cortex in schizophrenia
patients and unaffected relatives
L. Galindo
1 ,∗
, F. Pastoriza
2 , D.Bergé
3 , A. Mané
3 , N.Roé
3 ,N. Pujol
3, M. Picado
3, A. Bulbena
3, V. Perez
4, O. Vilarroya
IMIM Foundation, Neuropsychiatry and Addictions Institute INAD of
Parc de Salut Mar, Barcelona, Spain
IMIM Foundation, Psychiatry, Barcelona, Spain
Neuropsychiatry and Addictions Institute of Parc de Salut Mar,
IMIM Foundation, Barcelona, Spain
Neuropsychiatry and Addictions Institute of Parc de Salut Mar,
IMIM Foundation. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, CIBERSAM
G21, Barcelona, Spain
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, IMIM Foundation, Barcelona,
Corresponding author.
The aim of this study is to explore connectivity of
the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (LDLPC) by functional mag-
netic resonance imaging during resting state, in subjects affected
by schizophrenia and unaffected relatives.
We recruited a group of 29 patients diagnosed with
schizophrenia, who were treated with atypical antipsychotics, who
are andwere clinically stable in the last 6months and had an illness
duration range from 5 up to 15 years. We also recruited a group of
23 unaffected relatives, without history of other mental, neurolog-
ical or somatic disease and a group of 37 healthy volunteers. No
subject in any of the three groups met criteria for substance use
All three groups were clinically evaluated, and a functional mag-
netic resonance during Resting State was performed.
Functional images were reoriented to the first scan, normalized to
theMNI EPI template and smoothedwith an 8mmGaussian kernel,
with SPM. The CONN-FMRI Toolbox v1.2was used to create individ-
ual subject seed-to-voxel connectivity maps, to the corresponding
seeds of the default mode network.
Fig. 1 .Conclusions
Our results show a significant increase in connec-
tivity between LDLPC and anterior prefrontal cortex, dorsolateral
prefrontal cortex and somatosensory association areas, especially
between patients and controls. It is noteworthy to mention that
we found a significant decrease in connectivity between LDLPC and
supramarginal gyrus, superior temporal gyrus and somatosensory
association areas between unaffected relatives and controls.