24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S72–S115
The study group included 156 patients with schizophrenia receiv-
ing long-term antipsychotic treatment. Patients were divided into
two groups: 63 patients with TD and 93 patients without it. Glu-
tamate was determined in serum by spectrophotometric method.
Determination of allelic variants of gene SLC1A2 (rs4354668) and
GRIN2A (rs2650427, rs1969060) was performed by polymerase
chain reaction in real-time.
We found a significant (
< 0.05) increase of the concentration
of glutamate in patients with TD. Significant (
< 0.05) reduction
in frequency of genotype GG of GRIN2A (rs1969060) and TT of
SLC1A2 (rs4354668) were found in patients with TD in compari-
son to group without TD. In the study of glutamate concentration
depending on the genotype GRIN2A (rs1969060) and genotype
SLC1A2 (rs4354668) we observed a statistically significant change:
elevated levels of glutamic acid identified with the heterozygous
genotype in patients.
It is possible to suggest that reduction in frequency of these
genotypes increases the risk of movement disorders due to the
protective effect of these genotypes.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Cognitive function in female patients
with schizophrenia and metabolic
A.C. Botis
1 ,∗
, I. Miclutia
1, N. Vlasin
University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca, Psychiatry and
pediatric psychiatry, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Emergency County Hospital Cluj-Napoca, Psychiatry, Cluj-Napoca,
Corresponding author.
The metabolic syndrome (MetS) and cognitive
impairments, both related with poor outcomes in schizophrenia,
are common in patients with this disorder. MetS has been associ-
ated with cognitive impairments in schizophrenia, but there is no
general consensus regarding the description of various domains of
neurocognition in patients with schizophrenia related to MetS.
The goal of this study was to assess cognitive func-
tions in female patients with schizophrenia complicated by
metabolic syndrome compared to those with schizophrenia with-
out metabolic syndrome.
Fifty-four female patients diagnosed with schizophre-
nia were divided into two groups: MetS group (MetS+) and
non-MetS group (MetS
). Cognitive functioning were investigated
using the Brief Assessment of Cognition in Schizophrenia (BACS).
Twenty-seven (52%) patients with schizophrenia met
criteria for the MetS diagnosis. Mean age of patients was 40.80.
Patients from MetS+ group performed significantly worse on
verbal memory (
= 0.005), executive functions (
= 0.028) and
motor speed (
= 0.035) as compared to MetS
group. Patients
with schizophrenia who were hypertensive showed cognitive
impairments in 2 domains of cognition: attention and speed of
information processing (
= 0.004) and verbal fluency (
= 0.001).
Patients with hypertriglyceridemia performed significantly worse
on verbal memory (
= 0.005). Motor speed was associated with
waist circumference (
= 0.02).
At a mean age of 40 years old, female patients with
schizophrenia and metabolic syndrome show difficulties in more
domains of cognitive function compared to female patients with
schizophrenia without metabolic syndrome. Our findings suggest a
link between cognition and metabolic syndrome in female patients
with schizophrenia.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Comparing cognitive functions in
medication adherent and
non-adherent patients with
A. El-Missiry
Ain Shams University, Neurology & Psychiatry, Cairo, Egypt
Medication non-adherence presents a considerable
problem in patients with schizophrenia. Cognitive and executive
functions can affect adherence. The association between medica-
tion non-adherence and cognitive impairment in schizophrenia is
under investigated with limited and conflicting research data.
Purpose of the study
To prospectively assess the rate of drug
adherence among a sample of patients with schizophrenia and to
compare the cognitive and executive functions between adherent
and non-adherent patients.
Subjects and methods
One hundred and nine patients with
schizophrenia diagnosed according to the DSM-IV classification
were initially assessed by the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
(WAIS), Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised (WMS-R) and Wiscon-
sin Card Sorting Test (WCST) and six months later by the Brief
Adherence Rating Scale (BARS).
Among the patients, 68.8% were non-adherent to their
antipsychotic medication. Adherent patients (31.2%) had signifi-
cantly higher mean scores for the total, verbal and performance
IQ. Moreover, they had significantly higher mean scores in most
of WMS subtests (orientation, information, verbal paired associ-
ation, digit span, visual memory span), and higher mean scores
for; total correct, conceptual level response, percentage and cat-
egories completed on the WSCT subscales (
< 0.0001). Whereas
the non-adherent group had higher mean scores in; trials admin-
istered, total errors, perseverative responses, and perseverative
errors (
< 0.0001). In a step regression analysis, digit span, concep-
tualization, total and percentage of errors were putative predictors
of non-adherence to antipsychotic medications.
Cognitive deficits, especially verbal memory and
executive functions were the strongest patients’ related factors
associated with non-adherence to medication. Psychiatrists should
consider possible cognitive factors influencing adherence to enable
offering proper interventions.
Disclosure of interest
The author has not supplied his declaration
of competing interest.
Peripheral sub-inflammation is
associated with antidepressant
consumption in schizophrenia.
Results from the multi-center
FACE-SZ dataset
G. Fond
1 ,∗
, O. Godin
1, P.M. Llorca
2, M. Leboyer
Schizophrenia Expert Center Fondation Fondamental, Créteil, France
Schizophrenia Expert Center Fondation Fondamental,
Clermont-Ferrand, France
Corresponding author.
The relation between C-reactive protein (CRP),
depression and antidepressant consumption has been well
explored in major depressive disorders but not in schizophrenia,
which has a high rate of depression comorbidity. The objectives of
this study were:
– to determine the prevalence of abnormal CRP levels, depression
and antidepressant consumption in a multi-center community-
dwelling sample of subjects with schizophrenia;
– to determine the association between abnormal CRP levels,
depression and antidepressant consumption in schizophrenia.