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24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S72–S115


Alterations of mRNA expression of BDNF are shown on

Figs. 1 and 2 .


AT1 receptor blockade restores cognitive functions

in chronically stressed subjects, which is associated with changes

in primarily cortical gene expression.

Fig. 1

Effect of chronic stress (2.5 h, 21 days), chronic TLM

(1mg/kg, 21 days), chronic GW9662 (0.5mg/kg. 21 days) or

all in combination on mRNA BDNF expression in the mPFC

(BDNF/Tbp ratio). Bars represent mean




= 5; **


< 0.01;

Control vs. Stress; ###


< 0.001 Stress vs. Stress + TLM and Stress

vs. Stress + TLM+ GW9662.

Fig. 2

Effect of chronic stress (2.5 h, 21 days), chronic TLM

(1mg/kg, 21 days), chronic GW9662 (0.5mg/kg, 21 days) or all

in combination on mRNA BDNF expression in the HIP (EDNF/Tbp

ratio). Bars represent means




= 5; *


< 0.05; Stress vs.

Stress + TLM and Stress vs. Stress + TLIVH-GW9662.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.

Psychosurgery and stimulation methods



Neuropsychiatric consequences of

deep brain stimulation surgeries in

the patients affected by chronic

movement disorders: A brief report

S. Mahdavi

1 ,

, S.K. Malakouti


, B. Naji


, M. Asadi


, S. Kahani



Iran University of Medical Sciences, psychiatry, Tehran, Iran


School of Behavioral Sciences and Mental Health, Iran University of

Medical Sciences, psychiatry, Tehran, Iran


Rasoul Akram Hospital, Iran University of Medical Sciences,

psychiatry, Tehran, Iran

Corresponding author.

The main surgical procedure for PD and other chronic movement

disorders is deep brain stimulation. DBS has been reported to

have specific consequences such as decline in verbal fluency and

episodes of depression.

We designed an interventional study in 12 patients affected by

Parkinson, dystonia and tic who underwent DBS surgery. Patient

assessed before surgery, one month and one year after surgery.

The results proved a significant improvement in SF36. The

Hamilton’s anxiety scale showed an overall but insignificant

improvement. The mean of scores of the BDI had a great drop one

month after surgery but a raise at the 12th month (insignificant


Pearson’s correlation test showed a significant negative correlation

between age and the SF36 scores. The BDI’s scores were assessed in

relation with age. Although there was no actual relation between

them before surgery, we detected a positive correlation between

them after one year.


The pattern of changes can be related with the dif-

ferences between perioperative expectations and real long-term

outcomes. Correlations between changes seen in BDI and SF36

scores with age can be considered as a confirmatory evidence for

this idea.

All cases showed an insignificant gradual decline in digit span test,

which may be independent of the surgical procedure. Although the

COWA test could not prove a significant deterioration in verbal flu-

ency but a slight decline after one year was obvious, in addition to

one patient who turned aphasic during this period.

The outcomes showed that the benefits of DBS outweigh the slight

risk of developing depression.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Transcranial direct current

stimulation in treatment – resistance

unipolar major depressive disorder

M. Asadi

, S. Mahdavi

Tehran University of medical science, psychiatry, Tehran, Iran

Corresponding author.


MDD is a common, chronic and recurrent illness .it is

essential to reach full remission in acute treatment. tDCS is a non-

invasive brain stimulation that uses direct electrical currents to

stimulate specific parts of the brain.


Is to assess the effectiveness of tDCS in patients with treat-

ment resistance MDD.


Eighty outpatients of a psychiatric clinic were selected.

Subjects meet (DSM-IV) diagnostic criteria for MDD. All patients

had failed to respond to at least two standard antidepressant