24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S72–S115
Fig. 1
Simple models testing the mediating role of pain hypervig-
ilance in the link between anxiety sensitivity and pain-related fear
(Models 7 and 8) predicting disability and depression. Anxiety Sen-
sitivity was indexed by the Anxiety Sensitivity Index (ASI). PC: ASI
Physiological Concerns subscale; CC: ASI Physiological Concerns
subscale; SC: ASI Social Concerns subscale. Pain catastrophizing
was indexed by the Pain Catastrophizing scale (PCS). RUM: PCS
Rumination subscale; MAGN: PCS Magnification subscale; HELP:
PCS Helplessness subscale. Pain hypervigilance was indexed by the
Pain Vigilance and Awareness Questionnaire (PVAQ). AWAR: PVAQ
Passive Awareness subscale; VIG: PVAQ Active Vigilance subscale.
Pain-related fear was indexed by the Tampa Scale for Kinesiopho-
bia (TSK). AA: TSK Activity Avoidance subscale; SF: TSK Somatic
Focus. Disability was indexed by the Chronic Pain Grade Disability
score. Depression was indexed by the Depression subscale of the
Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale. S–B
: Satorra and Bentler
scaled Chi
statistic; CFI: comparative fit index; RMSEA: root mean
square error of approximation; SRMR: standardized root mean
square residual.
< 0.001.
Fig. 2
Full models testing pain hypervigilance as a mediator in
the link of both anxiety sensitivity and pain catastrophizing with
pain-related fear which predicts disability (Model 9) and depres-
sion. Anxiety Sensitivity was indexed by the Anxiety Sensitivity
Index (ASI). PC: ASI Physiological Concerns subscale; CC: ASI Phys-
iological Concerns subscale; SC: ASI Social Concerns subscale. Pain
catastrophizing was indexed by the Pain Catastrophizing scale
(PCS). RUM: PCS Rumination subscale; MAGN: PCS Magnification
subscale; HELP: PCS Helplessness subscale. Pain hypervigilance
was indexed by the Pain Vigilance and Awareness Questionnaire
(PVAQ). AWAR: PVAQ Passive Awareness subscale; VIG: PVAQ
Active Vigilance subscale. Pain-related fear was indexed by the
Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia (TSK). AA: TSK Activity Avoidance
subscale; SF: TSK Somatic Focus. Disability was indexed by the
Chronic Pain Grade Disability score. Depression was indexed by the
Depression subscale of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale.
: Satorra and Bentler scaled Chi
statistic; CFI: comparative
fit index; RMSEA: root mean square error of approximation; SRMR:
standardized root mean square residual.
< 0.001.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpsy.2016.01.053Personality and personality disorders
Prevalence, mortality and healthcare
utilization of cluster B personality
disorders in Quebec: A province
cohort study, 2001–2012
L. Cailhol
1 ,∗
, E. Pelletier
2, L. Rochette
3, E. Villeneuve
L. Laporte
5, P. David
6, A. Lesage
Montreal, Canada
INSPQ, Surveillance des troubles mentaux, Quebec, Canada
INSPQ, Statistique, Quebec, Canada
CIUSS-Capitale-Nationale Institut universitaire en santé mentale de
Québec, Département de psychiatrie, Quebec, Canada
Université McGill, CUSM, Montreal, Canada
IUSMM, PTRP, Montreal, Canada
IUSMM, Psychiatrie, Montreal, Canada
Corresponding author.