24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S72–S115
Medical University of Lublin, Department of Psychiatric Nursing
Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences, Lublin, Poland
Corresponding author.
Intellectual functioning in schizophrenia has been
associated with genetic vulnerability and obstetric complications.
The aim of this study was to assess:
– the incidence of complications during pregnancy, labor and deliv-
– the association of OCs with general intellectual ability in two
groups: patients with schizophrenia and their healthy siblings.
Forty-two patients with schizophrenia according to
DSM-IV and 43 their healthy siblings were included in the study
and examined using MINI and WAIS-R. Their mothers were inter-
viewed to gather data on OCs. The ‘midwife protocol’ of Parnas et al.
was used to quantify the presence and entity of OCs.
Asphyxia, mother’s serious illness during pregnancy, pre-
mature delivery with weight < 2500 g, labor time > 48 h, infarcts in
the placenta and eclampsia were statistically more frequent in
schizophrenic group. OCs were more common in individuals with
a family history. The two investigated groups were different in
the following WAIS-R subtests: comprehension (
= 0.018), block
design (
= 0.0001), digit symbol (
= 0.001), as well as in perfor-
mance IQ and total IQ. In the patient group, correlations between
OCs indexes and WAIS-R results include all intelligence quotients
(verbal, performance, total IQ) and 5 WAIS-R subtests, while in the
sibling group: verbal and total IQ and 2 subtests. The correlation
between Vocabulary subtest and OCs was the strongest in both
OCs may interact with genetic vulnerability to
increase the risk of schizophrenia and have been associated with
cognitive deficits in the patient group.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Premorbid social adjustment is better
in cannabis-using than non-using
psychotic patients across Europe
L. Ferraro
1 ,∗
, V. Capuccio
2, A. Mulè
1, C. La Cascia
1, L. Sideli
G. Tripoli
1, F. Seminerio
1, C. Sartorio
1, D. La Barbera
R. Murray
3, M. Di Forti
University of Palermo, Psychiatry, Palermo, Italy
University of Palermo, Statistics, Palermo, Italy
King’s College of London, Psychosis Studies, London, United Kingdom
King’s College of London, Social, Genetic and Developmental
Psychiatry, London, United Kingdom
Corresponding author.
A number of authors have hypothesized that psy-
chotic patients who consume cannabis constitute a differentiated
subgroup of patients that have better cognitive and social skills,
necessary to engage in illegal drug consumption, than non-using
Given that the prevalence, and patterns, of cannabis
use are culturally driven, we wanted to study first-episode psy-
chosis (FEP) cannabis-using and non-using patients coming from
different European countries as part of the EUGEI-STUDY.
We tested the hypothesis of better premorbid social adjust-
ment in cannabis-using FEP patients, by comparing themto FEP non
cannabis users and to their respective healthy controls.
A total of 1745 people (746 cases; 999 controls) com-
pleted the assessment for premorbid adjustment [Premorbid
Adjustment Scale (PAS)] and cannabis use (CEQ-Revised). We first
extracted the Premorbid Social Adjustment Factor (PSA) from PAS
and then performedlinear mixed models with PSA as depend-
ent variable and cannabis lifetime (Yes/No) and subject status
(Cases/Controls) as independent variables. We then considered
“Country” as random intercept.
Across all countries, PSA scores were better in patients
who had smoked cannabis in their lifetime than patients who
had not (
= 0.009). The difference in PSA score between cannabis
users and non-users was significantly greater in cases than con-
trols (
= 0.038). The relationship between PSA, cannabis lifetime
(Yes/No) and subject status among nations (random intercept) is
shown on
Fig. 1 .Conclusions
Cannabis-using psychotic patients show better pre-
morbid social adjustment than non-using patients, across 5
European countries.
Fig. 1
PSA scores by subject status (cases/controls) and cannabis
use (yes/no) across different countries.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Disrupted thalamo-orbitofrontal but
not fronto-temporal white matter
connectivity in people with
schizotypal personality disorder
T.Y. Lee
, S.N. Kim , J.S. Kwon
Seoul National University College of Medicine, Psychiatry, Seoul,
Republic of Korea
Corresponding author.
Despite patients with schizophrenia showed the
deficits in the fronto-temporal and thalamo-frontal connectivity,
the white matter connectivity in patients with schizotypal person-
ality disorder had not been systemically investigated.
This study involved 40 neuroleptic-naïve patients
with schizotypal personality disorder (SPD), 60 patients with
schizophrenia (SCZ), and 100 healthy controls (HC), and scanned on
the 3TMRI scanner. Probablistic tractography was performed using
the FATCAT software in AFNI. The target brain regions (bilateral lat-
eral frontal, medial frontal, orbitofrontal, temporal and thalamus)
were extracted from the automated segmentation and corti-
cal parcellation. Cross-sectional comparisons in mean fractional
anisotropy (FA) performed on the thalamo-lateral frontal, thalamo-
medial frontal, thalamo-orbitofrontal, lateral frontal-temporal and