24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S72–S115
orbitofrontal-temporal pathway. We also analyzed the relationship
between the white matter pathway and the Positive and Negative
Syndrome Scale and GAF.
The diffusion tensor imaging showed that SCZ and SPD
had decreased FA in the left thalamo-orbitofrontal pathway. How-
ever, SPD showed no alteration in the fronto-temporal pathway,
despite SCZ showed decreased FA in the left temporo-orbitofrontal
pathway. In SCZ, there were significant correlations between FA
value in the left temporo-orbitofrontal pathway and negative
symptoms score in PANSS and GAF score. However, SPD showed
the trend level relationship between the GAF score and FA value in
the left temporo-orbitofrontal pathway.
These results suggest that the deficits in thalamo-
frontal connectivity may be a trait marker of schizophrenia
spectrumdisorder, and the deficits in fronto-temporal connectivity
may play a key role towards the vulnerability of psychosis.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Trends of hospitalization for
schizoaffective disorder (SD) in USA: A
nationwide analysis
Z. Mansuri
1 ,∗
, S. Shambhu
1, P. Yadav
2, M. Rathod
1, U. Mansuri
Drexel University, School of Public Health, Philadelphia, USA
Thomas Jefferson University, Kimmel Cancer Center, Philadelphia,
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, School of Public Health,
New York, USA
Corresponding author.
Schizoaffective disorder (SD) is an important cause of
morbidity andmortality in hospitalized patients.While SDhas been
extensively studied in the past, the contemporary data for impact
of SD on cost of hospitalization are largely lacking.
We queried the Healthcare Cost and Utilization
Project’s Nationwide Inpatient Sample (HCUP-NIS) dataset
between 1998–2011 using the ICD-9 codes. Severity of comorbid
conditions was defined by Deyo modification of Charlson comor-
bidity index. Primary outcome was in-hospital mortality and
secondary outcome was total charges for hospitalization. Using
SAS 9.2, Chi
-test and Cochran-Armitage test were used to
test significance.
A total of 4,66,800 patients were analyzed; 50.90% were
female and 49.10% male (
< 0.0001); 61.15% were white, 25.97%
black and 12.88% of other race (
< 0.0001). Rate of hospitaliza-
tion increased from 13,035.05/million to 26,703.21/million from
1998–2011. Overall mortality was 0.50% and mean cost of hos-
pitalization was 20,995.19$. The in-hospital mortality increased
from 0.46% to 0.50% (
< 0.0001) and mean cost of hospitaliza-
tion increased from 11,504.94$ to 31,460.67$. Total spending on
SD related admissions increased from $1.2 billion/year to $6.6 bil-
While mortality has slightly increased from 1998 to
2011, the cost has significantly increased from $1.2 billion/year to
$6.6 billion/year which leads to an estimated $5.4 billion/year addi-
tional burden to US health care system. In the era of cost conscious
care, preventing SD related hospitalization could save billions of
dollars every year. Focused efforts are needed to establish preven-
tive measures for SD related hospitalization.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Trends of hospitalization for
schizophrenia in USA: A nationwide
Z. Mansuri
1 ,∗
, M. Rathod
1, A. Sutaria
1, S. Shambhu
1, P. Yadav
U. Mansuri
Drexel University, School of Public Health, Philadelphia, USA
Thomas Jefferson University, Kimmel Cancer Center, Philadelphia,
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, School of Public Health,
New York, USA
Corresponding author.
Schizophrenia is an important cause of morbidity and
mortality in hospitalized patients. While schizophrenia has been
extensively studied in the past, the contemporary data for impact
of schizophrenia on cost of hospitalization are largely lacking.
We queried the Healthcare Cost and Utilization
Project’s Nationwide Inpatient Sample (HCUP-NIS) dataset
between 1998–2011 using the ICD-9 codes. Severity of comorbid
conditions was defined by Deyo modification of Charlson comor-
bidity index. Primary outcome was in-hospital mortality and
secondary outcome was total charges for hospitalization. Using
SAS 9.2, Chi
-test and Cochran-Armitage test were used to
test significance.
A total of 443,659 patients were analyzed; 38.78% were
female and 61.22% were male (
< 0.0001); 48.19% were white,
35.30% black and 16.51% of other race (
< 0.0001). Rate of hos-
pitalization increased from 56,768.47/million to 79,44466/million
from1998–2011. Overall mortalitywas 0.70% andmean cost of hos-
pitalization was 23,568.47$. The in-hospital mortality decreased
from 0.75% to 0.73% (
< 0.0001) and mean cost of hospitaliza-
tion increased from 12,775.64$ to 36,768.58$. Total spending on
schizophrenia related admissions have increased from $1.75 bil-
lion/year $6.23 billion/year.
While mortality has slightly decreased from 1998 to
2011, the cost has significantly increased from $1.75 billion/year
to $6.23 billion/year which leads to an estimated $4.48 billion/year
additional burden to US health care system. In the era of cost con-
scious care, preventing schizophrenia related hospitalization could
save billions of dollars every year. Focused efforts are needed to
establish preventive measures for schizophrenia related hospital-
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Electrophysiological mechanisms
underlying ERP amplitude reduction
in patients with schizophrenia: A
time-frequency analysis
D.D. Marasco
1 ,∗
, A. Vignapiano
2, G. Di Lorenzo
3, A. Mucci
M. Altamura
1, A. Petito
1, M. Caroprese
1, C. Niolu
3, A. Bellomo
S. Galderisi
Laboratory of Neurophysiology, Department of Clinical and
Experimental Medicine, Section of Psychiatry, University of Foggia,
Foggia, Italy
Department of Psychiatry, University of Naples SUN, Naples, Italy
Department of Systems Medicine, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”,
Rome, Italy
Corresponding author.
It is hypothesized that the event-related poten-
tials are generated by different electrophysiological mechanisms,
i.e., event-related power increase and enhanced degree of phase-
locking over trial. The study aimed to characterize the relative