24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805
and calcium are represented over depression and mania. Here we
introduce the case of a young patient who had a treatment resistant
depression. However, his symptoms have been cured by adjust-
ing the level of magnesium, which was idiopathically lower than
normal lower limit.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Acute administration of reboxetine
reduces alcohol self-administration
but, after a subchronic treatment with
this drug, alcohol self-administration
is enhanced
F. Alen
1 , 2 ,∗
, T. Marban Castro
1, A.J. Ballesta-Garcia
M. Anton Valades
1, M.T. Ramirez-Lopez
1, M. Vazquez
N. Blanco
1, D. Ouco
1, M. Jaimez-Alameda
1, R. Gomez de Heras
A. Serrano
2, M.A. Gorriti
2, J. Suarez
2, F. Rodriguez de Fonseca
1 , 21
Laboratorio de Medicina Regenerativa, Hospital Regional
Universitario Carlos Haya, Fundación IMABIS, Avenida Carlos Haya
82, Sótano, 29010 Málaga, Spain
Departamento de Psicobiología, Facultad de Psicología, Universidad
Complutense de Madrid, 28223 Madrid, Spain
Corresponding author.
Comorbidity between alcoholism and depression
has long been acknowledged, and the possibility that similar brain
mechanisms, involving both serotonergic (5-HT) and noradrener-
gic systems (NE), underlie both pathologies has been suggested.
Thus, inhibitors of NE and 5HT uptake have been proposed for
the treatment of alcoholism, as they have shown to reduce alco-
hol intake in various animal models. However, most of the studies
mentioned were carried out acutely and there is a lack of knowl-
edge of the possible long-term effects. Clinical studies report an
overall low efficacy of antidepressant treatment on alcohol con-
sumption, or even a worsened prognosis. In addition, several cases
of alcohol dependence following antidepressant treatment have
been reported in the literature.
We aimed at comparing the acute and chronic effects
of the treatment with the antidepressant drug reboxetine on alco-
hol consumption.
We used a rat model of alcohol self-administration, and
two different schedules of reboxetine administration (acute and
Our results confirm the acute suppressant effects of
reboxetine on alcohol consumption but indicate that, when this
drug is administered chronically in a period of abstinence from
alcohol, it can significantly increase the rate of alcohol self-
These results are important for the understanding
of the clinical reports describing cases of increased alcohol con-
sumption after antidepressant treatment, and suggest that much
more research is needed to fully understand the long term effects
of antidepressants, which remain the most widely prescribed class
of drugs.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Relationship between drug dreams,
affect, mood disorders and lucid
awakening in psychotic patients on a
D.F. Frías Ortiz
1 ,∗
, J.M. León Alegria
2, Z. Fernández Guerra
O.W.M. Ali Al Shaban Rodriguez
4, J.J. Fernández Miranda
A. Gonzalez Fernández
S.E.S.P.A- V Area- Mental Health of Asturias “Hospital de Cabue˜nes”,
Psychiatry and Mental Health, Gijón, Spain
S.M. “Salud Madrid“- S.G.A.P. 8, Psychiatry and Mental Health,
Madrid, Spain
SM Salud Madrid “Hospital Gregorio Mara˜non”, Psychiatry and
Mental Health, Madrid, Spain
S.E.S.P.A- VII Areaof Mental Health of Asturias “Hospital Alvarez
Buylla”, Psychiatry and Mental Health, Mieres, Spain
S.E.S.P.A- V Area-Mental Health of Asturias “CTI MONTEVIL-Hospital
de Cabue˜nes“, Psychiatry and Mental Health, Gijón, Spain
S.E.S.P.A. III Area Mental Health Asturias “Hospital de San Agustín”,
Psychiatry and Mental Health, Aviles, Spain
Corresponding author.
This experimental trial aims to describe the expe-
riences felt by a group of patients diagnosed with different
psychotic disorders (schizophrenia, delusional chronic disorder,
etc.) inwhich the use of Benzodiazepine derivatives were related to
emergence of lucid dreaming and dissociative events (to see oneself
out of your one body, etc.), and to a lesser extent had subsequent
depressive symptoms. Fifty-six patientsweremonitored and linked
to the emergence of depressive symptoms related to the use of Ben-
zodiazepines or sedative-hypnotic. While on this treatment, they
had vivid or lucid dreaming.
To explore the relationship between occurrence
of drug dreams (DDs) and daytime negative affect with lucid awak-
ening during the course of a 9-week treatment.
Using the dream journal methodology, 56 participants
reported occurrence of dreams, dreamcontent, and ratings of affect.
The relationships between the experience of DD, dream content
(“active” vs “passive”), and affect were analysed usingmixedmodel
The experience of DD was associated with higher levels
of negative affect (
< 0.001). The occurrence of DD did not decrease
significantly over the 9 weeks of the study. Benzodiazepine users
reported a higher occurrence of Lucid Awakening (
< 0.05) than the
other drug groups (zolpidem and clometiazol).
These results are consistent with the hypothesis that
DD can act as drug-conditioned stimuli to elevate negative affect.
Although correlational, such findings support the implementation
of psychological and pharmacological interventions aimed at min-
imizing the impact of DD on patients with lucid awakening and
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
The sunshine induced placebo effect
in major depressive disorder patients
exhibits gender differences
J. Gailledreau
1 ,∗
, B. Gailledreau
1, P. Desbonnet
P. Khalifa Soussan
3 , N.Desbonnet
2 , S. Becque
Private CIC Ambroise-Paré, Psychiatry, Elancourt, France
Résidence Saint-Michel, Psychiatry, Gailledreau, France
GICIPI, Psychiatry, Toulouse, France
Corresponding author.
Sunshine increases placebo effect in major depressive
disorder (MDD) patients (Gailledreau et al., 2015). Kokras et al.