24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805
was 20. Her psychopathological progress has gradually become
aggravated, having now longer periods of depressive mood and an
important tendency towards isolation.
The patient is admitted to the Psychiatric Day
Hospital presenting with important depressive symptoms. After
various antidepressants were withdrawn, lithium salts were intro-
duced. It is then that the patient starts improving her mood.
– Dysthymia (F34.1).
– Mixed and other personality disorders (F61.0).
In spite of having an appropriate pharmacological,
unfortunately, antidepressants improve dysthymia just in 50–70%
of patients. Antidepressants resistant dysthymia cases have been
studied. In those cases, it has been necessary to add lithium or thy-
roxine. This confirms that, when it comes to this disorder, there
are many neurochemical mechanisms involved, given the positive
response to the combination of drugs, notwithstanding the severity
of the adverse effects.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Assessment of mature serum
brain-derived neurotrophic factor
(BDNF) is not superior to total serum
BDNF in prediction of antidepressant
treatment outcome
A. Eckert
1 ,∗
, T. Mikoteit
2, J. Beck
2, U.M. Hemmeter
3, S. Brand
K. Schmitt
1, R. Bischof
5, A. Delini-Stula
5, E. Holsboer-Trachsler
Psychiatric University Clinics Basel, Neurobiology Lab for Brain
Aging & Mental Health, Basel, Switzerland
Psychiatric University Clinics Basel, Center for Affective- Stress and
Sleep Disorders ZASS, Basel, Switzerland
Psychiatric Service Canton of St. Gallen, Center of Education and
Research COEUR, Wil SG, Switzerland
Psychiatric University Clinics Basel, Center for Affective- Stress and
Sleep Disorders ZASS- Department of Sport- Exercise and Health-
Sport Science Division- Faculty of Medicine, Basel, Switzerland
ADI International Institute for Advancement of Drug Development
GmbH, ADI International Institute for Advancement of Drug
Development GmbH, Basel, Switzerland
Corresponding author.
Serum BDNF levels are decreased in major depres-
sive disorder (MDD) and tend to normalize under antidepressant
treatment, serving as a treatment outcome predictor. BDNF is ini-
tially synthetized as precursor protein proBDNF and is cleaved to
mature BDNF (mBDNF) while only the latter exerts neurotrophic
The aim was to explore if a specific enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit for mBDNF in serum would be
superior to the unspecific assessment of total serum BDNF in pre-
dicting treatment response in MDD.
Twenty-five patients with MDD underwent standard-
ized treatment with duloxetine. Severity of depression was
measured by Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) at baseline
(BL), after one (W1), two (W2) and six weeks (W6) of treatment.
Treatment response was defined as a HDRS
50% reduction of BL
score at W6. mBDNF and total BDNF serum levels were determined
at BL, W1 and W2.
A high and stable correlation was found between mBDNF
and total BDNF serum levels over all measurements. The predictive
value of mBDNF BL levels and mBDNF W1 to response was sim-
ilar to that of total BDNF BL and total BDNF W1. The assessment
of serum mBDNF was not superior to total BDNF in prediction of
treatment outcome.
Not only baseline total BDNF but also mBDNF is pre-
dictive to treatment outcome. The later might represent the main
player in this respect, which supports the idea of a functional link
between neuroplasticity and MDD.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Computer-based cognitive training
for patients with unipolar depression
A. Elliott
1 ,∗
, P . Munk-Jørgensen
2 , A. Sheldrick-Michel
3 ,M.D. Hell
1 , B. Nielsen
Psychiatric Hospital and University of Southern Denmark, Research
Unit of Psychiatry Odense, Odense, Denmark
Psychiatric Hospital and University of Southern Denmark,
Psychiatric Research Academy, Odense, Denmark
Psychiatric Hospital and University of Southern Denmark,
Department of Affective Disorders Odense, Odense, Denmark
Corresponding author.
Unipolar depression is a public health problem and
is the most common psychiatric disorder among people with long-
term sick leave in Denmark. Patients with unipolar depression are
often associated with deficits in cognitive function long after the
affective symptoms have disappeared. This could explain the long-
term sick leave among patients suffering from unipolar depression.
Computer-based cognitive training has been used to increase cog-
nitive function in other patient groups.
It is unknown whether cognitive functions are
improved in patients with depression by help of a cognitive com-
puter program. Further we investigate whether this intervention
shortens sick leave.
To investigate whether a computer-based cognitive train-
ing group present a higher score in cognitive function after training
and return to their employment earlier compared to the control
The study includes patients who have been admitted
because of depression, but are finished with their treatment. When
the patients are discharged, they will be randomizes into two
groups and evaluated on their cognitive function. Only one of the
two groups will receive computer-based cognitive training. After
12 week the two groups’ cognitive function will be compared. Fur-
thermore there is a six-month follow up, to show if or when the
participants have returned to work.
The results will be presented at the EPA March 2016 in
Based on the results of study it is our intention to
conclude whether or not to implement computer-based cognitive
training in treatment of patients with depression.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Hyopmagnesium and treatment
resistant depression
F. Estilaee
1 ,∗
, S . Estilaee
2 , F. Raad
Neshabur Faculty of Medical Science, Psychiatry, Neshabur, Iran
Mashhad Medical University of Science, Radiology, Mashhad, Iran
Islamic Azad Uinversity-mashhad Branch, Shahinfar Medical
Faculty, Mashhad, Iran
Corresponding author.
Our increasing knowledge about cellular and molecular level of
brain functionality is changing the view on basis of psychological
diseases, like depression, frombrain functionality based diseases to
organic based ones. It is known that changes in hormonal level, like
thyroid, parathyroid, estrogen and progesterone hormones, could
lead to mood deviations. Also the effect of some ions like lithium