24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805
Treatment of patients with opioid
addiction with different disease
N. Khodjaeva
, S. Sultanov
Tashkent medical academy, Psychiatry and Narcology, Tashkent,
Corresponding author.
To study the characteristics of medical and rehabilitation care for
patients with opioid dependence we have investigated 50 patients.
All patients on long-termuse of opioids were divided into 2 groups.
The duration of drug abuse in group 1 ranged from 4 months
up to 5 years. In the second group, the duration of dependence
was more than 5 years. Patients in the second group of somatic-
neurological symptoms were having somatic disorders and organic
brain damage. Systematic observation in drug treatment clinics at
the place of and maintenance treatment of at least one year was
achieved in 8.48% of patients of group 1 and 3.85% of the second
group. Consequently, the role of the therapeutic factor in trying to
achieve regression syndrome pathological attraction in early stages
of the disease, we recognizemore productive. Patients of the second
group with a large weighting of disease duration was noted clinical
abstinence syndrome both by somatic and neurological disorders,
as well as by more severe anxiety, dysphoric disorders. These dis-
orders require the inclusion in the scheme of treatment techniques
aimed at more effective detoxification and immune reactivity of
the organism. Patients of the second group was added to the treat-
ment nootropics and immunomodulators. Analysis of the results
of treatment in patients with drug addiction with different disease
duration showed significant differences in the effectiveness. In the
second group with a duration of more than 5 years of addiction, it
is advisable to the treatment nootropics, immunomodulators.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Neurobiological basis of mutual
influence of stress burden and alcohol
addiction: Review of data
V. Korostiy
1 ,∗
, M. Markova
2, H. Kozhyna
1, K. Gaponov
V. Lytvynenko
Kharkiv National Medical University, Psychyatry- Narcology and
Medical Psychology, Kharkov, Ukraine
Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Medical
Psychology and Sexology, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Corresponding author.
The current situation in Ukraine is characterized by
multitude social-stress factors, resulting in an increase in alcohol
consumption and alcohol addiction, which arises as a mechanism
to compensate the adverse mental stress and different variant of
chronic stress disorder.
Substantiate the neurobiological basis of mutual influ-
ence of stress burden and alcohol addiction.
To study the biochemical mechanisms that underlie the
vicious circle of stress and alcohol addiction.
Studies the features of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal
(HPA) axis under stress and alcohol available in Medline, Insti-
tute for Scientific Information Databases (Science citation index
expanded and Social sciences citation index), EMBASE, and
Cochrane Library were identified and reviewed.
Alcohol, just like stress, affects the HPA axis, chang-
ing the reaction of its parts and, by reducing the production of
cortisol, which produces in response to stress and prolongs sub-
jective experiences of nervous tension caused by stress. Stress,
through the output of cortisol, reduces the effect of alcohol leads
to a desire to further alcohol abuse. The system includes elements
of the extended amygdala, which have as reinforcement and stress
reactivity. Central nucleus amygdala plays a leading role in the rein-
forcing effects of pharmacological agents with narcogene potential
and performs persuasive role in the activation of hypothalamic
reinforcement mechanisms. This allows us to consider neurohor-
monal system, including the amygdala, hypothalamus, pituitary
and adrenal glands as structural and functional basis of formation
depending on various narcogene, primarily alcohol.
Dysregulation of the HPA axis is a neurobiological
basis of mutual influence of stress burden and alcohol addiction.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Clinical implications of codependency
as a model of health disorders
associated with stress, in wives of men
with alcohol dependence
V. Korostiy
1 ,∗
, H. Kozhyna
1, M. Markova
2, V. Yaruj
Kharkiv National Medical University, Psychyatry – narcology and
medical psychology, Kharkov, Ukraine
Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Medical
psychology and sexology, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Corresponding author.
The potential adverse consequences, personal dis-
tress, shame and guilt presented by patients who suffer from
codependency require a more in-depth understanding of the phe-
nomenology of this disorder.
To determine targets of psychotherapy work with the
codependency wives of men with alcohol dependence (AD).
To determine the features of clinical manifestations of code-
pendency as a model of health disorders associated with stress.
Integrated clinical-psychopathological and psychodi-
agnostic research, using anxiety and depression scalesM. Hamilton,
scale of psychosocial stress L. Reeder and methods for determining
stress and social adaptation of Holmes and Rahe.
One hundred and sixty wives of men with AD, depending
on the type of AD (TF Babor’s classification), were divided into two
groups: group A, 80 patients with AD type A and 80 their wives, and
group B, 80 men with AD by type B TF Babor, and 80 wives. Com-
parison group consisted of 50 married women whose husbands are
not suffering from AD.
All the wives of men with AD distortions emotional state of the
prevalence of pathological manifestations of depression and anxi-
ety clinically delineated levels and high levels of psychosocial stress
and low stress, unlike women men without alcohol problems. It
was found that the more severe psychopathological manifestations
occurring in the wives of men with a family history, burdened alco-
hol and drug abuse (group B).
Available data suggest that a single mechanism of
family experiences a stressful situation, we were put in the basis for
developing a comprehensive treatment measures and psychother-
apeutic support codependent wives patients with AD.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.