24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805
cannabis use and all symptoms reappeared. Later he achieved
cannabis abstinence again and he got full recovery, then he was
diagnosed from cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome.
Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome is characterized
by recurrent nausea, vomiting and colicky abdominal pain in
patients with long-term cannabis use. These symptoms have been
reported to be alleviated temporarily by taking a hot shower or
more permanently by abstaining from the use of cannabis. The
phenomenon of cannabinoid hyperemesis and clinical diagnosis
remained obscure until recently. For this reason, it is necessary to
take it into account in order to recognize it and help provide these
patients early and better approach.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
The role of personality traits in
initiating and maintaining addictive
M. Manea
1 ,∗
, B. Savu
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Corresponding author.
It is well known that certain personality traits are
more linked to drug abuse than others. Psychiatrists aremore likely
to emphasize the importance of impulsivity in the connection with
substance disorders but in the following study we found an impor-
tant percentage of patients that have a substance abusewere linked
to anxiety through impulsiveness as a personality trait.
Most youths admitted for a substance abuse are highly
impulsive. Our quest was to differentiate what component of
impulsivitywasmore frequently linked to a substance use disorder.
In the study were included 50 patients admitted in the
3rd Psychiatric Clinic, Substance Dependences Department, Cluj-
Napoca. For the identification of the drug abused we used the
multitest screening kit in correlation with the results from the
ForensicMedicine Institute of Cluj-Napoca. Each patient completed
the Barratt Impulsivity Scale and the Swedish Universities Scales of
High scores on BIS-11 strongly correlated with atten-
tional impulsiveness (Pearson’s
correlation = .838) which means
high inattention and cognitive instability this being linked with
anxiety disorders. Cognitive Instability was correlated with Psychic
Trait Anxiety (
= 0.29) andMotor Impulsiveness with Somatic Trait
Anxiety (
= 0.3). Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE.
The underrecognized anxiety disorders in young
adults whom are admitted for an addictive disorder prefrontal cor-
tex is known to be the source of both impulsivity and could be
linked to anxiety as well (valence asymmetry hypothesis). Normal
0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Behavioral disorders and new
psychoactive substances abuse, a
French case series
M. Marillier
, A. Batisse , C. Chevallier , S. Djezzar
GH Lariboisière-Fernand Widal, CEIP-Addictovigilance, Paris, France
Corresponding author.
Range of drugs has largely increased the past few
years, especially with the emergence of the New Psychoactive Sub-
stances (NPS) sold online. In front of serious risks they cause on
human health, they are more and more regulated by the law.
To describe cases of extreme behavioral disorders and
highlight risks of potential forensic complications linked to these
We present a case series of serious auto or hetero-
aggressive behavioral disorders related to NPS abuse and notified
to the Parisian addictovigilance center.
Twenty cases were identified between 2010 and 2015.
Users were exclusively men, with mean age of 35.5 years (min:
20, max: 51). Synthetic cathinones are the predominant class of
reported NPS (65%). An association between NPS and sexuality is
found in 60% of cases (12); among them cathinones are used by
11 men. We observed 6 deaths among which, 5 were associated to
sexual practice. Two cases of consumptions of cathinones induced
torture and barbarian acts. Concerning aggressive behavioral dis-
orders, we quote 3 cases of hetero-aggressivity (one by stab wound
and 2 others developed an hypersexuality
exhibitionism) and 9
cases of auto-aggressivity characterized by genital mutilations (1),
defenestration (3), suicidal attempt (3), and acute psychiatric disor-
der with endangering life (2). Only four cases have been confirmed
by toxicological analysis.
Behavioral disorders inducing forensics complica-
tions exist with NPS and particularly with cathinones. The
problematic is certainly undervalued. A collaboration between
addictovigilance and forensic services has to be improved.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Early alcohol use as prognostic factor
for severity in dually diagnosed
R. Martinez-Riera , G. Mateu-Codina , A. Farre-Martinez
,J.L. Perez de Heredia , J. Marti-Bonany , M.G. Hurtado-Ruiz ,
M.T. Campillo-Saenz , R. Sanchez-Gonzalez , N. Ribas-Mu˜noz ,
C. Castillo-Buenaventura , M. Torrens-Melich
INAD, Psychiatry and Drug Abuse, Barcelona, Spain
Corresponding author.
Describe the distinguishing characteristics between
patients with early onset of alcohol use (EARLY, age < 15) and late
onset of alcohol use (LATE, age > 16), both affected of acute non-
substance use psychiatric disorders (non-SUD) and any substance
use disorder admitted in a dual diagnosis unit.
Material and methods
Data on demographic, family, and clinical
factors were gathered among subjects admitted to our dual diag-
nosis unit along three years, all of themmeeting DSM-IV criteria of
any non-substance related Axis I or II disorder and comorbid sub-
stance use disorder (SUD). Statistical analysis was performed by
using SPSS program.
We show results of 748 patients (437 of EARLY group
and 311 of LATE group). Predominantly male (73,53%) with a mean
age of 39,60
9,7 years. Most prevalent non-SUD psychiatric dis-
orders were psychotic disorder (39,97%) and personality disorder
(39,30%). In our sample, most common substances of abuse were
Alcohol (45,05%) and Cocaine (30,35%). EARLY patients had an
earlier first contact all substances as well as an earlier age of
problematic consumption of cocaine, alcohol, opioids and nicotine;
they also had major prevalence of opioid SUD, sedatives SUD and
amphetamines SUD (see
Tables 1, 2 and 3 ).Conclusions
Patients who began earlier their consumptions
of alcohol had major prevalence of opioid, sedatives and