24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805
21.75). Mean distribution of anxiety and depression symptoms
among COPD subjects was corresponding to a 10.65
3.54 SD anx-
iety score, respectively to 9.93
3.80 SD depression score. Panic
attacks were found in 43.3% of the patients.
Anxiety, depression and panic attacks were frequent
findings among severe, unstable COPD patients. More carefully
screening for anxiety, depression and panic attacks in this category
of patients, thus adding a specific psychotherapeutic component to
the COPD general treatment plan, would improve patients’ health
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Substance use disorders: Baclofen as a
promising drug
S. Gomes da Costa
1 ,∗
, O. Yanina Pasini
2, B. Maside Oliete
M.M. Balcells Olivero
Hospital Clinic i Provincial de Barcelona, Psychiatry, Barcelona,
HIEAyC Dr. Alejandro Korn, Psychiatry, Melchor Romero – La Plata,
Hospital Clinic i Provincial de Barcelona, Mental Health Nursing,
Barcelona, Spain
Corresponding author.
Baclofen, a drug currently used in the treatment of
spasticity, has been reported to be useful in reducing the intensity
of withdrawal symptoms of substance use disorders of alcohol or
other psychotropic drugs.
With our clinical case we aim to demonstrate that
baclofen reduces severe withdrawal symptoms and also helps to
achieve andmaintain abstinence in severe cases, in agreement with
the current literature.
We present a clinical case of a 68 year-old patient
with alcohol use disorder since his childhood, with familiar
antecedents, multiples relapses and associated organic pathology
such as alcoholic polyneuropathy and Wernicke syndrome. We
used to high doses of baclofen to reduce the craving andwithdrawal
symptoms. Additionally, we searched in PubMed for more case
reports and for a systematic review of the efficacy and tolerability
of baclofen.
We were able to demonstrate that high doses of baclofen
can be useful in resistant cases of substance use disorders like alco-
holism. For our case study, we obtained positive results with a large
remission, in comparison with the previous detoxications, with
doses up to 150mg/day.
We conclude that baclofen is an interesting alterna-
tive for resistant cases, with a good outcome and tolerability, in
complicated patients, with important organic repercussions.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Prevalence of substance use disorder
among bipolar affective disorder
C. Gómez Sánchez-Lafuente
1 ,∗
,R. Reina Gonzalez (General Practitioner)
2, A. De Severac Cano
E. Mateos Carrasco
1, F. Moreno De Lara
1, I. Tilves Santiago
Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Victoria, Psychiatry, Málaga,
Hospital Regional Universitario, Málaga, Spain
Corresponding author.
High rates of substance abuse have been reported
in the general population and users of mental health services. In
our environment, relationship between substance abuse andmanic
phase has not been well characterized.
Determining the prevalence of active substance abuse
among patients admitted to acute mental health unit at Virgen de
la Victoria Hospital at Malaga, diagnosed with mania or hipomanía.
We analysed urine and blood seeking for ethanol,
cannabis and other 11 substances in 140 patients previously diag-
nosed with bipolar disorder prior to their admission at the Hospital
for mania or hipomanía phase.
Thirty-seven percent of the patients were positive for
drugs. Eighteen percent were positive for two or more drugs. Males
had higher rates of abuse than females, except in MDMA and
amphetamines. By subtypes, cannabis (37.2%) and ethanol (29.62%)
were the most consumed drugs. In young age cohorts had higher
rates of active substance abuse. Dual patients had longer average
stays at hospital (2.6 days more)
( Fig. 1 ).Conclusions
Substance abuse is a major comorbidity in bipolar
patients withmanic phase. The active consumption of cannabis and
ethanol especially emphasizes in men younger than 35 years.
We believe priority should be given to recognition andmultidisclip-
inary approach to substance use disorders in bipolar patients.
Bipolar patients with comorbid substance abuse may have a more
severe course, and may be a preventable factor of new relapses.
This rate could increase healthcare costs and worse quality of life
of these patients.
Fig. 1
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Alcohol consumption in 2049 patients
with paranoia
M. Guerrero Jiménez
1 ,∗
, C.M. Carrillo de Albornoz Calahorro
A. Porras Segovia
1, J.A. Cervilla Ballesteros
University Hospital San Cecilio, Psychiatry, Granada, Spain
Santa Ana Hospital, Mental Health Unit, Motril, Granada, Spain
University Hospital San Cecilio, University of Granada, CIBERSAM
Granada, Psychiatry, Granada, Spain
Corresponding author.
Epidemiological studies have reported associa-
tions between alcohol consumption or abuse and occurrence of