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24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805


delusional disorder (F.22) rather than in general population. Alco-

hol has not been described as the main cause of the delusional idea,

but is an enhancer factor which would inhibit behavioral brake and

executive function in prefrontal cortex facilitating the development

of the existing delusional idea.


We want to confirm this association in our influence

area so this study aims to report compared frequency of alcoholism

in DD versus a control group published in andalusian population.


To reviewthe literature on the potential links between alco-

hol abuse and delusional disorder and this relationship in general



This poster presents a brief but updated systematic liter-

ature review on the associations between DD and alcohol abuse.

We will also present data from a relatively large case-mix of

2049 patients with the diagnosis of delusional disorder resulting

from a thorough retrospective, medical-record based, assessment

of patients attended in our clinical catchment area.

In our sample, alcohol abuse and other drugs consumption was

significantly less common in Delusional Disorder than in other psy-


This result suggests that alcohol and other drugs consumption can

be a greater importance parameter in other psychoses correlates

than in delusional disorder.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Opiate addiction recovery: New

treatment with buprenorphine and

naloxone (suboxone) helps bring

families together in Bosnia and


M. Hasanovic

1 ,

, I. P


2 , A.


2 , A. S


2 ,

E. Avdibegovi´c



Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina


University Clinical Center Tuzla, Department of Psychiatry, Tuzla,

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Corresponding author.


The centre for medical prevention of opiate addic-

tion established, as a part of the Tuzla University Clinical Centre’s

Department of Psychiatry, is a result of several years of coopera-

tion between the Tuzla department of psychiatry and the centre for

addiction of the University Hospital in Orebro, Sweden. By working

together, the scientists have developed the Tuzla model for opiate

addiction in 2009, a first ever project of such kind in Bosnia and



To describe principles of organization and results of

six years working period with buprenorphine + naloxone program.


Authors described principles of organization and results

of six years working period of the centre for medical prevention of

opiate addiction in Tuzla.


Once a patient is admitted to the center, a family mem-

ber or a close friend signs a statement, committing to ensure

that the patient will take the prescribed medicine regularly and

always sticks around, from the very first psychiatric interview

until the treatment finalization. This program helps create a bond

between the addict and another person, which makes it dif-

ferent from other treatment programs which usually tend to

isolate addicts in institutions. Another difference is that instead

of methadone, patients receive another drug that has shown much

better results–buprenorphine + naloxone (Suboxone



Currently, the centre has about 160 patients who come for regular

treatment and check-ups. Since the centre was established, over

260 patients were successfully treated.


The program helps families to rebuild their homes

and relationships torn-apart by addictions, through rehabilitation,

re-socialization and reintegration.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


What impact does a state of alcohol

hangover have upon everyday

prospective memory and does this

differ for men and women?

T. Heffernan

Northumbria University, Psychology, Newcastle upon Tyne, United



The Alcohol Hangover State (AHS) is characterized

by range of symptoms (e.g., drowsiness, fatigue, gastro-intestinal

problems, dry mouth, nausea, sweating) that remain after ones

blood-alcohol level returns to zero following a recent bout of exces-

sive drinking. A recent study found deficits in everyday prospective

memory (PM: memory for future plans/actions; such as remem-

bering to meet with friends or to perform a task at a specific time)

associated with the AHS.


Given the importance of PM to everyday living, it is

important to attempt to verify these findings.


The present study aimed to provide converging evidence

on the impact AHS has upon PM and extend this focus to explore

whether any sex differences relating to AHS and PM exist.


Twenty-six AHS participants (13 males/13 females)

were compared with 27 non-AHS controls (12 males/15 females)

using a between-groups design. All completed a Virtual Reality

Prospective Memory Test (VRPMT) was used as an objective test

of time-based and event-based PM.


The AHS group recalled significantly fewer time-based

and event-based PM tasks on VRPMT compared with the non-AHS

control group. There was a sex and hangover interaction on time

based PM, with the male AHS group recalling significantly fewer

items than the female AHS group.


These results confirm the deleterious impact of AHS

upon PM and further reveal that males who are in an AHS are sig-

nificantly more impaired in their time-based PM than females in

an AHS, a novel addition to the literature.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The separate and combined effects of

drinking and smoking upon everyday

prospective memory

T. Heffernan

Northumbria University, Psychology, Newcastle upon Tyne, United



Prospective memory (PM) refers to memory for

future plans/actions; such as remembering to meet with friends

or to perform a task at a specific time. Independent research has

demonstrated that smoking and excessive alcohol consumption

produce PM deficits on both self-reported and objective measures

of PM.


No research to date has looked at the combined use

of excessive alcohol and tobacco smoking upon PM, which is the

focus of this study.


The present study aimed to provide compare a group of

excessive drinkers, a group of smokers (not excessively drinking)