24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805
or renal failure, and concomitant use of other QT prolonging med-
ication or stimulants.
Fourteen opiate-dependent patients (10.29% of patients
on methadone) were maintained on
85mg methadone daily.
Gender distributionwas F:M= 1:1.8; 64%misused illicit stimulants;
57% were prescribed other QTc prolonging medication and 29% had
a documented history of liver/renal failure or electrolyte imbalance.
Only 14% had previous ECGs documented in primary care sum-
maries. Of patients on high dose methadone, 85.7% had at least
one TdPPRFs present and 64.3% had at least two.
These results demonstrate an increased rate of TdP-
PRFs in this patient group and highlight the importance of ECG
monitoring which ideally should be offered to patients receiving
even lower doses of methadone.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Place of methadone in practice of
tunisian psychiatrists
G. Jmii
1 ,∗
, M. El Karoui
2, M. Zghal
2, L. Robbana
2, I. Ben Ghzaeil
O. Moula
2, R. Ghachem
Tunis, Tunisia
Hopital Razi, Mannouba, Tunis, Tunisia
Corresponding author.
Substance abuse is a widespread phenomenon in
Tunisia. However, although the principles of prevention and addic-
tion treatment are accepted in Tunisia, the laws of our country
remains sketchy and marked by the traditional punitive approach
to drug users.
Assess knowledge of methadone, opioid substitution ther-
apy, among Tunisian psychiatrists.
This is a descriptive cross-sectional study that included
psychiatrists in the public sector, liberal sector or in training
courses. These doctors completed a self-administered question-
naire posted on the website of the Tunisian Society of Psychiatry
and the Association of Tunisian residents and young psychiatrists.
The survey includes 18 items. The questions were grouped under
three main headings:
– sociodemographic data;
– general knowledge of methadone;
– methadone and its place in their daily practice.
The participation rate was 15% (
= 35).
The average participant age was 32.13 years.
Psychiatry residents were the most represented grade 94%.
Twenty-eight percent of participants had training in addiction
= 10)
Eighty-five percent have heard about methadone.
Given the importance of the scourge of drug abuse
including opioids, political circles have expressed the desire to
improve the Tunisian legislation on substitution treatment. Never-
theless, others projects more directly related to “Arab Spring” are
government priorities.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Alcohol addiction in patients with
comorbidity of borderline personality
disorder and Bipolar disorder
S. Jonovska
1 ,∗
, V. ˇSendula Jengi´c
2, V. Oreˇskovi´c
S. Soldo Bagari´c
Psychiatric hospital Rab, Department of Addictions, Rab, Croatia
Psychiatric hospital Rab, Department of Forensic Psychiatry, Rab,
Psychiatric hospital Rab, Department of Acute Psuchiatry, Rab,
Prison’s Hospital Sveto ˇSimunska, Department of Acute Psychiatry,
10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Corresponding author.
Comorbidity of borderline personality disorder (BPD) and Bipolar
disorder (BD) has frequently been seen in psychiatry. Some authors
consider them separate psychiatric diagnoses appears in the same
patient as comorbidity; some others consider affective oscillations
a part of BPD diagnosis. Often in mentioned patients secondary
appears different kind of addictions, mostly drug addiction, but also
alcohol addiction (AA).
In this study we going to present 2 case reports of patients with
all 3 diagnoses: AA, BPD and BD. First, female patient, 40 years of
age, about 10 years in psychiatric treatment, with primarily diag-
nosed AA, and secondary diagnosed BPD and BD in development.
She had marital problems for many years, now in phase of divorc-
ing, and several suicide attempts. Second, male patient, 30 years of
age, working as nurse, not married, living with parents, more than
5 years in psychiatric treatment. Primarily diagnosed as AA than BD
and BPD and suspect, but undiagnosed gambling. Bothwere treated
several times in Department of Addictions at Psychiatric Hospital
Rab in Croatia. Both were also only in partialy, not continued psy-
chotherapeutic treatment during years of psychiatric treatment.
Still now, both were alcohol addicted.
In conclusion, we realized that both of themwere primarily comor-
bidity of BPD and BD with secondary developed alcohol addiction.
Without continued, long-term, systematic psychotherapeutic and
family treatment completed with psychopharmacological treat-
ment of BD, we could not expect successful treatment of alcohol
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB)
withdrawal syndrome: First case
report in Lithuania (Kaunas addiction
treatment center)
K. Jucys
1 ,∗
, A. Leleikiene
2, D. Jokuboonis
Birstonas, Lithuania
LSMUL, Psychiatric, Kaunas, Lithuania
Corresponding author.
Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) is a -aminobutyric acid (GABA)
precursor and metabolite that naturally occurs in the human body.
Initially, GHB was used as an anaesthetic agent but was later also
found to have anabolic, hypnotic, antidepressant, anxiolytic as well
as cholesterol lowering effects. Recently though, research into GHB
has been carried out primarily in assessing its effectiveness in
treating alcohol and opioid withdrawal syndrome. There are no
epidemiological data about GHB consumption in Lithuania, how-
ever during last decade there were observed many fatal cases of
GHB users due to GHB intoxication or withdrawal abroad. In this
article we will present the clinical case and problems which face
the patient of 2-year daily GHB consumption. There were observed
mild tomoderate abstinence state presentedwith its clinical course
and peculiarities. Whereas using GHB is becoming more popular in
Lithuania, it is very important to pay attention to this substance
and problems related to its usage.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.