24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805
Group IIa: consuming tramadol.
Group IIb: consuming tramadol and heroin by injection.
Group IIc: consuming tramadol and heroin by inhalation.
All studied groups were subjected to:.
1. detailed history taking, urine screening tests for drugs of abuse,
liver functions tests and HCV screening.
The study showed deterioration in liver function tests in
the heroin and tramadol use groups compared to the tramadol only
There was a statistical significant difference in the incidence of HCV
infection in the heroin injection group (85%) compared to 35% in the
heroin non injector users and only 5% in tramadol users had HCV
Heroin injection showed the highest risk for both liver
function deterioration and HCV infection.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Association between patient’s
personality traits and outcome of
hospital treatment of opioid addiction
M. Delic
1 ,∗
, K. Kajdiˇz
2, P. Pregelj
Ljubljana, Slovenia
University Psychiatric Hospital- Ljubljana, Center for Treatment of
Drug Addiction, Ljubljana, Slovenia
University Psyciatric Hospital Ljubljana – University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Corresponding author.
Despite different treatment approaches many drug
addicted patients continue to use drugs during and after treatment.
Personality traits are considered risk factors for drug
use, and, in turn, the psychoactive substances impact individuals’
To describe the sample of 186 opioid addicted patients
entered hospital treatment and assessing the differences in per-
sonality traits between abstinent and non-abstinent after one year.
A cohort of 186 patients consecutively admitted to the
detoxification unit was investigated. The research interview, the
Big Five Inventory (BFI), the Treatment Outcomes Profile (TOP)
were administered during the first week of admission to the
detoxification unit. Urine test was administered on the day of
admission and at each follow-up point in combination with the
TOP (after three, six and twelve months). Illicit drugs abstinence
during one year after intake was selected as a treatment outcome
Twelve months after admission 82 (44.9%) patients
abstained completely. Agreeable patients remain in treatment
longer (
= 0.20,
= 0.07). Extraversion and openness are negatively
correlated with abstinence after six and twelve months (
= –0.15,
= 0.041;
= –0.15,
= 0.044). Neuroticism is in negative correlation
with duration of treatment (
= –0.20,
= 0.006). Patients who are
less open to new experiences are more likely to abstain from drugs
6 months after admission (
= –0.17,
= 0.021).
Personality measured with BFI correlates with treat-
ment outcome poorly. At the same time personality could have an
important role in responding to treatment, but personality traits
could be at the same time protective as well as risk factors.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Craving phenomenon and its role in
relapse prevention in patients with
substance dependence
H. Dessoki
1 ,∗
, F. Mousa
2, M. Nasr
2, O. Shaheen
2, A. Mostafa
Beni-Seweif, Egypt
Kasr Aini, Psychiatry, Cairo, Egypt
Corresponding author.
To explore the phenomenon of craving in illicit drug
dependent and nicotine dependent population, and to assess crav-
ing including etiological, diagnostic, psychometric and prognostic
The total sample of the study consisted of 90 subjects
who were selected as consecutive procedure, from the detoxifi-
cation unit in El-Abassia hospital and some private psychiatric
hospitals. The sample was divided into three groups, illicit drug
dependent group (
= 30) they were diagnosed as substance depen-
dent after application of structural clinical interview SCID based on
the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders DSM-IV
diagnostic criteria exclusively nicotine dependent group (
= 30)
they were selected from the medical, nursing stuff and some of
the relatives of the illicit drug dependent group and control group
= 30) selected fromthose visiting the outpatient clinic at the same
hospitals for followup after complete abstinence for at least 2 years
and some subjects were selected from the Narcotic Anonymous.
Psychiatric examination through structural clinical
interview based on the diagnostic and statistical manual of men-
tal disorders,Wechseller-Bellevue Adult Intelligence Scale, Eysenck
Personality Questionnaire, Hamilton Depression Scale, Hamilton
Anxiety Scale, The Obsessive Compulsive Drinking Scale, The Min-
nesota Cocaine Craving Scale and Inventory of Rituals to the use of
The illicit drug dependent groups expressed highest
resistance control impairment, obsessions and interference related
to the use of the drugs; i.e., high addictive propulsions. The illicit
drug dependent patients showed highest expectations of relapse
as a prognostic outcome compared to other groups.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Gender difference in trauma exposure
among a sample of egyptian patients
with substance use disorder
H. Eldabah
1 ,∗
, H. Salama
1, M. Attia
2, O. Elkholy
Elhadra University Hospital- Alexandria University, Psychiatry,
Alexandria, Egypt
High Institute of Public Health University of Alexandria, Mental
Health, Alexandria, Egypt
Corresponding author.
E-mail address:
Heshamaru@Gmail.com(H. Eldabah)
Studies have shown high association between
trauma exposure in childhood and adulthood, post-traumatic stress
disorder (PTSD) and substance use disorder (SUD). Women seeking
treatment for SUD are more likely to have histories of sexual and
physical abuse.
To study the effect of gender difference on the history of
traumatic experiences and the mental health problems of the SUD
Cross-sectional comparative study was conducted at the
Addiction Treatment Center at El Maamoura psychiatric hospi-
tal. Two hundred adult inpatients were recruited and assessed
using a structured interview questionnaire to collect sociodemo-
graphic data, substance-use history, and medical and psychiatric
history. The semi structured psychiatric interview was applied,