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Page Background

24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805


– instructional and educational programs;

– revival of health;

– restoring and improving relationships with family and others;

– healthy living skills training (positive thinking).

The final stage:

– application of skills gained throughout the program;

– consolidation and implementation of skills and responsible


– obtaining of health conditions for further work and studies.

Mean year number of the RC’s clients is 252 (



In terms of the rehabilitation potential with advanced grade were

176 people (48%), average potential – 165 persons (45%), and low

potential – 26 people (7%) in 2014.

Providing of medical and psychosocial services, knowledge in drug

addiction prevention denotes desired effect of RC’s program.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.


Elderly-study – treatment for alcohol

problems among 60+

K. Andersen

1 ,

, M. Bogenschutz


, G. Bühringer


, S. Behrendt



B. Braun


, C. Lizarraga


, A.S. Nielsen



Institute of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark,

Psychiatry, Odense, Denmark


School of Medicine, New York University, Department of Psychiatry,

New York, USA


Institute of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Technische,

Addiction Research Unit, Dresden, Germany


Institut für Therapieforschung, IFT, Munich, Germany


Clinical Trials Network SW Node, UNM Center on Alcoholism,

Substance Abuse and Addictions, Albuquerque, USA


Institute of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark, Unit

of Clinical alcohol Research, Odense, Denmark

Corresponding author.


The western societies have a rapidly aging popula-

tion and an increasing number of elderlywith alcohol use disorders.


The purpose of the elderly study is to develop and test

an outpatient behavior therapy program for people with an alcohol

use disorders.

Aim of this abstract

To investigate the association between ages,

gender, drinking pattern and psychology distress.


The study is a randomized study expected to enroll and

treat 1000 participants aged 60+ years before April 2017; 200 in

USA; 400 in Germany and 400 in Denmark. To be included in the

study the participants have to fulfil the DSM-5 criteria for alcohol

use disorder. All participants are examined at baseline, and at four

follow up interviews. After the baseline interview all participants

are randomized to Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET); or

MET followed by 8 weeks of counseling based on the Community

Reinforcement Approach (CRA) with a module added to address

problems relevants to elderly people.


The presentation will include baseline characteristics of

the Danish participants including demographics, expectations to

treatment, history of drinking in the last 90 days before baseline

and their psychological distress. We have now enrolled 259 partic-

ipants in the Danish database. We expect to present results from

320 patients.


The data will present information about the pro-

file of 60+ years’ individuals seeking treatment for alcohol use

disorder, and thereby provide knowledge about which character-

istics that may be important when planning treatment for this age


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Cognitive functioning in alcoholic

patients and efficiency of their

correction with use of individualized


N. Bokhan

1 ,

, A. Mandel


, A. Abolonin


, A. Peshkovskaya



I. Nazarova


, I. Belokrylov



Mental Health Research Institute, Administration, Tomsk, Russia


Mental Health Research Institute, Addictive States Department,

Tomsk, Russia


Mental Health Research Institute, Affective States Department,

Tomsk, Russia

Corresponding author.


To assess severity of cognitive disturbances during use

of individualized therapy.

Materials and methods

Study sample included 40 men with

diagnosis of alcohol dependence in the period of remission forma-

tion. Methods of pictograms, “ten words”, techniques “analogs”,

“number square”, “index of functional flexibility of nervous pro-

cesses” were applied. Measurement was conducted before and

after individualized therapy. Depending on structure of cognitive

disturbances the individualized therapy included the following:

pharmacotherapy, audiovisual, vibrotactile, oxygen-hyperthermic,

resonance-acoustic and psychotherapeutic interventions.


Assessment of drawings of the method of pictograms

before and after individualized therapy testifies to increase of

number of adequate associations in 36.4% of cases, decrease of

inadequate symbolic in average from 1.91 scores to 1.77. After

therapy part of graphic phenomena-indicators of organic diseases

(in 63.64% of patients) and index of severity of organic graphic

symptom complex (from 2.14


1.04 to 1.43


0.98, differences are

reliable at


< 0.05) decreased. A set of associations was widened,

number of abstractions of high level increased in 31.82% of cases. It

was revealed that abilities to generalize and abstract did not change

after therapy. Average productivity of mediated remembering after

therapy increased from 58,08% to 71.67%. Increase of volume of

attention and its switchover capability, increase of average index

of functional flexibility of nervous processes from 1.19


0.26 to



0.16 (differences are reliable at


< 0.05) were revealed.

Thus, administered with account for structure of disorders indi-

vidualized therapy allows significant improvement of cognitive

functions of alcoholic patients.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Toxic role in schizophrenia: A review

by a clinical case

M. Canseco Navarro

, A. Pe˜na Serrano , J.M. Hernández Sánchez ,

M. Canccino Botello , F. Molina López , M. Machado Vera

Consorcio Hospital General Universitario, Conselleria de Sanitat,

Valencia, Spain

Corresponding author.


Oftenfind it difficult diagnostic approach to patients

with symptoms that could correspond to several clinical entities.

This requiresmaking a correct differential diagnosis to enable a bet-

ter understanding and addressing the disease in an individualized



Describe pathogenetic factors of paranoid schizophre-

nia highlighting their relationship with drug consumption.


Review of the clinical history of a patient admitted to

acute ward of the Hospital General Universitario of Valencia.


A case of a 30-year-old man, whose income is moti-

vated by persistent and structured autolytic ideation occurs. It

presents positive symptoms for several years and amotivational