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24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805


A common mental health disorder.

This topic choice ground of Pakistan

and try clear the women and my

country with others

M.N. Akhtar

Lahore, Pakistan

Depression: is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of

sadness and loss of interest.

Signs and symptoms of depression include:

– depression and women: rates of depression in women are twice

as high as they are in men;

– depression in Pakistan: globally depression affects 20% of people

while in Pakistan;

– helping a depressed person: if you know someone who is

depressed, it affects you too;

– to help your friend or relative.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.


Kleptomania – “it was just a small

fragrance in a Chinese store

. . .

M. Almeida

, J. Ferreira

Centro Hospitalar Baixo Vouga, Departamento de Psiquiatria e Saúde

Mental, Aveiro, Portugal

Corresponding author.


The idea that some peoplemay not be able to control

their stealing impulses emerged in 1838, when Esquirol and Marc

coined the term Kleptomanie. Although there are not many stud-

ies regarding this issue, becoming therefore difficult to establish

epidemiological data, various clinical samples suggest a high preva-

lence of the disorder. As the problem most likely become chronic

when left untreated, the diagnostic approach is very important.


Literature review and discussion about kleptomania,

regarding a case report.


Clinical interviews and literature review in PUBMED


Results (case report)

Female patient, 62 years, with history of Per-

sonality Disorder and Persistent Depressive Disorder, confesses in

psychiatric appointment that she hadbeen caught stealing. She says

that she has this “addiction to steal” since childhood, always steal-

ing cheap stuff, that she does not need, usually giving it away to

other people. She has this behavior as she feels an unexpected and

irresistible impulse to steal, with increasing anxiety, which relieves

when action is consumed. Afterwards she experiences feelings of

shame and guilt. The patient symptoms appear to get worse in

depressive relapses.


Regarding individual, family and social impact of

kleptomania is essential to assess it and to treat it promptly. Most

of the patients are ashamed of their behavior, so they may not self-

report. There are few and controversial data concerning treatment,

but it is widely accepted that co-morbidity with mood disorders or

substance use disorders is common and may interfere with treat-


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Methamphetamine as a risk factor for


A. Azhari

Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Physical & Rehabilitation

medicine, Mashhad, Iran


Cardiotoxic effects of methamphetamine have been

proposed in many investigations, but the risk of striated muscles

involvement among methamphetamine abusers is unknown.


A case-control study has begun in our teaching hospi-

tal to examine the association between methamphetamine abuse

and myopathy. The study population are adult clients who admit

in the electrodiagnostic medicine clinic since January 2015 with

complains of weakness. For each subject with myopathy, 2 con-

trols without myopathy are randomly selected from the same

population. Self-reported history of methamphetamine abuse is

acceptable in both groups.


A total of 56 persons with myopathy and 112 controls

have been identified, of whom 5 (9 percent) and 3 (3 percent) had

history of methamphetamine abuse, respectively. Persons with his-

tory of methamphetamine abuse have about three times greater

chance to develop myopathy (95% CI: 1.5–5.1) as compared with



There is a misconception among some workers that

some illicit drugs such as psycho stimulants can improve their abil-

ity towork. In contrast, this study demonstrates that due to harmful

effect on themuscles, methamphetamine could diminish the ability

to work in long time.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.


Rehabilitation for drug users in


A. Bandati

Republican Dispensary of Addictions, Outpatient department,

Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

Rehabilitation center (RC) for drug users was inaugurated in 2007.

Its aims are prophylactic assistance, advisory, medical and social

adaptation of drug users with medical and social consequences

generated by drug consumption.

RC’s program includes several strategic objectives:

– psychological and social support;

– healing and maintaining long-term abstinence;

– social and professional integration;

– family integration and improving relations with others;

– formation of interests that contribute to healthy lifestyles.

Rehabilitation process lasts 2–4 months and includes several


– the initial stage;

– basic or general step;

– the final stage.

Each phase integrates sub steps:

– adaptation;

– active intervention or integration;

– stabilization and keeping.

Adaptation (2 weeks):

– examination and consulting;

– familiarity with RC regime;

– framing in rehabilitation activities;

– motivation for behavior change training.

Integration or basic stage (2–12 weeks):

– integration to the activity of RC;

– psychotherapeutic activities;

– group activities;