24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S72–S115
Preliminary data from PNEI-MO Research Group
support the relationbetween systemic inflammation, psychological
status and development of precancerous colorectal cancer lesions.
Depression seems associated with the presence of colorectal ade-
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Epigenetic signature of glucocorticoid
receptor is associated with the
familial component of depression:
A twin-based study
H. Palma-Gudiel , A. Cordova-Palomera , L. Marquès Feixa ,
F. Cirera Miquel , L. Fa˜nanás
University of Barcelona, Animal Biology, Barcelona, Spain
Corresponding author.
Despite the fact that depression has an estimated
heritability around 40%, there is no definitive candidate gene con-
tributing to its etiology. The lack of an identified genetic component
for high-heritability disorders, like depression, gave rise to the
concept of missing heritability. The epigenetics’ field has pushed
forward new hypotheses to fill this gap since transgenerational
inheritance of epigenetic patterns has been described both in
animal models and, more recently, in humans. Depression is usu-
ally associated with an abnormal stress response and an altered
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, regulated by the glucocorti-
coid receptor (coded by
gene). Therefore, NR3C1 has been
widely investigated as a functional candidate gene involved in
anxious-depressive spectrum disorders (ADSD) although a more
comprehensive study of its methylation is further required (Palma-
Gudiel et al., 2015).
To analyze NR3C1 promoter’s methylation and to study its
association with anxious-depressive spectrum disorders.
The sample consisted of 48 pairs of monozygotic twins,
from the UB twin register, grouped as concordant, discordant and
healthy pairs depending on whether both, one or none of the co-
twins of each pair were affected by a lifetime ADSD, according to
DSM-IV criteria (SCID). DNA methylation was assessed by bisulfite
conversion and subsequent pyrosequencing.
Hypermethylation at specific CpG sites, not previously
reported, was detected in concordant twin pairs as compared with
discordant and healthy groups (
= 0.03).
The epigenetic pattern newly described in
gene may be contributing to the familial component of depres-
sion and thus could be putatively explained by transgenerational
inheritance of epigenetic phenomena.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Pilot Project: Sound pillow treatment
to improve sleep quality for patients
with depression or bipolar diagnosis
with sleeping problems
H.N. Lund
, I.N. Pedersen
Aalborg Psychiatric Hospital, Klinik Syd, Aalborg, Denmark
Corresponding author.
A well-known symptom for patients with depression and bipolar
diagnosis is poor quality of sleep. This has a major impact on the
quality of life for the individual. Most recently, an article in the
Cochrane Review
, Music for insomnia in adults, concludes thatmusic
may be effective for improving sleepquality in adultswith insomnia
[1] .A Research Project at Aalborg University Hospital, Psychiatry, in
Denmark has been initiated involving psychiatrists and nurses
from an outpatient unit and researchers and music therapists from
the Music Therapy Research Clinic at the hospital in an innova-
tive collaboration. A pilot project is started, where patients with
depression are given a sound pillowwith special designed playlists,
offering selected calm music for the patients to use at home for
a period of 30 days. The listening periods are registered by the
patients. Questionnaires are filled out before and after the listening
period. A short semi-structured interview is taking place four times
throughout the listening period and as a follow-up, when patients
come in for control.
The aim is to investigate, whether music listening is helpful to
improve sleep quality and quality of life, and to investigate if music
listening can limit or replace medication. Discussion of first results.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
[1] Jespersen, Koenig, Jennum, Vuust. Cochrane Rev 2015,
http://dx. doi.org/10.1002/14651858.CD010459.pub2[Wiley & Sons Ltd.].
Sex differences in depressive
symptomatology in patients with
chronic hepatitis C during pegylated
interferon alpha therapy: A 72-week
prospective study
Z. Pavlovic
1 ,∗
, M .Jasovic-Gasic
2 , D.Delic
3 , N.Maric
1 ,O. Vukovic
4 , S. Pejovic
School of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Clinic for Psychiatry,
Clinical Centre of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia
School of Medicine, University of Belgrade, School of Medicine,
University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
School of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Institute of Infectious
and Tropical Diseases, Belgrade, Serbia
School of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Institute of Mental
Health, Belgrade, Serbia
Clinic for Psychiatry, Clinical Centre of Serbia, Clinic for Psychiatry,
Clinical Centre of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia
Corresponding author.
Treatment with pegylated interferon alpha (PEG-
IFN- ) is associated with depression more frequently in chronic
hepatitis C (CHC) patients than with other inflammatory diseases.
To prospectively asses sex differences in the preva-
lence of depression in CHC patients during the PEG-IFN- , as well
as in the CHC group with no therapy.
Sample consisted of 103 subjects with CHC on the
PEG-IFN- and 103 subjects with CHC without interferon ther-
apy. The diagnosis of depressive disorder was established by using
Structured Clinical Interview and Criteria of International Classifi-
cation Disorder. The severity of depression was assessed by using
Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAMD
8) prior to PEG-IFN-
(baseline) and at the follow-up visits (4th, 12th, 24th, 48th, 72nd
During the course of PEG-IFN- , 49.5% of subjects showed
depressive symptomatology (HAMD
8). Except at baseline and
in the 72nd week, on the all other follow-up visits the preva-
lence of depression was significantly higher in female subjects
s < 0.05). The strongest difference was observed in the 12th
week: of all the subjects with HAMD
8, 68.8% were female and