24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S72–S115
FondaMental Academic Centers of Expertise for Schizophrenia
(FACE-SZ) group, France
Corresponding author.
The relation of social cognitive disorders and schizophrenic symp-
toms are well-established. Yet, assessment methods have not
reached a consensus. In addition, causal paths betweenneurocogni-
tion, social cognition, symptoms and functional expression are not
clearly understood. During the past few years, some authoritative
accounts proposed specialized batteries of tests and emphasized
theory of mind, emotion recognition, and interpretation bias con-
– NIMH’s “Social cognition psychometric evaluation” battery
(PinkhamAE, Penn DL, GreenMF, Harvey PD.
Schizophrenia Bulletin
– “Social cognition and functioning in schizophrenia” (Green MF,
Lee J, Ochsner KN.
Schizophrenia Bulletin
, 2013).
Interestingly, these accounts stemming either from expert con-
sensus and psychometric considerations or from neuroscience
knowledge recognized some difficulties in providing a fully usable
set of instruments. The project described here (EVACO proto-
col, funded by the Programme Hospitalier de Recherche Clinique
national) follows an alternative approach and aims at providing
a psychometrically validated battery. Based on a cognitive neu-
ropsychology view on schizophrenic functional disability, several
tests were gathered and are assessed in a 12-months multi-center
follow-up of 160 individuals with schizophrenia. The FondaMen-
tal foundation network of Expert Centers is involved in recruiting
patients from eight centers (Clermont-Ferrand, Colombes, Créteil,
Grenoble, Marseille, Montpellier, Strasbourg, Versailles). To-date,
the first evaluation of the population has been achieved. Experience
reports and inclusions follow-up demonstrate the good acceptabil-
ity of this battery both on the patients and the evaluator’s side.
We emphasize the usefulness of this project to meet the clinicians’
needs of validated social cognition tools, by describing different
scenarios of use.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
The relationship between premorbid
adjustment and cognitive dysfunction
in schizophrenia
P. Stefanatou
1 ,∗
, C.S. Karatosidi (MSc)
2, E. Kattoulas
N. Stefanis
1, N. Smyrnis
Eginition Hospital, Medical School, University of Athens, 1st
Department of Psychiatry, Athens, Greece
Eginition Hospital, Medical School, University of Athens, Clinical
Neuropsychology, Athens, Greece
Corresponding author.
Premorbid adjustment (PA) is one of the main
prognostic indicators of schizophrenia. Both social and cognitive
deficits observed during the premorbid period hold a predictive
value for the onset of schizophrenia.
To investigate how cognitive functions are related to
aspects of PA.
To examine the relationship of each PA domain (academic
and social) at each of the three developmental stages (childhood,
early adolescence and late adolescence), aswell as their coursewith
the cognitive functions in schizophrenia patients.
PA, intellectual quotient (IQ), verbal learning, mem-
ory, processing speed, executive functions and verbal fluency were
assessed using PAS, WAIS, RAVLT, TMT, WCST and COWAT meas-
ures respectively in a sample of 85 clinically stabilized male
schizophrenia inpatients.
Negative correlations emerged between academic PA
during adolescence and both verbal IQ and processing speed, while
positive correlations were found with working memory. Negative
correlations emerged between deterioration in academic PA dur-
ing adolescence and both processing speed and immediate auditory
verbal recall, while correlations with verbal learning were positive.
There was no relationship between cognitive functions and either
social PA or its deterioration.
Our findings revealed significant associations
between both academic PA and its course with cognitive functions
in schizophrenia patients. In summary, deficits in several fields
of cognitive functions seem to follow a different path long before
and after the onset of the disease, but further investigation is
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpsy.2016.01.023Comorbidity/dual pathologies
Role of metabolic, atherogenetic and
psychological factors in patients with
colorectal adenomas: Preliminary
results of the psycho-Neuro-
Endocrino-Immunology Modena
(PNEI-MO) Research Group
S. Ferrari
1, S. Mancini
1, S. Alboni
1, C. Artoni
1, A. Fabbrizzi
L. Feltri
1, G. Galli
1, A. Guicciardi
1, M. Marchi
1, F. Mariani
G. Mattei
1 ,∗
, G. Pollutri
1, S. Saraceni
1, P. Sena
1, G. Spiga
S. Tassi
1, C. Visentini
1, L. Roncucci
1, A. Merighi
2, M. Marsico
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Department of
Clinical-Diagnostic Medicine and Public Health, Modena, Italy
Policlinico Hospital, Endoscopy Unit, Modena, Italy
Corresponding author.
Pro-inflammatory states of the large bowel have
a multifactorial aetiology, including metabolism, atherogenesis,
and psychological determinants. Inflammation plays a role in
depressive and anxiety disorders, is tightly associated with early
pro-atherogenetic alterations and metabolic dysregulation, and is
also a key factor for the development of colorectal cancer.
To investigate the association between pro-atherogenetic
factors, metabolic status, psychological assessment and presence
of colorectal adenomas.
Case-control study, approved by the local Ethic Com-
mittee. Patients aged 40 or more and undergoing colonoscopy
for positive faecal blood test and/or abdominal symptoms, with
a negative history for neoplasia or inflammatory bowel dis-
eases, were enrolled. For each patient the following data were
collected: waist and hip circumferences, BMI, arterial pressure,
fasten serum glycemia, current medications. Beside colonoscopy,
carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) was assessed by means
of echographic evaluation. Psychometric assessment included
HADS, TCI, IMSA, SF-36. Statistics performed with SigmaPlot v.12
Preliminary results are available for 18 patients
(male/female 8/10) Mean age 62.6
8.4. Ten patients had at
least one adenoma, 8 patients had no lesions. The following differ-
ences were noticeable: HADS-depression (mean
SD) adenoma
vs. no-adenoma: 4.9
3.2 vs. 1.7
1.8 (
< .01); IMT median value
adenoma vs. no-adenoma: 793 vs. 638 micrometers (
= .04); Body
weight (mean
SD) adenoma vs. no-adenoma: 66.4
8.7 kg vs.
15.3 kg (
= .03); waist circumference (mean
SD) adenoma
vs. no-adenoma: 105.2
13.4 cm vs. 89.5
4.7 cm (
< .01).