24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805
CSM San Antonio Abad León, Complejo Asistencial Universitario de
León, Leon, Spain
CSM Virgen del Mirón Soria, CSM Virgen del Mirón Soria, Soria,
Hospital de Día, Complejo Asistencial Universitario de León,
Complejo Asistencial Universitario de León, Leon, Spain
Hosp. Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca, Hosp. Universitario
Virgen de la Arrixaca, Murcia, Spain
C.S.M. Lorca, C.S.M. Lorca, Lorca, Spain
Unidad de Agudos del Complejo Asistencial Universitario de León,
Leon, Spain
Corresponding author.
Huntington’s Korea or Huntington’s disease is a pathology of the
nervous central system that provokes involuntary movements
those who are named Korea or San Vito’s evil, changes of conduct,
psychiatric alterations and dementia. It thinks that it is a slightly
frequent disease among the caucasian ones (1 every 100,000 or
200,000 persons), except in Venezuela that has the highest rate of
the world (1 every 10,000). It is named badly of San Vito because
he was the saint, the one that was evoked to treat this type of
disease. It is a neurodegenerative disease and is accompanied of
atrophy of the fluted body and loss of neurons on decrease of neuro-
transmitters. Members’ spasmodic movements and facial muscles
as dance, uncoordination motorboat. These movements woke fear
and superstition up in an epoch. Alterations motorboats attitude,
march and abnormal movements. Loss of weight for faults in swal-
lowing besides the loss of calories (approximately 4000 daily ones
for the constant movement). Not only it is a disease motorboat,
the patient loses aptitude to communicate and dies in 10-15 years.
There are psychiatric symptoms as the depression, changes of per-
sonality, decrease of intellectual capacity and suicide. Let’s sense
beforehand a clinical case of a 69-year-old patient with psychi-
atric depressive precedents of years of evolution with treatment
psychopharmacology and worsening in last 2 years. Treatment is
prescribed with antipsychotic and before a not well-taken quake,
is studied by neurology who diagnoses Huntington’s disease.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Peculiarities of comorbid addictions
in neurotic disorders
N.O. Maruta
, S.P. Kolyadko , M.M. Denysenko , G.Y. Kalenska ,
V.Y. Fedchenko
Institute of neurology - psychiatry - and narcology of the NAMS of
Ukraine, department of neuroses and borderline conditions, Kharkov,
Corresponding author.
Under contemporary social circumstances, there is
a tendency to increasing of amount of persons disposed to addictive
behavior (AB) as a mean to remove psychoemotional tension and
to solve their significant problems. This tendency raises in patients
with neurotic disorders (ND) that influences on clinical manifesta-
tions of the pathology and impedes diagnosis and timely care for
this category of patients.
To investigate AB in the structure of neurotic disorders
(F44.7, F40.8, F48.0).
Assessment of personal addictive status with AUDIT-
like tests to detect disorders related to substance and non-
substance abuse; 109 patients with ND (main group) and 52
persons without ND (control group) were examined.
It was revealed that patients with ND had significantly
higher risk of AB formation (59.73% compared with 21.15% in
healthy persons;
< 0.0001). According to the group comparison,
in patients with ND levels of AB expression on parameters of “Job”
(12.06 points), “Food” (11.98 points), “Internet” (11.10 points),
“TV” (8.82 points), “Shopping” (6.59 points) were significantly
higher than in healthy persons (9.73; 9.23; 9.00; 7.38; 4.25 points,
< 0.05). However, levels of keenness on computer
were significantly higher in healthy persons (3.48 points) than in
patients with ND (2.34 points;
< 0.05). AB connected with sub-
stance abuse was not registered in the groups.
The results suggest that the patients use AB in forms
of food, Internet, job, TV, shopping dependencies as a subcon-
scious mechanism substituting unsatisfied needs and decreasing
motivation-emotional tension under conditions of a frustration
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Disorders of anxious-depressive
spectrum in patients with
cardiovascular disease
A. Medvid
1 ,∗
, O. Pityk
2, M. Ivantsiv
Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
Ivano-Frankivsk national medical university, psychiatry-narcology
and medical psychology, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
Corresponding author.
Anxious-depressive disorder is a serious medical
and social problem, significantly affecting the quality of life of
patients with somatic profile. In this paper, we analyzed the inci-
dence and severity of comorbid psychiatric disorders in patients
with hypertension and heart failure, a comparative assessment of
anxiety and depression, according to the sex and age of the patient,
reflected the impact of mood disorders on the quality of life of
patients with cardiovascular disease.
1. To investigate the anxious-depressive disorder in
patients with hypertension and the syndrome of heart failure. 2.
Rate the quality of life of patients with hypertension and heart fail-
ure with affective comorbid disorders of depressive spectrum. 3.
To assess the anxiety and depression, according to the sex and age
of the investigative patients.
The aim of this study was to establish the influence of the
level of anxiety and depression on quality of life and clinical mani-
festations of heart failure and hypertension based on gender.
We used the following methods: Zung Scale of depres-
sion self-assessment, Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A), a
technique of assessing the quality of life of the EuroQoL-5Dmethod.
Undoubtedly available anxious-depressive disorders are
the basis for accession to the classical scheme of treatment of CHD
or GB psychotherapeutic correction and psychotropic drug therapy.
There is reason to assume that the connection of
antidepressants may contribute to the reduction of risk of cardio-
vascular events and to facilitate the flow of cardiovascular diseases,
to improve quality of life of patients.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Is social attachment an addictive
disorder? Role of the latest findings in
the opioid system
G. Montero González
1 ,∗
, M.S. Mondragón Ega˜na
Hospital of Zamudio. Red de Salud Mental de Bizkaia- Osakidetza.,
Psichiatry, Zamudio, Spain
Hospital of Galdakao- Osakidetza, Psichiatry- Unidad de
Desintoxicación, Galdakao, Spain
Corresponding author.