24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Quality of life in patients with asthma
R. Ennaoui
1 ,∗
, M .Turki
1 , N.Moussa
2 , S. Sellami
2 ,N. Halouani
1 , I. Gassara
1 , N.Hamza
1 , J. Aloulou
1 , S. Kammoun
2 ,O. Amami
Hédi Chaker University Hospital, Psychiatry B department, Sfax,
Hédi Chaker University Hospital, pulmonary department, Sfax,
Corresponding author.
Quality of life (QoL) is a complex concept that
depends onmany factors such as life style, past experiences, expec-
tations, future plans and ambitions. It may be altered in patients
suffering from chronic disease.
Assess QoL in patients with asthma as well as associ-
ated factors.
We conducted a cross-sectional, descriptive and ana-
lytic study, including 30 patients followed for asthma at pulmonary
outpatient department, Hedi Chaker Hospital, Sfax, Tunisia. Asthma
control level was evaluated by the Asthma Control Test (ACT). QoL
was assessed using the 36-item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36),
that contains 36 questions grouped into 8 domains (D1: Physical
Functioning, D2: Role limitations due to physical problems, D3:
Bodily Pain, D4: General Health, D5: Vitality, D6: Social Function-
ing, D7: Role limitations due to emotional problems and D8: Mental
The mean age was 51 ans. The mean duration of disease
was 11 years. The average ACT score was 16.8 points. Asthma was
uncontrolled in 1/3 of patients. The mean of average overall scores
SF-36 was 46.22. QoL was altered in 83.3% of patients. The most
altered domains were D8 followed by D7then D4 and D2. The aver-
age overall score SF-36was correlated to ACT score (
< 0.001), early
age of onset of the disease (
= 0.049) and poor asthma control
< 0.001). Altered QoL was associated to advanced age (
= 0.016),
long duration of disease (
< 0.001) and low ACT score (
= 0.034).
Optimum asthma and associated comorbidities sup-
port would improve control and therefore the patient’s quality of
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Prevalence of alcohol consumption in
psychiatric consultations and drug
addiction consultations by application
the cage questionnaire camouflaged
F.J. Zamora Rodríguez
1 ,∗
, I. González Martínez
1 ,L. Tolosa Gutiérrez
1 , J.M. Zoido Ramos
ESM Zafra, Psychiatry, Zafra, Spain
Centro de Drogodependencias de Extremadura, Psychiatry, Badajoz,
Corresponding author.
Alcohol consumption associated with other psychi-
atric disorders in outpatient psychiatric comorbidity is a common,
yet often underdiagnosed and undertreated, resulting in a worse
prognosis of both diseases.
To evaluate the prevalence of alcohol consumption in
psychiatric outpatient consultations and compared to drug addic-
tion consultations.
A total of 25 outpatient psychiatrists of Extremadura
and 10 doctors of substance abuse centers of Extremadura (CEDEX)
participated in the study. They were included in the study a total of
373 patients, 244 who were in treatment at mental health center
and 129 as a center of drugs.
Themean age of patients in psychiatric consultations was
50.05 years and 42.60 years of CEDEX. The percentage of women
was 54% of cases in psychiatric consultations and 18.6% in the
CEDEX. Diagnoses included in psychiatric consultations were: anx-
iety disorders (17.2%), depressive disorders (46.3%); personality
disorders (7.8%); mild mental retardation (2.5%); psychotic disor-
ders (12.3%); dementia (2.5%); bipolar disorder (6.1%); and ADHD
(1.2%). In the consultations of drugs they were: 45.4% alcohol
dependent; 15.7% to cannabis; 13.3% cocaine; 10.9% heroin; 8.1%
more heroin to cocaine; and 6.6% to other addictions. A total of
18.9% of patients in psychiatric consultations had a score of 2 or
more in the CAGE and 62.8% of the CEDEX.
We found nearly a fifth of the patients attending
psychiatric outpatient clinics which have a hazardous drinking,
harmful or alcohol dependence, for almost two thirds of drug
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Prevalence of problematic alcohol
consumption in patients with anxiety
of depressive disorders
M.D.C. García Mahía
, Á. Fernández Quintana
CHU A CORU ˜NA, Psychiatry, A Coru˜na, Spain
Corresponding author.
Depression and alcohol problems are common in
psychiatric outpatients, but there are fewstudies including patients
with anxiety disorders.
To study the prevalence of problematic alcohol consump-
tion in a sample of patients diagnosed of anxiety or depressive
disorder and treated in amental health clinic and to analyze clinical
and sociodemographic variables associated to alcohol consump-
The sample studied included 194 outpatients (31.9%
men and 68.1% women) treated in an outpatient clinic and diag-
nosed of any anxiety or depressive disorder included in DSM-IVTR
as main diagnose. Instruments used were Beck Depression Inven-
tory (BDI), and the Alcohol Use Identification Test (AUDIT). Other
variables studied included age, civil status, level of studies, and
specific psychiatric diagnoses.
A total of 64.9% were diagnosed of anxiety disorder and
35.1% were diagnosed of depressive disorder. The prevalence of
problematic alcohol consumption was 7.8%, being more frequent
in men, especially in men and in middle ages. Problematic alco-
hol consumption was found with more frequency in patients with
generalized anxiety disorder and major depression, in this order.
Patients with other comorbidity disorders in Axis II presented the
highest prevalences of problematic alcohol consumption.
Problematic alcohol consumption presents high
prevalence in patients with anxiety or depressive disorders and
dual diagnose usually is associated with poor prognosis. It is nec-
essary to make efforts to detect alcohol problematic consumption
in psychiatric patients and develop specific treatment programs
directed to this group of patients in both primary and specialized
care units.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.