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24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805

for research and treatment with the aim of improving understand-

ing and providing gender sensitive services.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Parkinsonism and mental health

disorders among Latino migrants

L. Herrera Duran

1 ,

, N . M


2 , Y. W


1 , M.




Massachusetts General Hospital, Disparities Research Unit, Boston,



Massachusetts General Hospital, Department of Neurology, Boston,


Corresponding author.


Mental health disorders and parkinsonism (mobil-

ity slowness, rigidity, rest tremor, gait instability) often co-exist.

Approximately 40% of the 7-10 million people living with Parkin-

son’s disease globally experience co-existent depression and/or

anxiety. Furthermore, people treated with dopamine-blocking

medications (antipsychotics, antiemetics) or those who suffer

vascular, infectious, toxic, or structural brain insults may have

symptoms of “secondary” parkinsonism.


To describe the existence of parkinsonism among

Latino immigrants with behavioral health and substance abuse



Data from the International Latino Partnership (ILRP)

gathered at primary care clinics in Boston, Madrid, and Barcelona

included 4 parkinsonism screening questions.


A total of 151 participants out of 567 (26.6%) screened

positive for at least one parkinsonism question and 15 (2.6%)

screened positive for all 4 questions. A small group of partic-

ipants who screened positive for parkinsonism had co-existent

schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder, and/or

exposure to lithiumor valproic acid. We found that age 50+, depres-

sion, and anxiety were more often associated with people having



< 01). Gender, race, language, and educational level

were not significant predictors of parkinsonism.


Parkinsonism and behavioral health disorders co-

exist among Latino immigrants in the United States and Spain. This

may be related in part to exposure to dopamine-blocking medi-

cations. Future studies should focus on early detection of mental

health co-morbidities among Parkinson’s disease patients as well

as on prevention of “secondary” parkinsonism among people living

with mental health disorders.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Most frequent clinic comorbibities in

hospitalized patients in a psychiatric


J. Jaber

, J. V

eríssimo (Jr) , T.T. Raposo , B. Reys

Clínica Jorge Jaber, Saúde Mental, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Corresponding author.


Being hospitalized in a psychiatric clinic, patients

present, in addition to the diseases that determine the hospitaliza-

tion, clinic comorbidities, generally decompensated.


To present the most frequent clinic pathologies in a

population of hospitalized patients having diversemental disorders

and establish a protocol for investigation and their early treatment.


To know the most frequent pathologies in a population of

hospitalized psychiatric patients and establish a protocol for their

assesment, in a way that contributes to the global improvement of

the patient health condition.


For its mission realization, the clinic counts on a multi-

disciplinary team. The participants were 762 patients, seen in the

referred clinic, which presented a minimum period of hospitaliza-

tion of 10 days and that were submitted to thorough clinic exam

and complementary routine exams. The time frame referred to the

period of March of 2012 to February of 2014, totalizing 24 months.


In the patients that had medical release after periods of

hospitalization of, 90-day average, were obtained, in the totality of

the cases, excellent evolution, evidenced by the improvement of

the laboratory parameters.


The results were achieved in the hospitalization sys-

tem with careful medicament administration, differentiated diets

established in agreement with the patients, supervised physical

activities and psychological and psychiatric support.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The influence menopausal metabolic

syndrome on psycho-emotional status

of the women

D. Kayumova

1 ,

, N. Khodjaeva


, S. Kayumova



Tashkent medical academy, obstetrics and gynecology for GP,

Tashkent, Uzbekistan


Tashkent medical academy, psychiatry, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


Tashkent pediatric medical institute, therapy, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Corresponding author.

The metabolic syndrome (MetS) beside in peri- and post-

menopausal women vastly reduces their quality of life. One of

forming estimations quality of life is a change on the part of the

psycho-emotional status of the women.

The purpose of the study

Determination of the influence

menopausal MetS beside peri- and postmenopausal women on

psycho-emotional sphere to their life. The organized study 581

peri- and postmenopausal women (45-55 years). Depending on

presence or absences component MetS, all women were divided

into 2 groups - with presence of the criterion MetS (1 group,


= 470) and without MetS (2 groups,


= 111). Stating the diagno-

sis, MetS were a criteria IDF (2005). The estimation of presence and

degree anxiety and depression conducted on the grounds of Hos-

pital Anxiety and Depression scale. The estimation of the psychic

status conducted by means of Mini Mental State Examination. The

1-group women practically in 1,5 once was more often revealed

subclinical expressed anxiety (30%) and depression (21,9%), than

beside 2 groups (21,6 and 17,2%). Cognitive frustration - beside

5,1% and 2,7%. Either as at recommendations of the interpreting

the testMMSE, after undertaking the treatment anxiety and depres-

sion besidewomenwith componentMetS, us againmarkedwomen

of the 1 group. It is revealed that in spite of reduction sign anx-

iety and depression in 2 times practically, accordingly on group,

improvement cognitive status was flat. Reasonable alongside with

psycho-corrective therapy to conduct the preventive maintenance

and treatment menopausal MetS for the reason improvements

quality of life getting old women.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.