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24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805



The endogenous opiate system (EOS) has been

linked to social attachment in classical animal experiments, to

addictive disorders (AD) and, more recently, to specific traits of

personality through research in genetic polymorphisms and neu-

roimaging techniques.


To expose the relation between social bonding andAD,

via the latest neurobiological findings in the EOS. To propose a theo-

retical framework which may allow a clinical approach based upon

respect and no stigmatization.


Literature review in MEDLINE database with the key-

words “opioid”, “polymorphism”, “object attachment”, “addictive

behavior”, “personality”.


Polymorphisms in the mu-opioid receptor gene lead to

different attachment behaviors in primates. The EOS in humans

has been related to pain and placebo effect and recently, to social

rejection and acceptance. Thus, some authors talk about “social

pain”. Interestingly, the EOS has a role in harm avoidance and in

the reward system. These traits of personality (harm avoidance

and reward dependence) predispose to AD, and likely, pathological

models of social bondingmay drive to a need of palliating excessive

discomfort originated by an altered opioid function through addic-

tive behaviors. The origin of AD must be focused on the individual

vulnerability rather than in the addictive substance/behavior.


The latest findings in the EOS yield concrete evi-

dences that support the classical hypothesis of an opioid nexus

between social attachment and AD, and shift the spotlight from the

addictive object to the vulnerable subject. This theoretical frame-

work may ease a clinical approach based upon respect and no


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Mental disturbances in patients with

acute medical condition

B. Fedak

Kharkov medical academy of postgraduate education - Kharkov,

psychotherapy, Kharkov, Ukraine

Contemporary remains understudied health issue - the psycholog-

ical aspect of the acute therapeutic diseases problem. Among the

most common diseases - coronary heart disease (CHD), myocardial

infarction (MI), crisis states in patients with arterial hypertension

(AH), transient ischemic attack (TIA) and acute stroke (AS), gas-

tric ulcer and duodenal ulcer (GU&DU). Clinical features of the

structure, dynamics, current and immediate link with the medi-

cal conditions is not fully understood. The basis of our research,

the purpose of which, was to identify mental disturbances in

patients with acute therapeutic diseases. One hundred and eighty-

seven patients were examined, 34 CHD patients, 37–MI, 38 - TIA,

39–AH, 39 - GU&DU, 65% male and 35% female aged 20 to 60

years. The main research method was clinical and psychopatholog-

ical. A high-level affective and neurotic disorders in these patients

was observed. Structured analysis allowed identifying four main

options disturbances: nosogenic neurotic reaction–68 patients;

somatogenic asthenic syndrome–46 patients; reaction psycho-

logical maladjustment–34 patients; acute stress reactions–39

patients. Stratification of structure psychopathological syndroms

allowed systematizing them in 4 different groups: asthenic–24%;

anxiety - 46%; subdepressive - 11%; somatoform - 19%. That was

the basis for the determination early psychotherapeutic correction

program, formed by integrativemodel. The high efficacywas shown

in 74% patients, middle range–in 15%, low–in 11% patients.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Prevalence and clinical correlates of

comorbid drug use and ADH

L. Reula


, A. Portilla Fernández


, E. Manrique Astiz



L.A. Nú˜nez Domínguez

4 ,

, O. Arbeo Ruiz


, M. Gracía Nicolás



O. Fernández de la Vega



Clínica de rehabilitación, Psychiatry, Pamplona, Spain


Hospital de Día Irubide, Psychiatry, Pamplona, Spain


Mental Health Center, Psychiatry, Tafalla, Spain


Centro Médico, Psychiatry, Pamplona, Spain


Centro de Día Zuría, Psychiatry, Pamplona, Spain


Menatl Health Center, Psychiatry, Tudela, Spain


Menatl Health Center, Psychiatry, Pamplona, Spain

Corresponding author.

The prevalence of drug use in patients suffering ADH is very high.

The main purpose of this paper is to make a review of the recnet

literatura in this field.

We make a review in PUB Med using “ADH” and “drug abuse”,

selecting papers not older than 5 years.

The conclusions are that adult patients suffering ADH presents

higher prevalence of drug use and/or dependence, showing that

ADH is a risk factor for this comorbidity.

This conclusion implies the neccesity of strat the treatment in

young people, treating to avoid drug use and/or dangerous behav-

iors in this group of patients.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The influence of

psychopharmacological treatment in

the long-term outcome in patients

suffering ADH with comorbid drug use

L.A. Nú˜nez Domínguez

1 ,

, A . P

ortilla Fernández

2 , L. R


3 ,

E. Manrique Asti

z 4 , O.

Arbeo Ruiz

5 , M.

García Nicolás

6 ,

O. Fernández de la Vega



Centro Médico, Psychiatry, Pamplona, Spain


Hospital de Día, Psychiatry, Pamplona, Spain


Clínica de Rehabilitación, Psychiatry, Pamplona, Spain


Mental Health Center, Psychiatry, Tafalla, Spain


Centro de Día Zuría, Psychiatry, Pamplona, Spain


Menatl Health Center, Psychiatry, Tudela, Spain


Menatl Health Center, Psychiatry, Pamplona, Spain

Corresponding author.

ADH is one of mental disease with a higher prevalence of alco-

hol and drug abuse. ADH is a risk factor for drug use, and that’s

true in the reverse sense. The mutual influence in both disorders

is clear and the presence of both disorders together could be a real

challenge for a clincial professional.

The main objective of the study is to evaluate the influence of the

psychopharmacological treatment in the longterm outcome of this

sample, using ameasurement drug use, adherence to the treatment

and impulsivity.

We make a study that includes a group of patients with both disor-

ders. We select a sample from the Centro de Día Zuría. The patients

complete a battery of scales (SCL-90, BArratt, SF-36) before and

after the beginning of psychopharmacological treatment.

Our results shows a better prognosis in the patients with a good

adherence to treatment, with a decrease in frequency and levels of

drug use and a decrease in impulsivity, with a low level of behav-

ioral disorders and violence.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.