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24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805


Analyze the activity of PO in a district general hospital

in Portugal.


Demonstrate that the main core in PO is similar in the



Prospective longitudinal study, during one year.


The sample had 130 patients (369 evaluations), mainly

male, with the mean age of 64.22 years. The most frequent psy-

chiatric diagnoses were delirium (56 cases; 43%) and AD (44; 34%)

and the main interventions used were pharmacologic and psycho-

education. The most common frequent cancers were digestive (54;

42%), urologic (16; 12%) and breast (15; 11%). This high frequency

of urologic cancer was interpreted as a consequence of the sample

and its geographic location, but it was also a reflection of the large

number of requests made by this specialty. The majority of cancers

had an advanced stage (84% vs 16%) that can be explained by the

sample but also by health culture in Portugal, which is reflected in

the inpatient services: Oncology (51; 39%) and Palliative Care (25;



The type of psychiatric disorders and treatments

offered in PO is preserved around the world. The authors propose

to do more studies, namely if the relation with others specialties

affects psychiatric treatment of the patient.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Lack of occupation and depression

onset in oncology patient – Case


L. Filipovic-Grcic


, F.



1 ,

, M. Braˇs


, V. Djordjevic



University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Student Society for

Neuroscience, Zagreb, Croatia


University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Centre for Paliative

Medicine, Medical Ethics and Communication Skills, Zagreb, Croatia

Corresponding author.

Being able to live an active and meaningful life is important for

mental health of every individual. In this case report we exam-

ine the life of an oncology patient who developed depression six

years ago. The patient is a fifty seven year old woman who has

been suffering from Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome for the last forty

years. Her father and two uncles died from the same disease. She

had her first operation when she was seventeen years old and

has had numerous operations since then. During this time she has

undergone four neurosurgical operations, nephrectomy, spine and

pancreas operation and eye enucleation. Despite the fact that by

being a chronic oncology patient she was prone to depression, she

did not develop depressive symptoms. It did not happen even as

her husband went to war and left her to take care of their child.

It did not come afterwards as they struggled financially. Only after

they moved to a new apartment and as she finished decorating it,

did depression finally occur. During entire life she was an active,

outgoing person, who took pleasure in socialising and various hob-

bies. She only developed depression after she was pensioned, left

with the responsibility to care for her old mother. Following the

psychiatric treatment she regained interest in people and become

active in different cancer support groups. This example accentu-

ates the importance of every-day pleasurable activities as a defence

mechanism against depression.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Caregiving experience of multiple

myeloma patients

M. Gonc¸ alves

, J. Teixeira Silva , A. Cabral , Z. Santos

Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra, Centro de

Responsabilidade Integrado em Psiquiatria, Coimbra, Portugal

Corresponding author.


Multiple Myeloma (MM) is a cancer formed by

malignant plasma cells. On a worldwide scale, it is estimated that

about 86,000 incident cases occur annually. The aim of this report

is to investigate the experience among multiple myeloma care-

givers, assessing the mental adjustment to cancer diagnosis and

the most prevalent psychopathology in the caregivers. This paper

also attempts to establish the influence of the symptoms has in the

caregiving experience.


All eligible caregivers will be approached during a reg-

ularly scheduled patient clinic visit and informed consent will be

obtained prior to study participation. Data will be collected using

the Mental Adjustment Scale to the Cancer Scale Partner (EAMC-F),

Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale – Short Form, and Depres-

sion, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21).


According to the literature caring for patients with MM

can be different comparing with another form of cancer. It is

an incurable form of cancer, although treatments improve life

expectancy andquality of life. The authors are expecting tofindhigh

rates of depression, anxiety, unmet needs, and burden of care. The

symptoms of the patients will probably influence the caregiving



MM accounts for about 14% of all newly diagnosed

hematological cancer, and it is estimated that its incidence will rise.

The importance of psychiatric intervention in themultidimensional

approach is becoming a recognized reality. This is essential in the

treatment of psychiatric disorders, to improve prognosis and qual-

ity of life but also to reduce side effects of treatments and symptoms

related to cancer.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Portugal’s history of psycho-oncology

A. Fonseca

, A. Batista , F. Malheiro , A. Poc¸ as ,

R. Araújo

Centro Hospitalar de Leiria, Psiquiatria, Leiria, Portugal

Corresponding author.

The psycho-oncology represents an interface between psychology

and oncology. In Portugal, the creation of Psycho-oncology was

due to the collaboration between oncologists with psychiatrists

and psychologists. This partnership led to the creation of first Por-

tuguese research works in Psycho-oncology, contributing to the

enrichment of this discipline.


Describe the history of psycho-oncology in Portugal.

Research articles and theses related to Psycho-oncology in Portugal

and do his description statistics.

Material and methods

Literature review of articles and the-

ses on Psycho-oncology made in Portugal, using the following

search engines: “Pubmed”, “Medline”, “ScieloPortugal” and scien-

tific repositories of Portuguese universities.


Until 1997, psycho-oncology did not arouse the inter-

est of researchers; however, since then, the Psycho-oncology has

grown exponentially, with regard to the investigation. There was a

period of increase in publications between 2005 and 2012 as well

as, increase in the number of undergraduate theses, master’s and

doctorate. Disclosure of publications within the Psycho-oncology

lies spread by various magazines in different specialties, demon-

strating that this area arouses the interest not only of psychiatrists

and psychologists, but also of other health professionals.