24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805
suggesting a multimodal integration deficit for the constitution of
self-representation in this population.
Our results show the existence of a self-face recognition deficit in
individuals with ASD, which may be linked to a lack of multimodal
integration in the development of the self-face representation.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Sex differences in the neural basis of
theory of mind during development
C. Frank
Fielding Graduate University, School of Psychology, Santa Barbara,
Theory of mind (ToM) is the ability to predict behav-
iors of others in terms of their underlying mental states. It is carried
out in order to make sense of and predict behavior. Impairments in
ToM have been found in many psychiatric/neurological disorders
including schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorders. Previous
research has indicated sex difference in ToM development. Previ-
ous research has also found some differences in the neural basis of
An objective/aim of the present study was to
examine possible sex differences in the neural mechanism asso-
ciated with ToM development. Another objective was to examine
the neural basis of ToM that is shared by both sexes throughout
Thirty-two adults (16women) and 24 children (12 girls)
were assessed with fMRI while performing a false belief (FB) task.
During the ToMrelative to non-ToMcondition, adults and
children of both sexes showed increased activity in the medial pre-
frontal cortex (mPFC) and the temporo-parietal junction (TPJ). Both
boys and girls recruited more brain regions than adults. Moreover,
children employed structures involved in the humanmirror neuron
system (hMNS) more than adults. More specifically, boys recruited
the inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) more thanmen, while girls recruited
the precentral gyrus more than women.
These results suggest that boys/men and
girls/women employ different brain regions for ToM during
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Instructional influence on learning
and decision making with respect to
cognitive functioning
D. Frydecka
1 ,∗
, J. Drapała
2, B. Misiak
Wroclaw, Poland
Wroclaw University of Technology, Faculty of Computer Science and
Management, Wroclaw, Poland
Wroclaw Medical University, Department of Genetics, Wrocław,
Corresponding author.
Humans learn how to behave both through rules
and instructions (explicit learning) as well as through environ-
mental experiences (implicit learning). It has been shown that
instructions can powerfully control people’s choices, often leading
to a confirmation bias.
To explore confirmation bias with respect to cognitive func-
tioning in healthy adult participants.
We recruited 25 healthy adult control subjects (9males,
16 females, age 31.40
6.08 years). Participants completed Repeat-
able Battery of Neuropsychological Status (RBANSS) as well as
Instructed Version of Probabilistic Selection Task (IPST) (Doll et al.,
Based on the performance on IPST into two groups: a
groupwith higher and lower susceptibility to confirmation
bias.Wefound no difference between these groupswith respect to any of the
cognitive domains measured with RBANSS (immediate memory,
visuospatial abilities, language, attention and delayed memory) (
Mann-Whitney test,
> 0.05).
In healthy adults, susceptibility to confirmation bias
is independent of cognitive functioning (immediate and delayed
memory, visuospatial abilities, language and attention).
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Relationship between executive
functions and adherence to
antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected
D. Hernández Huerta
1 ,∗
, C. Parro Torres
2, A. Madoz Gúrpide
E. Ochoa Mangado
3, M.J. Pérez Elias
Hospital Provincial de Toledo, Psiquiatría, Toledo, Spain
Hospital Gregorio Mara˜nón, Psiquiatria, Madrid, Spain
Hospital Ramón y Cajal, Psiquiatría, Madrid, Spain
Hospital Ramón y Cajal, Enfermedades Infecciosas, Madrid, Spain
Corresponding author.
HIV-related damage of the central nervous system
is manifested in varying severity of neurocognitive disturbances.
Research on measures of executive functioning has confirmed that
HIV infection is associated with progressive difficulties in these
abilities. Moreover, several studies in recent years have shown that
an impaired cognitive function confers a higher risk of poor adher-
ence to antiretroviral therapy.
The aim of this study is to analyze the relation-
ship between executive functions and ART compliance.
We designed a cross-sectional case-control survey.
Cases were defined as HIV-infected patients who missing at least
10% intakes in the last year (reported by hospital pharmacy)
and self-reported non-adherence by Simplified Medication Adher-
ence Questionnaire (SMAQ). Controls were defined as HIV-infected
patients who accomplishing at least last 95% intakes in the last
year (reported by hospital pharmacy), and self-reported adher-
ence by SMAQ. Patients with adherences between 90–95% were
not included. Executive functions were evaluated with Wisconsin
Sorting Card Test. Linear regression was employed as statistical
analysis. Results were adjusted for follow-up years. Wisconsin
score was already adjusted for gender, age and education level
when data were corrected.
Our sample was compound by 63 patients: 37 controls
and 26 cases. A statistical signification (
< 0.05) was found for total
correct, total errors, perseverative responses, perseverative errors,
conceptual level responses and trials to complete first category
score between adherence and non-adherence treatment patients.
In our sample worse executive function score, mea-
sured byWisconsin Card Sorting Test, was linked to poor adherence
to antiretroviral treatment in HIV patients.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.