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24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805



DSM V changes in mental retardation diagnosis and

classification allows a better perspective of the disease and its

impact of functionality.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


A case of acute and transient

psychosis–What to expect?

M. Oliveira

, J. R

ebelo , A.S. Costa , C. Santos

Centro Hospitalar São João, EPE, Psychiatry and Mental Health Clinic,

Porto, Portugal

Corresponding author.


The Tenth Revision of the International Classifica-

tion of Diseases (ICD-10) introduced the category of Acute and

transient psychotic disorders (ATPD), that assimilate clinical con-

cepts such as the French Bouffée Délirante, Kleist and Leonhard’s

cycloid psychosis, and the scandinavian reactive psychosis.

Methods and aims

The authors present a clinical case of ATPD

and a literature review based on PubMed/MEDLINE, using the key-

words: “acute and transient psychotic disorder”, “prognosis” and

“diagnostic stability”, aiming to discuss themain challenges regard-

ing the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.


The patient is a male with 37 years old with two previ-

ous psychotic episodes (with 2.5 years of interval), both with an

acute onset (of 7 and 3 days respectively), and a fast response

to antipsychotic treatment, with periods of complete symptom’s

remission. Hemaintains treatmentwith 6mg of paliperidone. In the

literature, we found scarce information on ATPD. Though several

variables have been described as having influence on the progno-

sis (gender, pre-morbid functioning, acute onset and presence of

affective symptoms), this topic remains controversial. Another dif-

ficult aspect about ATPD seems to be its low diagnostic stability,

with diagnosis changing mostly to Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective

disorder and Bipolar disorder. Duration of treatment after com-

plete remission of symptoms is another controversial aspect of this



ATPD seems to have low diagnostic stability and

poor research investment, and so it represents a challenge for psy-

chiatrists on managing these patients in terms of treatment and

follow-up plan. Further studies should be held regarding prognosis

and treatment.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Folie à deux

through a case report

L. Pérez Gómez

1 ,

, A. Barrio Nespereira



A. González Fernández



O.W. Muquebil Ali Al Shaban Rodríguez


, C.F. Rueda Rodríguez



CSM El Coto, MIR Psiquiatría, Oviedo, Spain


AGC de Salud mental del Hospital de Cabue˜nes, PIR, Gijón, Spain


Hospital San Agustin, Unidad de Psiquiatría, Avilés, Spain


Centro de Salud Mental de Mieres, Psiquiatría, Mieres, Spain


CTI Montevil, Psiquiatría, Gijón, Spain

Corresponding author.


The first reference to the shared delusions emerged

in France in the nineteenth century. Shared delusions can be classi-

fied in three frames with different nosological value: simultaneous

folie à deux

, imposed

folie à deux

and communicated

folie à deux



A review of the structures of presentation of this

psychiatric disorder through a case report and checking the catego-

rization of the classic

folie à deux

in the current diagnostic manuals.


Discussion through a case report of delusional disorder

among twins. After several interviews with the patients we found

that both have a complex delusional system, structured and bizarre

at the same time. Therewas a clearly paranoid tinge in the narration

which main theme is religion.


Delusional clinical appears identically and simultane-

ously in both subjects with equal readiness and doesn’t give up

after the admission of the patients in two different psychiatric hos-

pitalization units.


In the ICD-10 and DSM-5, diagnostics would be dif-

ferent depending on the kind of

folie à deux

. In simultaneous


à deux

and communicated

folie à deux

the dominant partner would

receive a diagnosis of delusional disorder with ICD-10 and DSM-

5. The acceptor partner would receive a diagnosis of delusional

disorder induced with the ICD-10 and a diagnosis of unspecified

schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorder with the

DSM-5. In a simultaneous

folie à deux

, both subjects would have

a diagnosis of delusional disorder in both manuals. We think that

this is the right choice.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Presentation of the Comprehensive

and Brief International Classification

of Functioning, Disability and Health

Core Sets (ICF-CS) for schizophrenia

O. Pino

1 ,

, G. Guilera


, E. Rojo


, J. Gómez-Benito



Hospital Benito Menni CASM, University of Barcelona, Psychiatry,

Barcelona, Spain


University of Barcelona, Methodology and Behavioural Sciences,

Barcelona, Spain


Hospital Benito Menni CASM, University International of Catalonia,

Psychiatry, Barcelona, Spain

Corresponding author.


The aim this presentation is present the results of the

preparatory studies were presented at an international consensus

conference, a multi-stage, iterative, decision-making and consen-

sus process that took place 12–14 May 2015 in Barcelona, Spain.

At this consensus conference, schizophrenia experts from different

countries worldwide and working in a broad range of professions

decided which ICF categories should be included in the first version

of the ICF Core Sets for schizophrenia.


Four preliminary studies intend to capture the

researcher’s perspective, the patient’s perspective, the expert’s

perspective and the clinician’s perspective, respectively, on the

most relevant aspects of functioning of persons living with

schizophrenia. The final definition of ICF Core Sets for schizophre-

nia have been determined by integrating the results of preliminary

studies in a consensus conference with international expert.


The experts included 97 categories in the Comprehensive

ICF Core Set and 25 categories in the Brief ICF-CS. The specific

categories of each ICF-CS are shown in this presentation. The

Comprehensive ICF-CS can guide multidisciplinary assessments of

functioning in persons with schizophrenia, and the brief version is

ideal for use in both clinical and epidemiological research, since it

includes a small and practical number of categories, but sufficiently

wide for finding utility in clinical assessments.


ICF-CS are being designed with the goal of provid-

ing useful standards for research, clinical practice and teaching,

and it will stimulate research and will improve understanding of

functioning, health and environmental factors in schizophrenia.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.