24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805
in Karachi and to enable the sample population, to become emo-
tionally competent.
The aim is to evaluate the effectiveness of STAMP on the
reduction of symptoms in the sample population.
Ten children with high functioning autism spectrum
disorder will be selected from various institutes in Karachi, and
randomized to experimental and waitlist control group after pre-
intervention assessment. Upon completion of the interventionwith
the experimental group, the waitlist control group will be offered
the intervention. Both the groups will be assessed, immediately
after the intervention, followed by a one-month follow up assess-
It is expected that STAMP will significantly reduce the
incidence of problem behaviours as measured by the standardized
assessment questionnaires fromthemanual; aswell as significantly
reduce the severity of scores on the internalizing and externalizing
components of the strength and difficulties questionnaire, in the
experimental group as compared to the control group.
It is expected that the results of the present study
could be utilized to train mental health professionals in Karachi for
systematized treatment of ASD and related problems.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Temperament and resilience of
children of alcohol dependent
C. Thanikachalam
1 ,∗
, A. Dhandapani
2, S. Choudhury
A. Sankaran
1, E. Subramaniam
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute,
Psychiatry, Pondicherry, India
National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Psychiatry,
Bangalore, India
Corresponding author.
Children of alcohol dependent individuals are
affected by disturbed parent-child relationship and exhibit
externalizing symptoms, arrhythmicity, negative mood and low
To assess the temperament and resilience of children
of alcohol dependent individuals and to study their relationship
with the father’s severity and problems of alcohol intake.
To assess the psychological profile of children of alcohol
dependent individuals.
Cross-sectional study conducted in a tertiary care cen-
tre from January to August 2015. Severity of alcohol dependence in
father and problems related to it was assessed using ‘short alco-
hol dependence data’ and ‘alcohol problems questionnaire’; the
temperament and resilience of their children (
= 31) was assessed
using ‘temperament measurement schedule’ and ‘strengths and
difficulties questionnaire’ respectively.
The sample comprised of 48% boys and 52% girls with
mean age (SD) of 9.32 (3.02) years. Eighty-one percent belonged
to lower socioeconomic status. Their fathers’ mean age (SD) was
37.13(4.9) years and duration of alcohol dependence being 16.32
(5.7) years, average use/day being 19.19 (14.9) units with mod-
erate (45.2%) to high (41.9%) dependence. Significant association
was observed between severity of alcohol dependence and tem-
peramental domain-threshold of responsiveness (
= 17.272,
value = 0.002)
( Table 1 ).The average units of alcohol consumed/day
were a significant predictor for the presence of emotional problems
in the child (OR = 30.12; 95%CI 1.33–677.86).
There’s a significant association between father’s
alcohol use and child’s psychopathology which indicates the need
for preventive and curative mental health measures.
Table 1
Significant correlation between alcohol problems in father
and child’s temperament and resilience (*
< 0.05).
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Managing an effective treatment for
catatonia and Cotard syndrome in an
adolescent with comorbidities and
CYP2D6 polymorphism
S. Turan
, B. Ay , B. Güller , B. Serim , S. Miral , Ö. Gencer Kidak
Dokuz Eylül Medicine Faculty, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Izmir,
Corresponding author.
We describe a patient with catatonia and symptoms of psy-
chosis who developed neuroleptic malignant syndrome after using
risperidone, olanzapin and clozapin, thus requiring life support
equipment and Dantrolene, Bromocriptin, later recovering after
five days. From a psychiatric and neurological point of view, how-
ever, the persistence of catatonic syndrome and Cotard syndrome
delusions was observed, based on assertions such as ‘I don’t have
an arm’ (ideas of defalcation), ‘They killed me’, ‘My body’s getting
melt’ and statements about the patient being responsible for the
‘death of the whole family’ (ideas of guilty). Brain MRI shows that
a venous angioma has been in right frontal lobe. Also echocardio-
graphic findings were associated with history of myocarditis. Both
venous angioma and myocarditis sequel seemed to be relative con-
traindication for electroconvulsive therapy according to literature.
In addition; genotyping revealed that he was heterozygosis for a
CYP2D6*4 wild type allele. The patient responded well to ECT after
13 sessions and with ketiapin 1200mg/day medication. The case
highlights the importance of therapeutic drug monitoring in iden-
tification and differentiation of drug induced effects in psychiatric
disorder to NMS recurrence and also managing an effective treat-
ment for catatonia and Cotard syndrome.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Potential neurobiological ADHD
M. Uzbekov
, E. Misionzhnik
Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry, Brain Pathology, Moscow,
Corresponding author.
Pathogenetic mechanisms of hyperkinetic syndrome
(HKS) or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are not
To elucidate some aspects of monoamine involvement in
pathogenesis of disorder and response of monoaminergic systems
to psychostimulant medication.