24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805
To investigate into emotion regulation strategies in
MVP adolescents.
A projective study of emotion regulation was under-
taken with our modified version of Rosenzweig Picture-Frustration
Test (Zinchenko, Pervichko, 2014). Thirty-six adolescents withMVP
(mean age was 17.1
0.8 years) and 40 healthy adolescents (mean
age was 16.7
0.6 years) took part in the study.
MVP adolescents significantly more frequently (
0.001) would mark Rosenzweig’s situations as potentially trauma-
tizing. Ego-defence (E-D) and extrapunitive (E) reactions appear
to be significantly (
< 0.05) more frequent among MVP adoles-
cents. MVP adolescents are more than healthy subjects prone to
avoid open verbal revelations of their thoughts and feelings that
emerge in the situation of frustration. Content analysis of responses
conditioned by cognitive control (when the task was to taper off
arbitrarily the traumatizing effect of the situation) revealed that
suppression of emotions was displayed by MVP adolescents in 52%
of answers, and for healthy participants - 29% of answers (
< 0.001).
Cognitive reappraisal strategywas displayed byMVP adolescents in
27% of answers, and for healthy participants – 38% of answers (
0.05). Twenty-one percent of answers of MVP adolescents and 33%
of answers of healthy participants suggested cognitive transforma-
tion of emotional experience and actualization of newmeanings in
traumatic situations (
< 0.05).
MVP adolescents appear to bemore sensitive of frus-
trations and differ from healthy peers in more frequent use of the
strategy of suppression of emotions.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Adolescent prostitution: Which role
plays psychopathology?
C. Petrocchi
1 ,∗
, M .D’Aguanno
1 , R. Carafa
1 , P. Velotti
Sapienza - Università di Roma, Dynamic and Clinic Psychology,
Roma, Italy
University of Genoa, Department of Educational Sciences, Genoa,
Corresponding author.
The characteristics and the mental functioning of
adolescent prostitutes were examined in several studies. Literature
associates externalizing problems (i.e. impulsivity) with high rates
of sexual activity and high rates of prostitution (Donenberg et al.,
2005). Research has identified a link between psychopathology and
high rates of health-risking sexual behavior and conduct problems.
Despite the identification of psychopathology as a risk factor for
the development of health-risking sexual, its role in prostitution
has not been well examined.
Although the association between psychopathological
disease and engagement in health-risking sexual behavior is docu-
mented, the specific nature of the cause or mechanism for the link
between psychopathological disease and the development of these
behavior problems is not known.
An extensive literature search for relevant published
and unpublished studies was conducted on Medline, CINAHL Plus
with Full Text, Psycoinfo and PsycArticle from inception through
September 21, 2015. Additionally, we performed a search in Google
Scholar and manually searched by the reference lists of included
articles. Comprehensive search strategies were developed using
the controlled vocabularies of each database. We systematically
searched for relevant studies using a combination of Medical Sub-
ject Headings (MeSH) terms and corresponding free-text terms.
Search term and keywords were altered as per specification of
individual database.
Adolescent prostitution is one of the major public health
problems and psychopathology plays an important part in it.
Adolescent prostitutes’ shown elevated level of psychopatholog-
ical disease that may reflect the possibility that their psychological
functioning leads them to this particular environment.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
ADHD complex correction in children
O. Pityk
1 ,∗
, M .Pityk
2 , I. Kuzhda
Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University, Department of
Psychiatry- Narcology and Medical Psychology, Ivano-Frankivsk,
Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University, Department of
Neurology, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Children Hospital, Department of
Ophthalmology, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
Corresponding author.
About a third of children are described as overactive by their
parents, and up to a fifth of schoolchildren are described in this
way by their teachers. Diagnosis of ADHD can be exhibited in
3–7% of children reached school age. It is not surprising that in
children with ADHD as a result of such symptoms develop low
self-esteem and emotional problems, often observed a variety of
neurotic symptoms and behavioral disorders. The aim of our work
was to investigate effectiveness of GABA-ergic medications in com-
plex correction of ADHD children. It is investigated and treated 69
children with ADHD in age from 6 to 12 years. All the children were
assigned GABA-ergic medications in doses that depended on the
age of the child within three months. Besides medication, parents
with their children carried out psychological adjustment, first of all
it was a psychological training of parents based on system model
of psychotherapy and appropriate recommendations for changes
in behavioral strategies in relation to children. After treatment
100% of parents noted improvement of children’s state. However,
symptoms significantly smoothed in 51 children, children were
more attentive, calmer, and more reflective. It was made signif-
icant changes in the relationships of parents with children that
manifested itself in improving mutual understanding, increased
positive reinforcement, reducing cases of different methods of pun-
ishment and expression of dissatisfaction with the behavior of
children. Therefore, GABA-ergic medications can be successfully
used in complex correction in children with ADHD.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Art-therapeutic approaches in the
diagnosis of depressive disorders in
E. Mykhailova
1 ,∗
, T. Proskurina
1, T. Matkovska
N. Reshetovska
1, A. Matkovska
State Institution “Institute for Children and Adolescents Health Care
of the NAMS of Ukraine”, psychiatry, Kharkov, Ukraine
Kharkov V. Karazin National University named, medical, Kharkov,
Corresponding author.
Background and aims
To study diagnostic and rehabilitation sig-
nificance of projective drawing tests in children with depression.
Materials and methods
Multidisciplinary study of pediatric
patients with depression (48 children in the prepuberty and 164
children in puberty) was carried out in the psychiatric department
of the SI “Institute for Children and Adolescents Health Care of the
NAMS of Ukraine” for the period 2012–2015.