24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805
involving them, their family or close friends (
= 100) = 19.8,
< 0.05).
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Cognitive and functional outcomes
after a trial of an mTOR inhibitor in an
adolescent with neuropsychiatric
sequelae of TSC
A. Lachman
1 ,∗
, C. van de Merwe
2, P. De Vries
Tygerberg, Psychiatry, Cape Town, South Africa
Stellenbosch University, Psychology, Cape Town, South Africa
University of Cape Town, Psychiatry, Cape Town, South Africa
Corresponding author.
Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a genetic autosomal dominant
condition with multi-organ involvement and highly variable clin-
ical manifestations. Neurological manifestations (subependymal
nodules, cortical tubers, and subependymal giant cell astrocytomas
[SEGAs]) are a leading cause of morbidity and mortality leading
to cognitive impairment, behavioural disturbances and refractory
seizure disorders. Experimental and human evidence suggest that
the use of mTOR inhibitors may induce regression of TSC tumor
types and provide an alternative to surgical resection of SEGA’s. In
the EXIST-1 trial everolimus (mTORi) was associated with clinically
meaningful increases in the time to progression of subependymal
giant cell astrocytomas and skin lesion response rate compared
with placebo. We present a case of a 16-year-old girl (MM) referred
withneuropsychiatric sequelae including disruptive anddangerous
behaviours not responding to outpatient management. Multiple
trials of anti-convulsants and antipsychotic treatments achieved
poor responses. During admission to a state facility, MMhad several
seizures followed by aggressive outbursts, inappropriate behaviour
and confusion. Her intrusiveness, sexual disinhibition and lack of
response inhibition suggested frontal lobe dysfunction impacting
on executive functioning. Despite seizure control being optimized
to an acceptable rate with anticonvulsants, improvement in social
or cognitive functioning was limited. She required individual con-
stant supervision for personal safety and independent functioning.
A trial of mTor inhibitor was initiated, and achieved an improve-
ment in cognitive, social and psychiatric functioning. This report
will discuss the challenges in this complex case, and report on
baseline as well as 6month post medication outcomes measured
by radiological, functional and cognitive testing.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Clinical features of patients with
anorexia nervosa and necessity of
inpatient treatment
E. Lopes
1 ,∗
, R.G. Faria
1, M. Araújo
2, J. Guerra
2, J. Saraiva
L. Confraria
Unidade Local de Saúde do Alto Minho, Departamento de
Psiquiatria e Saúde Mental, Viana do Castelo, Portugal
Centro Hospitalar do Porto, Departamento da Pedopsiquiatria e
Saúde Mental da Infância e Adolescência, Porto, Portugal
Corresponding author.
Anorexia nervosa is a serious illness associatedwith
a chronic course and high mortality. Follow-up studies in this pop-
ulation showgreat variability in prognosis, and inpatient treatment
is frequently needed.
This study aimed to examine association between dif-
ferent clinical variables of patients with anorexia nervosa and the
need of inpatient treatment, as a way to investigate possible pre-
dictors of severity of illness.
Descriptive, longitudinal, retrospective study of all
patients with a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa, with a first psychi-
atric appointment in a Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department
at a major university hospital, between 2009 and 2013. Clinical
variables were compared based on the need of inpatient treatment
in the first year after initial psychiatric appointment. Clinical data
were collected from individual medical records. Statistic analysis
was performed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences,
version 21.
Eight-five patients with anorexia nervosa were evalu-
ated. In the first year after the initial psychiatric appointment,
47.1% of the sample received inpatient treatment. There were no
statistical significant differences between groups for any of the clin-
ical variables assessed: gender, age at onset of disease, body mass
index at first psychiatric appointment, duration of illness at first
psychiatric appointment, personal history of obesity, psychiatric
comorbid conditions and family history of an eating disorder.
No associations were found between the clinical
variables assessed and the treatment setting. Further investigation
is needed in order to identify other variables that may play a role
in the course of anorexia nervosa in adolescent patients.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Study of behavioral disorders in
children born with infertility
treatments compared with children
born with natural methods, Kerman,
Iran, 2015
A. Mehdizadeh Zare Anari
1 ,∗
, F . Iranmanesh
2 , V.Habibzadeh
Kerman university of medical sciences, psychiatry, Kerman, Iran
Kerman university, psychology, Kerman, Iran
Kerman university of medical sciences, obstetrics and gynecology,
Kerman, Iran
Corresponding author.
There are many causes of behavioral disorders in
children investigating the causes and efforts to reduce them are
useful for children.
This causal-comparative research is cross-sectional
study among of the children born with assisted reproductive tech-
nology and natural fertility methods in the Afzalipour hospital in
Kerman city. A sample of 30 children were born with assisted
reproductive technology and 30 children were born with natural
methods of fertility chooses randomly and two groups matched on
the basis age, sex, education, father’s occupation, and family mem-
bers. For two groups completed Czech list revision Quay-Peterson
and Data were analyzed by SPSS software version 16.
The results showed that differentiation between behav-
ioral disorders (0.002) and its components, including attention-
immaturity (0.008) and anxiety-recluse (0.000) in two groups were
significant (increased in children born with infertility treatments),
but between the elements of aggression (0.911) and conduct dis-
order (0.066) were not a significant difference.
This study showed that the kind of fertilization effec-
tive on behavioral disorders in children.
Behavioral disorders; Fertility; Infertility; Assisted
reproductive techniques
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.