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24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805


socio-demographic interview. SPSS v-21 was the statistical instru-


We found out that mothers of our patients had reported anxiety

symptoms, loss experiences or stress during pregnancy or postpar-

tum period more than we expected.

Stress, anxiety or depression during pregnancy is related with anx-

iety disorders in children. Helping mothers to cope with stressors

during pregnancy and postpartum period will contribute to a bet-

ter mental health in their children. The findings of this study match

with previous researches.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Pain to soothe pain

. . .

What a


R. Hernandez Anton

1 ,

, I. Sevillano Benito


, S. Cepedello Perez



E. Rybak Koite


, M.J. Garcia Cantalapiedra


, L. Gallardo Borge



E. Dominguez Alvarez


, E. Mayor Toranzo


, A. Alvarez Astorga



C. Llanes Alvarez


, A. Rodriguez Campos



F. Uribe Ladronde Cegama



HCUV, PSQ, Valladolid, Spain




Complejo Asistencial de Zamora, PSQ, Zamora, Spain

Corresponding author.


Review the multidisciplinary approach of ADHD and

its relationship with self-injurious behavior. Expose the use of pro-

jective techniques in the diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric



Aggressive, opposition, defiant and disobedience

behavior are becomingmore frequent in the child population. There

have been an increase number of adolescents, who self-harm, since


Material and methods

A 17-year-old girl, with the following psy-

chiatric history: consultations since 2009; one income in the Day

Child Hospital; and two incomes in the Inpatient Childhood and

Youth Unit. This year, the patient has gone to the emergency room

twice by self-harm episodes the days before concerts at the con-

servatory. Her schoolteachers refer concentration problems. She

behaves with contempt for the rules at home. The family relation-

ships are mismatched.


The multidisciplinary intervention was based on per-

sonal, family and group therapies, cognitive behavioral therapy and

pharmacotherapy (Methylphenidate).We are currentlyworking on

the control of self-injurious behavior with: strategies to regulate

emotions, which are based on troubleshooting (“brain storming”),

social skills training (role-playing), recognition and anger manage-



ADHD is a major health problem in children. The

combination of pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy, social interven-

tions with educational guidance, self-training activities achieves

better results when performed independently. The prevalence of

self-harm behavior is greater in young people with psychiatric dis-

orders. Self-harm behaviors are often strategies to regulate the

emotional pain. The graphic techniques express emotions, feelings

and fantasies. They can help resolve conflicts, develop interper-

sonal skills and reduce stress. The pictures allow only formulate

hypothesis, we must contrast them with other tests.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Fears in anxious children

L. Hernandez Arroyo

, O. Santesteban Echarri ,

M.J. Güerre Lobera , J.C. Espin Jaime , M.Á. Jimenez-Arriero

Hospital 12 de Octubre, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Madrid,


Corresponding author.


Fear is a distressing emotion aroused by a risk or a

damage, real or imaginary. Fears have a warning function against

dangers. Nevertheless, fear can also become in one of the most

limiting elements of a person’s life.


To characterize the profile of fears presented in a sam-

ple of 19 children, aged between 8 and 13 years old, who had

previously been diagnosed with one of the following: Generalized

Anxiety Disorder, Separation Anxiety Disorder or Social Phobia.

Material and methods

The sample was taken from patients who

participated in a cognitive-behavioral group therapy. The Spanish

version of the Fear Survey Schedule for Children-Revised (FSSC-R)

questionnaire was employed. The FSSC-R asks children to indi-

cate on a 3-point scale (‘none’, ‘some’, ‘a lot’) how much they fear

80 specific stimuli or situations. Five basic categories of fears can

be stablished: failure and criticism (17 items); the unknown (17

items); minor injury and small animals (13 items); danger and

death (16 items); medical fears (5 items).


The sample includes 19 children: 12 boys (63.2%) and 7

girls (36.8%). The median age is 10.74 years. The sample shows 15

excessive fears on average (those scored as ‘a lot’). Girls showhigher

rates of excessive fears than boys: 19 versus 13. The most common

fears were ‘being hit by a car or truck’, ‘bombing attacks. Being

invaded’, ‘a burglar breaking into our house’ and ‘falling from high



Most common excessive fears belong to danger and

death category. Females report more fears than males.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The problem of rehabilitation of

children and adolescents with mental

disorders in Russia

I. Iakovleva

Bekhterev Psychoneurological Institute, Medical Faculty of St.

Petersburg University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia


Assistance to children and adolescents with mental

health disorders is very acute problem in Russia today.


A team approach is the most effective method (Koren,

2011; Popov, Iakovleva, Semenova, 2012).


To examine the problem of rehabilitation of children with

mental disorders.


Eighty parents of mental disease’s children and 86 were

examined by special questionnaires were developed in the depart-

ment of Adolescent Psychiatry of St. Petersburg Bekhterev Research



A total of 41.9% (36) of the teachers believed that children

and adolescents with mental disorders may attend mass child gar-

den and the school, 32.6% (28) did not agree with that. 37.2% (32) of

the teachers believed that intercoursewith a sick child is unlikely to

be useful and pleasant for children. Therefore, following an acute

problem is the fear of parents to contact a psychiatrist: 28 par-

ents (35%) took their children to psychiatrist by their own initiative,

some other professionals (pediatrician, general practician, neurol-

ogist or psychologist) encouraged applying to a psychiatrist in 44

cases (55%), 8 parents (10%) asked for advice after strong recom-

mendations from teachers. One of the main signs of psychiatrist’s

competence for 64 parents (80%) was the appointment of additional