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24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805

medical research techniques. 53 parents (66.3%) were convinced

that a doctor for a diagnosis of mental disorder had to examine the

child several times.


Interaction of parents, teachers and psychiatrist is

need for improving the effectiveness of children rehabilitation.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Influence of fatigue on adolescents

sleep habits in Nigeria

D. Igbokwe

1 ,

, B.A. Ola


, A. Odebunmi


, A.M. Gesinde



A.A. Alao


, J. Agbu


, R.J.E. Ndom



Covenant University, Psychology, Ota, Nigeria


Lagos State University College of Medicine, Department of

Behavioural Medicine, Faculty of Clinical Sciences, Lagos, Nigeria


Nigerian Defence Academy, Department of Psychology, Kaduna,



National Open University of Nigeria, School of Health Sciences,

Lagos, Nigeria


University of Ilorin, Behavioural Sciences, Ilorin, Nigeria

Corresponding author.


Adolescents in Nigeria tend to report feelings of

mental, physical and general fatigue without having correspond-

ingly exerted themselves to trigger this. This tiredness has been

observed to also affect their sleep habits.


We set out to investigate how the report of tiredness by

in-school adolescents tends to affect their sleep habits both on

weekdays and weekends.


The Tripartite Fatigue Scale (TFS) and a modified ver-

sion of the School Sleep Habits Survey (SSHS) were administered

on 606 (272 males and 334 females) secondary school adoles-

cents in Lagos and Ogun states of Nigeria aged between 12–19 years



= 15.24; SD = 1.42) in their classrooms.


A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was used

to analyse the effect of fatigue on the sleep habits of adolescents.

The result shows that fatigue significantly affects the sleep habits

of adolescents during weekends and weekdays,


(3, 602) = 20.068,


0.01; Pillai’s Trace = 0.91, partial


= 0.91. The adolescents also

reported general inadequate sleep (


= 6.29 SD = 2.32), less than

the required amount of adequate sleep their age. Additional Anal-

ysis of Variance (ANOVA) result showed that fatigue significantly

affected the students self-reported grade F (3, 605) = 5.32,


= 0.01.


The present study has empirically highlighted that

the consistent complaint of tiredness by secondary school ado-

lescents in Nigeria emanates from fatigue marked mostly by

insufficient sleep.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


From ADHD to psychosis

. . .


functions and time

C.D.M. Isabel

Jaen, Spain


Cognitive impairment is present from the early

stages of psychotic disorders. Alterations are found mainly in areas

of attention, memory work and executive functions. During ado-

lescence, ADHD patients often suffer from secondary disorders to

lack of efficient procurement processes information by the poor

development of executive functions.


Evaluation of a patient whose diagnosis of ADD evolve

to acute psychotic episode.


Reviewby clinical and psychometric tests developments

in executive functions disorders.


Twelve years old patient who comes to the hospital since

2012, was initially diagnosed with literacy difficulties and low aca-

demic performance, after MFF-20 speaks of Learning Disabilities.

It presents lack of motivation, apathy, difficulty in scheduling and

organization and adherence to schedules, so they diagnosed ADD.

It is given treatment with methylphenidate and atomoxetine, pre-

senting erratic path.

After a year without treatment and the presence of a major stress-

ful life event, at 17, has a first episode, consisting in mutiste

attitude, phenomena of self-referenciality, experiences of control,

enforcement and dissemination of ideas and auditory hallucination

imperative type.


The presence of emocional dysregulation and alter-

ations in the executive functions atribuyen to ADD, in this case,

were premorbid symtomatology of a first psychotic episode. The

presence of positive symptoms allows to clarify the diagnosis.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The body image and psychopathology

in children

M. Ivanov

, N. Platonova , G. Kozlovskaya

Mental Health Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical

Sciences, Department of Child Psychiatry, Moscow, Russia

Corresponding author.


The body image development begins at an early

age. Children with psychopathology may have body image distur-

bances. It is important to determine nosological specificity of body

image disturbances in children.


To reveal body image disturbances in: 20 people (12

boys, 8 girls) having schizophrenia; 18 people (8 boys, 10 girls)

with detected fact of sexual abuse (catamnesis study over a 5-year

period); control group – 5 boys, 5 girls with normal psycho-

physical development.


To reveal body image disturbance in children in case of



All the children were examined clinically and par-

aclinically by psychiatrist and clinical psychologist (projective

techniques; standardized personality questionnaires and semantic

method [analysis of statements]).

Results and conclusions

In children having schizophrenia specific

disturbances of proprioceptive self-awareness in the form of sen-

estopathy (feelings of compression, deformation, size loss or size

gain of the body) and the idea of physical defect, are considered as

the early symptoms of the body dysmorphic disorder. In this group

of children disturbances of body scheme, difficulties in right/left

orientation were detected. In the group of children with detected

fact of sexual abuse the following disturbances took place: the body

dysmorphic disorder (self-disgust, considering body to be tainted

by the abuser, feeling dirty, compulsive body washing, sensitivity

to touch) and senestopathy below one’s waist, in the area of geni-

tals, feeling dirtiness of the skin and clothes. In the pictures drawn

by the children, they represented themselves older, grotesquely

painted their faces, pictured strange haircuts, preferring bright and

extravagant clothes.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.