24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805
Be yourself in a connected world: A
challenge for the digital natives
G. Mottet
Psychiatre libéral, Romans sur Isère, France
The Digital Revolution has radically changed the relationship to the
body of the other in a connectedworld. The classic balance between
appresentation/presentation (L. Binswanger) has been destroyed in
the new digital matrix. Three clinical examples illustrate the con-
sequences of this phenomenon for three digital natives teenagers
in the structuration of their ipseity: Maximus the gifted giant that
draws trolls, Léa “monstrous”, Thomas the DJ who never went
clubbing. It leads to the wider question of a new way of seeing
Phenomenology; Digital natives; New digital matrix;
Appresentation/presentation; Mannerism
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
The effect of exercise therapy on
symptoms of hyperactivity/attention
deficit disorder in elementary school
students in Rafsanjan
M. Nazer
Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences, Psychiatry, Kerman, Iran
Background and objective
Children with attention
deficit/hyperactivity disorder are the first victim of emotional,
behavioral and educational neglect. So it is necessary to treat
these children. The purpose of this study was to investigate the
effectiveness of exercise therapy on hyperactive, impulsivity and
distraction of children with ADHD.
Material andmethods
Eighty elementary school age childrenwith
attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder by using of Conners scale
and clinical interview selected and divided into experimental and
control groups randomly. The experimental group received 10 ses-
sions of exercise therapy with Tatami Therapy method. Post-test
and follow-up tests performed in both groups and finally, data
analyzed by using repeated measures.
Data indicate a significant reduction of hyperactivity,
impulsivity and Distraction in the experimental group (
< 0.05).
This difference was also significant at follow-up.
Finally, can be concluded that exercise therapy or play
therapy can be used as an alternative or complementary treatment
for children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Attention deficit; Hyperactivity disorder; Exercise
therapy; Elementary school
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Relationship between sensory
processing patterns and behavioral
regulation in autistic children
A. Nesayan
, R. Asadi Ganomani
University of Bojnord, Psychology, Bojnord, Iran
Corresponding author.
In recent years, autism has been under considera-
tion in public and research area. Autism spectrum disorders are a
variety of related disorders that affect a child’s social development
and ability to communicate and that included unusual behavioral
manifestation such as repetitive motor movements. Autistic chil-
dren have dysfunction in communication, socialization, repetitive
and stereotyped behaviors. In addition, they clinically suffer from
difficulty in attention, challenge with familiar behaviors and sen-
sory processing problems. The aim of this study was to investigate
the relationship between sensory processing patterns and behav-
ioral regulation in children with autism.
This study has categorized in correlational research
methods. After determining of entry criteria, according to purpo-
sive sampling method, 50 children were selected. Sensory profile
Dunn school component for assessment of sensory processing
patterns and rating inventory of executive functions (Brief) for
assessment of function of working memory were used.
The results showed that there is significant negative cor-
relation between sensory processing patterns (low Registration,
sensory sensitivity, sensory avoiding and sensation seeking) and
behavioral regulation. According to the findings, there is significant
relationship between the patterns of sensory processing and behav-
ioral regulation, so children with sensory processing difficulty are
weak in behavioral regulation.
Sensory processing; Behavioral regulation; Autistic
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
A bizarre love
C. Noval Canga
1 ,∗
, R. Hernández Antón
S. Cepedello Pérez
2, S. Gómez Sánchez
2, L. Rodríguez Andrés
L. Gallardo Borge
2, G. Medina Ojeda
2, A. Alonso Sánchez
A. Álvarez Astorga
2, A. Portilla Fernández
Valladolid, Spain
Hospital Clínico Universitario, Hospital Clínico Universitario,
Valladolid, Spain
Hospital de Navarra, Hospital de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain
Corresponding author.
Adoption constitutes a discontinuity in child care
trajectory, that falls into a separation and a lost of reference figures,
and therefore, the need to set up new attachment figures into a
suitable familiar atmosphere.
This case is a review of how a child adoption process,
that can be something positive at first, can also producemany prob-
lems in the future, added to dificulties in order to regulate stressing
situations and also solving problems.
The clinical case consists in a 25-year-old woman, who
suffers from anxiety and self-injure behaviour. She has a diagno-
sis of non-specified personality disorder with limit characteristics.
The patient was adopted a few months after her birth. At the
moment she’s living with her adoptive father, her adoptive mother
passed away when she was 4. At the age of 21, the patient meets
her biological mother and since that moment she spends most of
the weekends with her. After a few medical appointments, she
admits that she has allowed sexual relationshipswith her biological
mother since six months ago.
It’s important to appreciate the value of familiar atmo-
sphere, and in addition, the attachment between child and his
parental figures. The quality of the attachment is going to have
influence in emotional regulation.
Children who have suffered neglect from their
biological parents and have been adopted develop attachment
behaviours characterized by negative experiences. In spite of being
in a good familiar environment, they feel vulnerable and insecure.
Early and appropriate attachment experiences can improve rela-
tionships between children and their new family.