24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S116–S348
The mediating role of metacogition in
the relation between intolerance of
uncertainty and obsessive-compulsive
S.Y. Sohn
1 ,∗
, I. Sohn
1, S.Y. Lee
2, S. Kim
Yonsei University College of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and
Institute of Behavioral Science in Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Dankook University College of Medicine, Cheil General Hospital &
Women’s healthcare center, Psychiatry, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Corresponding author.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a severe
and incapacitating psychiatric disorder that is characterized by
recurrent intrusive thoughts (obsession). Maladaptive metacogni-
tion have been found to be associated with anxiety and various
psychopathology. Also, intolerance of uncertainty is considered to
be related with anxiety and ambivalence. These characteristics are
considered to be key characteristics of OCD.
This study conceptualized metacognition as a medi-
ator in the relation between intolerance of uncertainty and
obsessive-compulsive symptom.
This studywas aimed to find prerequisites for development
of OCD.
The recruitment includes 150 OCD subjects and 50
healthy controls. Subjects were investigated with the metacog-
nition questionnaire (MCQ) and intolerance of uncertainty
questionnaire (IOU) as self-report measures. Participants with OCD
completed the Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory-Revised (OCI-R).
The OCI-R taps six OCD symptom dimensions: checking, hoarding,
neutralizing, obsessing, ordering and washing.
OCD subjects showed significantly higher metacognition
score and significantly higher intolerance of uncertainty score than
control group. In OCD group, the results indicated that metacog-
nition partially mediated the relationship between intolerance of
uncertainty and obsessing.
Our findings suggest that metacognition may
explain the mechanism by which intolerance of uncertainty exerts
its effect on obsession.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpsy.2016.01.486Oncology and psychiatry
Psychiatric comorbidities in patients
with brain tumors after
radiotherapy – An intermediate
M. Bran
1 ,∗
, M. Ladea
2, D. Stanculescu
3, T. Purnichi
Coltea Clinical Hospital, Bucharest, Romania
University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila”, Psychiatry,
Bucharest, Romania
Clinical Hospital of Psychiatry “Prof. Dr. Al Obregia”, Psychiatry,
Bucharest, Romania
Corresponding author.
Primary or secondary CNS tumors are among the
most difficult tomanage forms of cancer. Treatment of these tumors
remains a challenge in oncology and the success rates for treatment
of brain tumors are much lower than in extracerebral localiza-
tions. Because most chemotherapeutic agents do not cross the
blood-brain barrier effectively and surgery is sometimes only pal-
liative, radiotherapy remains the main method of treatment of
these lesions. Both localized and generalized brain radiotherapy
have numerous psychiatric complications.
The objective of the studywas to assess the psychiatric
comorbidities inpatientswithbrain tumors receiving radiotherapy.
This is an intermediate report of a larger study that assesses
comorbidities in patients with brain tumors after radiotherapy.
Twenty-five patients with different localization brain
tumors were included in this observational study before receiv-
ing radiotherapy. All patients were assessed using Hospital Anxiety
and Depression Scale (HADS) for anxiety and depressive symptoms,
Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA) for cognitive impairment
andQuality of Life Enjoyment and SatisfactionQuestionnaire–Short
Form (Q-LES-Q-SF) at inclusion and after 3months from finishing
the radiotherapy sessions.
Twenty-two patients completed the study. Nine patients
received antidepressant treatment (sertraline, tianeptine) during
the study for depressive symptoms or anxiety. Patients receiving
antidepressants showed better scores on HADS, MOCA and Q-LES-
Q-SF scales.
Antidepressant use in patients receiving radiothe-
rapy for brain tumors could be neuroprotective and could improve
quality of life.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Defence mechanisms and coping skills
in oncology patients
C. Bredicean
1 ,∗
, C. Giurgi-Oncu
1, I. Papava
1, R. Romosan
A. Jurma
1, M. Cristanovici
2, M. Hurmuz
3, A. Popescu
“Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Neuroscience,
Timisoara, Romania
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, Mental Health
Learning Disabilities–Bethlem Royal Hospital Psychiatric, Mental
Health Learning Disabilities, London, United Kingdom
“Eduard Pamfil” Psychiatric Clinic Timisoara, Psychiatry, Timisoara,
Corresponding author.
Oncology-related illnesses have become quite fre-
quent in our lives. Lately, medical progress in the field of oncology
has led to an increase in the survival rates of people diagnosed with
cancer. The minimisation of disturbances in the lives of these peo-
ple is done by each on their own, by using defence mechanisms and
coping skills.
To identify the coping and defence mechanisms of
subjects diagnosed with cancer compared with non-clinical sub-
To increase quality of life of subjects diagnosed with cancer
through psychotherapy interventions.
Nineteen subjects diagnosed with cancer who were
receiving chemotherapy were recruited to the study. For compari-
son, a control group of non-clinical participantswere also recruited.
Participants were included into the study according to particular
inclusion/exclusion criteria. The evaluation was conducted during
2014 and consisted of the analysis of the following parameters:
socio-demographic data, clinical data, defence mechanisms (DSQ-
60) and coping mechanisms (COPE scale).
The group of subjects diagnosed with cancer demon-
strated the presence of defence mechanisms of the following
type: passive aggressiveness, projection and coping mechanisms
that were characterised by an emphasis on social support.
The control group had defence mechanisms of the following
types: repression, denial and coping mechanisms that focused on