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24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S116–S348



There was no differences in the severity of illness

(YBOCS), depressive symptoms (Hamilton depression rating scale),

general anxiety symptoms (Hamilton anxiety rating scale). FEOCD

group showed significant impairment on the block design subtest

of the K-WAIS (


= 0.04,


= 1.294).


These results suggest that visual spatial cognitive

dysfunction in patients with OCD may deteriorate as the untreated

duration of illness get longer.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Behavioral inhibition/behavioral

activation systems are relevant with

the interpersonal problem?

H. Na

Seoul St. Mary’s hospital, psychiatry, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Introduction and objectives

It is well known that interpersonal

dysfunction has influence on the onset, treatment response, and

prognosis of depression. Exploring factors influencing interper-

sonal problems is important and anxiety-related characteristics

could be considered as one of the significant points. Based on

this background, we aimed to investigate the influence of anxiety-

related characteristics such as state anxiety, trait anxiety and

anxiety sensitivity on interpersonal problems in patients with

depressive disorders.

Aim and methods

A total of 152 outpatients diagnosed with

depressive disorders completed questionnaire measuring socio-

demographic, clinical symptom severity, such as depression and

anxiety, and interpersonal problems. Beck Depression Inventory

(BDI) was used to measure depression severity and State and Trait

Anxiety Inventory (STAI) andAnxiety Sensitivity Index (ASI-R)were

used to evaluate various anxiety related symptoms. Interpersonal

relationship problems were measured by the short form of the

Korean version of the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems Circum-

plex Scales (KIIP-SC).


General interpersonal problem was affected by trait

anxiety and anxiety sensitivity. General and any other specific

interpersonal problems were not significantly different according

to state anxiety. Patients with higher trait anxiety and anxiety

sensitivity score tend to more distant, socially inhibited and non-

assertive interpersonal pattern. More domineering and intrusive

interpersonal pattern was observed in patient with high anxiety



The present study provides preliminary evidence that

predisposing characteristics, such as trait anxiety and anxiety

sensitivity, might influence interpersonal dysfunction, especially

socially inhibiting behaviors.


Interpersonal relationship; Trait anxiety; Anxiety

sensitivity; Depression

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his/her decla-

ration of competing interest.


Dynamics of biochemical changes in

anxious-depressed patients under

treatment with antidepressants with

different mechanisms of action on

serotonin reuptake

M. Uzbekov

, N. Maximova

Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry, Brain Pathology, Moscow,


Corresponding author.


Pharmacodynamics of serotonergic antidepressants

differently influencing on serotonin reuptake receptors is poorly



To compare biochemical profiles at patients with anxious

depression under treatment with tianeptine–serotonin reuptake

enhancer and sertraline–selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.


Platelet monoamine oxidase (MAO) and serum amine

oxidase (AO) activities, level of middle mass endotoxic molecules

(MMEM) and serum albumin functional properties – effective

albumin concentration (EAC) and reserve of albumin binding (RAB)

were investigated at 43 patients with anxious depression (F 32.1

and F 33.1). Clinical severity of illness was assessed using Hamil-

ton Depression (21 items) and Hamilton Anxiety Scales. All patients

were divided in two groups: group I (21 person) received tianeptine

(37, 5mg/day), group II – sertraline (50mg/day).


It was established that patients with anxious depres-

sion were characterized by significant increase in MAO activity

(by 95%) and the level of MMEM (by 86%) and significant decrease

in AO activity (by 28%) and EAC and RAB parameters by 43 and

38%, respectively, in comparison with healthy volunteers. Under

tianeptine and sertraline treatment, there were revealed contrary

directed changes of all investigated parameters.


Results of study show that both tianeptine and ser-

traline are equally effective in treatment of anxious depression.

Present biochemical investigation, however, suggest that under-

lying biochemical changes are more complete following tianeptine


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.

Bipolar disorders


Thyroid profile and its relationship

with response to treatment with

lithium in bipolar mood disorder


P. Avinash

1 ,

, K. Pathak



Deva Institute of Health Care and Research, Psychiatry, Varanasi,



LGBRIMH-Tezpur, Psychiatry, Tezpur, India

Corresponding author.


There is substantial evidence that even minor per-

turbation of thyroid function plays a significant role in clinical

course and treatment outcome in bipolar mood disorder.

Aims and objectives

To understand the relationship between

thyroid profile and bipolar disorder subtypes and to study the rela-

tionship between pre-treatment thyroid profile and response to

treatment with lithium along with other predictors of response to

treatment with lithium in cases of bipolar mood disorder.


This study was conducted in the indoor facilities of

LGBRIMH, Tezpur in the year of 2012, after clearance from scientific

and review committee and Ethics committee of the institute. Forty-

five consecutive indoor patients diagnosed with bipolar mood

disorder using DSM-IV TR criteria were selected. On day 1, blood

was collected for thyroid profile and BPRS 24 item scale version

4.0 was applied. They were all started on lithium monotherapy,

and only lorazepam was used on SOS basis. On day 30, the BPRS

was applied again to check the response to treatment. Appropriate

statistical analysis was done using SPSS version 16.


The response to treatment was good with the mean % fall

of the BPRS score being 40%, with the maximum fall in the subscale