24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805
and menstrual disorders. During hospitalization, aripiprazole is
introduced while paliperidone is progressively decreased. Antipsy-
chotic were prescribed because delusions of reference and auditory
pseudo-hallucinations arose suddenly in a woman without history
of previous psychotic breaks. Before treatment with aripiprazole,
prolactinaemia was 156,96 ng/mL (pregnancy test was negative)
and after stopping, paliperidone was 23,60 ng/mL.
If hyperprolactinaemia symptoms appeared
. . .
), aripiprazole is a good option if antipsychotic
treatment is required. In this case, paliperidone was decreased
slowly, while aripiprazole was increased, until minimum effective
dose was reached.
Hyperprolactinaemia is a common side effect in
antipsychotic treatments and if symptoms appeared aripiprazole
is a good option.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Delirium associated with sertraline, a
case report
N. Salgado
1 ,∗
, S. Benavente
2, B. Macias
1, M. Duran
1, P. Leganes
Hospital Dr. Rodriguez Lafora, Psiquiatria, Madrid, Spain
Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, psiquiatria, Madrid, Spain
Corresponding author.
Delirium is a clinical entity consisting of acute loss
of consciousness, with attention deficit and fluctuating evolution.
Antidepressive medication can cause these symptoms or worsen
Case report
We report the case of a 84-year-old blind female who
was diagnosed of delirium in relation to intoxication with sertra-
line. The patient was admitted into a short-stay psychiatric unit
for three days. She presented behavioural disturbances consist-
ing in auto and heteroaggressive behaviour, altered consciousness
and visual hallucinations (rocks, turtles). When dosage of sertraline
was doubled from 50mg/day to 100mg/day visual hallucinations
started. There were not other medical causes found, so sertraline
was suspended, achieving clinical improvement.
This case report shows how a patient with antide-
pressive treatment can display delirium. The three main causes of
delirium that are infections, side effects and methabolic syndrome.
In the case of treating a patient with delirium, the
presence of previous illness has to be investigated. It is indispens-
able to describe the presence of previous illness, medication and
recent changes of the dosages in the medical history in a patient
with Sertraline.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Drug eruption due to bupropion, a
case report
N. Salgado
1 ,∗
, S . Benavente
2 , J.M. Coll
3 , A. Vives
Hospital Dr. Rodriguez Lafora, Psiquiatria, Madrid, Spain
Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Psiquiatria, Madrid, Spain
Hospital Universitario La Paz, Psiquiatria, Madrid, Spain
Corresponding author.
We present a clinical case of eruption caused by the
use of bupropion. Bupropion is known to cause hypersensitivity
Case report
We report the case of a 48-year-old female who was
diagnosed of depressive disorder. She went to emergency because
a few days after prescribing bupropion (150mg/24 h) scaly skin
eruptions were found distributed along the skin. In the present
case, after its introduction, bupropion was found to be a probable
etiological agent. The patient was successfully treated with cor-
ticosteroids. Because of that, bupropion dosage was stopped and
replaced with fluoxetine. No remissions and exacerbations were
noticed in a month’s follow up.
In this case report, we present a patient with an
eruption related to bupropion. The aetiological spectrum of erup-
tion include drugs, infectious agents and food additives. Drugs
attributing eruption include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,
antibiotics, and anti-epileptic drugs, antidepressive medication
amongst others.
No specific diagnostic criterion exists for eruption
and the diagnosis is purely based on clinical presentation. Diag-
nostic features, which suggest eruption, are the acute onset (or
recurrent nature) and skin lesions.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
A “Newly Discovered in Romania”
atypical antipsychotic prolonged
release treatment for patient with
schizophrenia. First results of a
naturalistic study with recently
approved paliperidone palmitate
M. Sarpe
1 ,∗
, M. Ladea
2, M. Bran
Focsani, Romania
“Obregia” Hospital of Psychiatry, III Ward, Bucharest, Romania
“Coltea” Hospital, Outpatient Care Unit, Bucharest, Romania
Corresponding author.
Intramuscular paliperidone palmitate is a long-
acting atypical antipsychotic, which has only been marketed
in Romania from march 2015 as a free of charge medica-
tion/subsidized for the acute and maintenance treatment of
schizophrenia in adults.
Objectives and aims
To determine the efficacy and tolerability of
paliperidone palmitate in 12 patients with schizophrenia in an out-
patient care unit, taking into account the limited clinical experience
with this product in Romania.
The study was performed in an outpatient care unit.
Data was collected from medical records of patients started on
paliperidone palmitate between March and June 2015. This time
period was selected because we wanted to have at least a 6-month
period of evaluating these patients. Some of the patients were
previously on risperidone long-acting injection (in Romania the
advantages of a 1-month injection instead of 2 and the fact that
the medication does not need to be held in a refrigerator are 2
important factors that can increase the compliance of the patients).
Others were treated with other long-acting antipsychotics (flupen-
tixol). The rest were patients treated before with risperidone, with
good response, but with problems of non-compliance.
None of the patients treated with paliperidone palmitate
relapsed. Some of themhad, atmaximumdose, minor extrapyrami-
dal symptoms that disappeared when we lowered the dose. Taking
into account the lack of insight and the non-compliance of patients
with schizophrenia, this treatment seems to be extremely valuable,
maybe more in this kind of cases, in outpatient care units.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.