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24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805


[2] Karakas¸ U˘gurlu G, et al. Acute dystonia after using sigle dose

duloxetine: case report. Psychiatry Unvestig 2013;10:95–7.


Additive effect of religious activity in

the management of patients with

schizophrenia: A study from


M.M.J. Uddin

National Institute of Neurosciences and Hospital, Psychiatry, Dhaka,



Schizophrenia is a chronic psychiatric illness that

needs psychological treatment in addition to drug treatment for

betterment of the patients. Religious activity is one of the psycho-

logical modalities of treatment for schizophrenia patients practiced

in some centers in Bangladesh.


– To see the additive effect of religious activity and

practices in addition to antipsychotics in the management of


– to see the socio-demographic characteristics of the of the

schizophrenia patients;

– to assess the compliance of the patients taking religious activities.


Fifty-two patients with schizophrenia taking antipsy-

chotics and religious activity comprises group A and 46 age, sex,

religion and duration of illness matched patients with schizophre-

nia taking only antipsychotics comprises group B were selected

purposively for the study in National Institute of Mental Health

(NIMH), Dhaka, Bangladesh from October 2012 to March 2013.

Among the group A, most of them were Muslim. Religious activity

and practices started according to their own religion.


Patients with schizophrenia who received antipsychotics

and religious activity showed reduced relapse rate (17%), increased

treatment compliance (89%) and improve quality of life (82%).


Religious coping assigns significance to life chal-

lenges and provides a sense of meaning and purpose, emotional

comfort, personal control, intimacywith others and a higher power.

Further broad based study is needed in this regard.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his/her decla-

ration of competing interest.


The clinical effect an Nao Wan Merger

risperdal on schizophrenia

Y. Zhang

Xi’an mental health center, Xi’an, China


To evaluate the clinical curative effect of risperdal

merger An Nao Wan for schizophrenia.


Screening a mental health center in the first half of

2012 hospitalized patients with schizophrenia, which alone give

risperdal or merger An Nao Wan give risperdal with 28 days treat-

ment cycle, were as a clinical observation objects. Efficacy was

assessedusing symptoms scale (PANSS), evaluationof adverse reac-

tions was with side effects scale (TESS). And through collecting

the clinical data, related testing results, the daily detailed medical

records to record adverse reactions.


Fifty cases of screened 427 patients meet the conditions,

including 11 cases with risperdal merger An NaoWan, and 39 cases

only used risperdal. All of 50 cases after two weeks treatment, the

symptomswere down significantly (


< 0.01). The adverse reactions

rate of patients only with risperdal was 53.8%, of patients with

risperidone merger An Nao Wan was only 27.3%.


Risperdal merger An Nao Wan can improve the

therapeutic effect of risperidone, short the recovery time of

schizophrenia, prevent the adverse reaction of psychotic drug, also

improve the safety and patient drug compliance.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his/her decla-

ration of competing interest.

Women, gender and mental health


Epidemiological and clinical profiles

of hospitalized female patients in the

psychiatric hospital “Nuestra Se˜nora

Del Pilar” between 1912 and 1915

C. Abad

1 ,

, M.L. Bouzán


, A. Martín


, M.T. Lanzán


, O. Ortega



L. Bosqued



Zaragoza, Spain


UNED, Department of Psychology, Alicante, Spain


CRP Nuestra Se˜nora del Pilar, Department of Psychiatry, Zaragoza,



Hospital Neuropsiquiátrico Ntr. Sra. del Carmen, Department of

Psychiatry, Zaragoza, Spain


Hospital Clínico Universitario Lozano Blesa, Department of

Psychiatry, Zaragoza, Spain

Corresponding author.


Hospitalization is fundamental in the treatment of

severe psychiatric disorders, at present and in the past. The Psychi-

atric Hospital “Ntra. Sra. Del Pilar de Zaragoza”, established in 1425,

is one of the most ancient hospitals and with longest history of the

country, one of the first centers to start considering as demented

persons as another sick patient. This paper describes the sociode-

mographic and clinical characteristics of the patients admitted to

the psychiatric hospital between 1912 and 1915.


We developed a descriptive research, using secondary

information sources (clinical histories) of patients hospitalized

between 1912 and 1915. For data analysis was used software SPSS



We reviewed 110 files and the most common diagnoses

were senile dementia and manic-depressive psychosis. The mean

of age was 42 years, and the predominant marital status was the

single status (47%). We documented that in more than 60% of the

cases, the precedence of the patients was from rural zone. El 75% of

the patients had remained hospitalized during several years until

their death. Only the 10% were discharged for improvement.


It is important to understand the socio-economic

variables of the female patients from a century ago to be aware

of the evolution of psychiatry and psychiatric treatment and con-

sequently of the profile of current patients.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Domestic violence against women:

The unheard sound

M. Alqahtani

King Khalid University, Mental Health, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi



This study aims to discover women’s attitudes toward

domestic violence and their determinants, and explores the types

of violence among women attending psychology clinic in Riyadh,

Saudi Arabia.