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24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805


A cross-sectional study among married women who

visited the psychology clinics. Study was carried out inMarch 2013.

A total of 356 women were interviewed.


Our study indicates that descriptive statistics and logis-

tic regression were used to measure relations between attitudes

towards domestic violence and several variables. Many women

(66%) reported different types of domestic violence against them

in the last six months. The most common types of reported vio-

lence were verbal abuse (73%) and emotional abuse (47.5%) were

themost violence reported, followedwith several non-physical vio-

lence (35%). Whereas physical violence were reported among (11%)

of the sample.


The study shows frequent types of domestic violence

against women. Increasing women’s authorization, mainly provid-

ing the proper education about her right, may protect women from

such violent behavior in the future.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his/her decla-

ration of competing interest.


Motherhood – a disturbed beginning:

A review of a case series

M. Andrade

1 ,

, C. Rodrigues


, C. Cardoso


, V. Palma



5000-707 Vila Real, Portugal


Unidade Local de Saúde do Nordeste, Department of Psychiatry and

Mental Health, Braganc¸ a, Portugal

Corresponding author.


Perinatal mental illness is one of the most frequent

complications of pregnancy and the postpartum period. During the

puerperium, the risk of developing a mental disease, such as a psy-

chotic episode, is higher than in any other time in a woman’s life.


The twomain objectives are to describe a case series of

4 patients diagnosed with pospartum psychosis, and to synthesize

themost important facets of thismental illness based on a literature



The aim is to provide an overview of the clinical and epi-

demiological aspects of postpartum psychosis.


The four clinical cases are presented by describing the

similar as opposed to the differential aspects between all patients,

using the information obtained through successive clinical inter-

views and the case file. Researchwas accomplished through Clinical

Key and PubMed (2005-2015) using the keywords: postpartum



In all four cases, the patients developed symptoms of

sleep disturbance, mood fluctuation, altered thinking process with

delusions or obsessions, and bizarre behaviours. This occurred

within the first four weeks after labour, which was in all cases an

obstrutced labour. The data suggests that postpartum psychosis is

a presentation of bipolar disorder. Clinical aspects and risk factors

related to this perinatal complication all coincide with the cases



Postpartum psychosis is a rare presentation of peri-

natal mental illness. However, it presents itself, as a psychiatric

emergency, and the early and correct assessment are crucial to reset

the development of the mother–child bond.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Factors related to mental health of

female nurses in southern Taiwan

C.H. Chuang

1 ,

, H.C. Chen


, H.I. Hsieh



Chang Jung Christian University, Department of Nursing, Tainan,



Kaohsiung Municipal Ta-Tung Hospital, Department of Nursing,

Kaohsiung, Taiwan


Cathay General Hospital, Department of Occupational Medicine and

Family Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan

Corresponding author.


Nursing is a job with high level of load, so nurses

must have well health to deal with their job challenge. Mental

health is easier ignored than physical health, thus, the risk factors

of mental health is valued to pay attention.


The objective of this study was to explore the related

factors of mental health on female nurses in southern Taiwan.


This is a cross-sectional study design, and all female

nurses in two southern Taiwan hospitals are invited. We use

structured questionnaires to collect information. Mental health,

perceived stress, and job stress were measured with the five-item

Mental Health Index (MHI-5; a subscale of the SF-36), Perceived

Stress Scale (PSS), and Job Content Questionnaires (JCQ), respec-

tively. All subjects provided informed consent as approved by the

Ethics Review Board.


A total of 943 female nurses from two hospitals in Taiwan

were recruited. Eight hundred and seventeen questionnaires were

completed, and the response ratewas 86.6%. Major of subjects were

30 or less years old (48.0%), married (67.1%), and university edu-

cational level (96.4%). The mean score of MIH-5 and PSS was 56.23

(percentage of full marks is 56.23%) and 20.14 (50.35%). The mean

score of job control, mental demand, and social support was 63.5,

35.4, and 23.5, respectively. After adjusting confounders, PSS and

social support were significant factors related with mental health.


Mental health of nurses was common, thus, the

strategies must be developed to reduce the perceived stress and

promote social support in the future. (The publication is partial

supported by the MOST, ROC).

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The effectiveness of first-time-mother

parent education for infant

interaction and sense of parenting

competence in Taiwan

F.F. Chung

1 ,

, H.E. Liu



Chang Gung University of Science and Technology, Department of

Nursing, Taoyuan City, Taiwan


Chang Gung University, School of Nursing, Taoyuan City, Taiwan

Corresponding author.


This study is designed to investigate the relationship

between first-time-mother postpartum parenting education and

its effectiveness on the quality of mother–infant interaction and in

turn, sense changes of parenting competence.


Eighty-one healthy first-time-mother infant dyads

were recruited. The control group (


= 40) received normal postpar-

tumcare, being themedical and cultural norms practiced in Taiwan.

The experimental group (


= 41) received extra education by way

of a 40-minute videotape on infant states, behaviors, communica-

tion cues, and a handout about play practices. Data was collected

at five time periods: around first week, followed by the first, sec-

ond, third and sixth month after birth. Assessment scales used for

this study were the Chinese Version of the Parenting Sense of Com-

petence Scale (C-PSOC), the Edinburgh Perinatal Depression Scale

(EPDS), and the Nursing Child Assessment Teaching Scale (NCATS),

in order to score videotaped mother-infant interactions.


The results of the study between these two groups

showed that there was an increase in the quality of mother–infant

interaction within the experiential group. In addition, it was found

that at the five points of assessment, therewere no significant sense