24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805
and intervention efforts require determining the risk factors
Study the prevalence and risk factors of marital vio-
A descriptive cross-sectional and analytical study car-
ried on 50 married women without psychiatric history. Data
collection was conducted via a questionnaire exploring socio-
demographics characteristics and the marital relationship. Three
scales were passed:
– the Conflict Tactics Scales (CTS): to assess verbal domestic vio-
lence (six items) and physical domestic violence (nine items);
– Maternity social support scale (MSSS): to evaluate the social and
family support;
– Marital satisfaction scale of Azrin: assessing the satisfaction expe-
rienced of the wife at the partner’s behavior.
The average age was 41
11.5 years. Education level did
not exceed the primary level in 64% cases. The socio-economic level
was judged to be average in 72% of cases. The prevalence of domes-
tic violence in its verbal and physical forms was 72%. More than
one third of women (44%) reported that they were victims of phys-
ical. Lowsocio-economic level (
= 0,003), lowpartner’s educational
level (
= 0,049), parental history of childhood abuse, poor marital
satisfaction and poor social and family support were significantly
associated with physical violence, parental history of childhood
abuse on the one hand, and physical violence on the other hand.
Domestic violence against women, in its various
forms remains a worldwide phenomenon. Several risk factors
inherent to the woman, the husband and their marital relation-
ship seem to be associated with domestic violence in its physical
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
The relation between social support
and marital satisfaction and couples’
depression after the birth of the first
S.S. Hoseini Omam
1 ,∗
, L. Panaghi
2, M. Habibi Asgarabadi
J. Davoodi
Semnan University, Psychology, Tehran, Iran
Shahid Beheshti University, Family Therapy, Tehran, Iran
Shahid Beheshti University, Family Therapy, Tejran, Iran
Corresponding author.
Child birth can play a major role in parents’ mental status
and though it is considered as cherished event, it can dramatically
jeopardize mental state of parents. Thus, we conducted this paper
in order to study the relation between social support and marital
satisfaction and couples’ depression after the birth of the first child.
Statistical population was consisted of 75 couples (par-
ents). Theywere assessed via Edinburgh Postnatal Depression scale,
marital satisfaction (ENRICH) and Multidimensional Scale of Per-
ceived Social Support.
Regression analysis showed that there was a significant
and inverse relationship between social support and depression
among men and women after childbirth. Furthermore, there was
a significant relationship between marital satisfaction and depres-
sion among men and women after childbirth. In addition, social
support and marital satisfaction can be explained by the predictive
role of depression in men after childbirth. But only social support
can be predictive for explaining depression in women after child-
Thus, inadequate social support and low marital sat-
isfaction can put couples at risk of postpartum depression.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Biofeedback-assisted relaxation
training helps women with breast
cancer after mastectomy: Effects of
EMG-HRV biofeedback on
psychological symptoms
S.S. Hoseini Omam
1 ,∗
, S. Makvand
1, H. Nazemi
Semnan University, Psychology, Tehran, Iran
Semnan University, Psychology, Semnan, Iran
Corresponding author.
The aim of present research was to investigate the effects
of EMG-HRV biofeedback-assisted relaxation training on psycho-
logical and physiological symptoms of breast cancer women after
About 14 breast cancer women in one of the Tehran
hospital’s in-patient service were chosen and divided to experi-
mental and control groups. Informed consent was provided from
subjects and research design approved in the Ethics’ Committee of
Semnan University. Measures of DASS scale were gathered from
all subjects before any intervention and experimental group were
received 8 sessions of biofeedback-assisted relaxation training over
4 weeks interval, whereas no intervention made on control group.
All patients were asked again to complete the DASS scale after-
wards. Indices of smooth artifact free sEMG and HRV biofeedback
were recorded using a Biofeedback 2000
system Version 4.
Data were extracted and analyzed by GLM statistical
Results were shown significantly differences for
depression, anxiety and stress measures after 8 sessions biofeed-
back treatment. Significantly differences were also observed in
the sEMG and HRV measures of two groups during baseline
(0) middle phase (4) and termination phase (8) of the training
sessions with better results for experimental subjects as well.
It was concluded that biofeedback-assisted relaxation training
could effectively decrease negative psychological symptoms of the
breast cancer patients after mastectomy due to EMG-HRV positive
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Comparison of psychological
morbidity and perceived treatment
outcome in women with breast cancer
based on expected outcome of the
S.S. Hoseini Omam
1 ,∗
, J. Davoodi
2 , M.Habibi Asgarabadi
3 ,M. Moafi
Semnan University, Psychology, Tehran, Iran
Shahid BeheshtiUniversity, Family Therapy, Tehran, Iran
Shahid Beheshti University, Family Therapy, Tehran, Iran
Azad UniversityTonekabon Branch, Clinical Psychology, Tonekabon,
Corresponding author.
In the present study, the psychological morbidity compared
with perceived treatment outcomes based on expected outcome of
the mastectomy in women with breast cancer.
In the current study, 300 female patients with breast
cancer were studied before and after mastectomy using the