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24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805


Pharmacological treatments for chronic diseases

cause side effects. It is important to identify which of these effects

could be avoided because it is a cause to drop the treatment. In the

chronic psychiatric illness, one of the problems is the induction of

changes in prolactin (PRL) serum.


Reviewof the literature that has beenpublished to assess

the association between different types of antipsychotic drugs and

prolactin levels.


Literature search on PubMed, NCBI literature in the last

three years using MeSH terms: “prolactin” and “antipsychotics”.


The increase of prolactin is a common effect poorly

studied in the past. After several studies have been able to achieve

treatments, called “atypical”, which cause less effect on this sub-

stance. For example, asenapine, olanzapine and zyprasidone have

a slight effect on PRL levels. Aripripazole could even result in lower

levels probably by partial agonism on dopamine receptors. There-

fore, we have to make a good clinical practice taking into account

the effectiveness and tolerance and interpersonal variation.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Therapeutic children’s book: “I

Managed to Overcome my Fears”

C. Lima

ForAll, Desenvolvimento Pessoal e Bem-Estar, Unipessoal, Lda.,

Psicologia, Porto, Portugal

The book “I Managed to Overcome my Fears” was written based

on the experience of the author. The sleep disorders in children

are sometimes emotional fragility of reflection lived at the time.

Caused by routine changes or adaptive and considered normal in

child development. This book is meant to be a major therapeutic

instrument to be used by therapists and other technicians engaged

in the mental health of children. It contains the story, therapeu-

tic indications and therapeutic homework. Getting help children

overcome the fears that torment sleep, it will be easier with this


Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his/her decla-

ration of competing interest.


The effect of relaxation techniques

and trigger points therapy on stress

reduction of patients with mental

health disorders in a Greek hospital

G. Lyrakos

1 ,

, D. Menti (MSc in Health Psychology)



I. Spyropoulos


, V. Spinaris



General Hospital Nikaia “Ag. Panteleimon”, Psychiatric, Nikaia,



City Unity College, Department of Psychology, Athens, Greece

Corresponding author.


Patients with mental health disorders usually suffer

from high stress levels. Trigger points therapy has been shown to

be very effective in providing prompt relief from stress in these



To investigate the effect of the combined use of relaxation

techniques and trigger points therapy on stress levels of patients

with mental health disorders.


Thirty-one patients participated in this study, 14 (45.2%)

males and 17 (54.8%) females, with a mean age of 39. Out of them,

10 (32.3%) suffered fromanxiety disorders, 6 (19.4%) fromobsessive

compulsive disorder, 10 (32.3%) fromdepression and 5 (16.1%) from

chronic condition stress. Data analysis was conducted with



analysis and ANOVA, using the SPSS software.


The findings revealed significant differences on stress

levels before and after the use of relaxation techniques and trig-

ger points therapy as


(30) = 18.316,


< 0.0001. Before the use

of relaxation techniques and trigger points therapy, individuals

reported higher stress levels (M= 6.129, SD = 1.087) compared to

after the therapy (M= 1.741, SD = .889). Moreover, significant dif-

ferences were found in stress reduction with regard to psychiatric

illnesses (


(3,27) = 5.027,


= 0.007). More specifically, individuals

with depression reported lower reductions in their stress levels

after the therapy compared to both those with chronic condi-

tion stress (M= –2.1, SD = 0.61,


= 0.013) and anxiety disorders

(M= –1.4, SD = 0.503,


= 0.05).


The findings of this study highlight the importance of

using trigger points therapy, combined with relaxation techniques,

to reduce stress levels of patients with mental health disorders.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Antipsychotic combination strategies

in patients with bipolar disorder

R. Molina Ruiz

, M. de Castro Oller , V. Gomez Macías ,

M. Roncero Rodriguez , F. Monta˜nes Rada

Hospital Universitario Fundación Alcorcón, Psychiatry, Madrid, Spain

Corresponding author.


Treatment strategies in bipolar disorder (BPD) has

changed in the last decades and polypharmacy including antipsy-

chotics has become extremely common compared to monotherapy

with mood stabilisers. Clinicians tend to use 2 or more atypical

antipsychotics despite the lack of evidence to support safety, toler-

ability and efficacy of this practice.


To determine most frequently used treatment strate-

gies in a sample of bipolar disorder patients and review of the



Analysis of a sample of 35 patients with BPD from

Madrid and review of recent literature for evidence arising from

international guidelines recommendations and meta-analyses.


Most frequently used treatment approach in our sample

was polytherapy, including at least 1 atypical antipsychotic (31%)

and polytherapy, including at least 2 antipsychotics (47%) together

with mood stabilisers. Only 11% were in monotherapy with mood

stabilisers and another 11%were in monotherapy with one atyp-

ical antipsychotic but without mood stabilisers. Aripiprazol and

olanzapinewere among themost preferred atypical antipsychotics.

Efficacy and safety of such combinations have not been systemati-

cally compared with monotherapy in the literature. Previous data

indicate that polytherapy in BPD may incur in important disadvan-

tages [1].


Treatment of BPD remains challenging. Polytherapy

seem to have replaced monotherapy due to less relapses and better

results in treatment of affective symptoms. However, compliance

and secondary long-term effects should be taken into account.

Superiority in terms of efficacy in polytherapy needs to be balanced

with tolerability issues.More studies on combination therapy, long-

term efficacy and safety are needed.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.