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24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805



Long-acting injectable aripiprazole.

Clinical experience in a case series

J.M. Hernández Sánchez

1 ,

, M.C. Cancino Botello



M.F. Molina López


, D. Pe˜na Serrano


, M. Machado Vera



Valencia, Spain


Hospital General de Valencia, Psychiatry, Valencia, Spain

Corresponding author.


The use of long-acting injectable antipsychotics is

useful in patients with low therapeutic compliance.


To present the demographic and clinical data of a case

series in which long-acting injectable aripiprazole has been pre-

scribed in an ambulatory Mental Health Center.


Systematic review of the related literature and clinical

history of patients in which long-acting injectable aripiprazole had

been prescribed from January to March 2015 in a Mental Health



We found 10 patients, whose diagnosis were schizophre-

nia (4), non-specified psychosis (2), personality disorder (1), bipolar

disorder (1), schizoaffective disorder (2), of whom 7 were men and

3women, with amean age of 43.8 years old. Themean of years since

diagnosiswas 15.1 years. In 7 patients, we found concomitant treat-

ment with another antipsychotic agent (low dose quetiapine in all

of them); antidepressants in 1 patient, benzodiazepines in 6; mood

stabiliser in 5 and biperidene in 1. In relation to previous antipsy-

chotic drugs, we found: aripiprazole 15mg/day oral (4); long-acting

injectable paliperdidone 150mg/28 days (2) paliperdone 6mg/day

oral (1); combination of paliperidone 6mg/day oral plus olanzapine

5mg/day oral (1). Only 4 patients had used long-acting injectable

drugs previously in their lifetime. The reason of having initiated

treatment with long-acting injectable aripiprazole was sexual dis-

turbance (3); lack of compliance (4); clinical inestability (2) and

motor side effects (1).


In our series, we can observe a chronic patient pro-

file, predominantly men with diagnosis of psychotic spectrum.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Uncommon effects of clozapine

J. Jerónimo

, J. Santos , L. Bastos

Santa Maria’s Hospital, CHLN, Psychiatry and Mental Health

Department, Lisboa, Portugal

Corresponding author.


Clozapine is the first option for treatment-resistant

schizophrenia, affecting about 20–30% of all patients. Weight gain,

sedation, hypotension and hypersalivation are common and well-

known adverse effects associatedwith clozapine. However, it is also

important to be aware of uncommon adverse effects, like parotitis.


We report a case of clozapine-induced parotitis.


Literature was accessed through Pudmed, using the

search terms parotitis and clozapine.


A 36-year-old male with paranoid schizophrenia, whose

psychotic symptoms have responded only slightly to two antipsy-

chotic trial, with both haloperidol and olanzapine. Therefore,

he began treatment with clozapine with the dose titrated to

400mg/day. At first, the only registered adverse effect was hyper-

salivation. Eventually, after 3 months of treatment, he developed

a unilateral swelling of the left parotid gland. Bacterial and viral

parotitis were ruled out and the diagnosis of clozapine-induced

parotitis was evoked. Patient scored 5 in the Parotitis-Specific

Criteria Modified Naranjo Probability Scale. Symptomatic med-

ication was initiated with paracetamol and a non-steroidal

anti-inflammatory with a favorable outcome.


There are few reports of clozapine-induced paroti-

tis, a very rare and poorly known adverse effect with an unknown

pathophysiology. Early recognition and proper management are

essential to reduce morbidity associated with the treatment. There

is no consensus how to manage these adverse effect, however, gen-

erally it is not necessary to discontinue the treatment.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Development and psychometric

testing of a Scale for Evaluating

Self-management Needs of Knee

Osteoarthritis (SMNKOA) in Taiwan

M.H. Kao

1 ,

, Y.F. Tsai



Mackay Junior College of Medicine, Nursing, and Management,

Department of Nursing, New Taipei City, Taiwan


College of Medicine, Chang Gung University, School of Nursing,

Tao-Yuan, Taiwan

Corresponding author.


Knee OA is a chronic and multifactorial disease;

self-management needs are complex, which requires a multi-

dimensional management plan. There is a need for healthcare

providers to provide patients with knowledge of knee OA and how

to effectively manage the disease.


Self-management-needs scales are onemeans of deter-

mining the management requirements of an individual patient.

There is no suitable instrument available for assessing self-

management needs of adult patients with knee OA in Taiwan.

This study developed an instrument that could assess the self-

management needs of knee OA patients using Orem’s self-care

theory as a theoretical framework.


This study developed and psychometrically tested a new

instrument for measuring adult patients’ self-management needs

of knee OA (SMNKOA).


Development of the instrument involved three phases:

item generation and scale development; content and face validity

of the initial instrument; and evaluation of validity and reliabil-

ity of the new instrument. Participants (


= 372) were purposively

sampled from orthopaedic clinics at medical centres in Taiwan.


The self-care theory guided the development of the 35-

item SMNKOA scale. The content validity index was 0.83. Principal

components analysis identified a 3-factor solution, accounting for

53.19% of the variance. The divergent validity was –0.67; conver-

gent validity was –0.51. Cronbach’s was 0.95, Pearson correlation

coefficient was 0.88, and the intraclass correlation coefficient was



The SMNKOA scale can measure and identify the

individual self-management needs of knee OA patients. It will help

healthcare providers better evaluate strategies that can help these

patients cope with this chronic disease.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Some side effects of antipsychotics

L. Montes Reula

1 ,

, A. Ballesteros Prados



Red Salud Mental Gobierno de Navarra, CHN Psychiatric, Pamplona,



Red Salud Mental Gobierno Navarra, Mental Health Center, Estella,

Navarra, Spain

Corresponding author.