24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805
multidisciplinary professional care, the role of the family and the
importance of long-stay wards.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Depressive symptoms in older people
in Greece and Cyprus
K. Argyropoulos
1 ,∗
, G .Panteli
2 , G.Charalambous
2 ,A. Argyropoulou
3 , P. Gourzis
4 , E. Jelastopulu
Medical School, University ofPatras, Public Health, Patras, Greece
Frederick University, Postgraduate Program Health Management,
Nicosia, Cyprus
Health Center of Andravida, General Practice, Andravida, Greece
University Hospital of Patras, Psychiatry, Patras, Greece
Corresponding author.
Depression is fast becoming a major public health
problem with a very high prevalence rate in the 65 and over age
The aim of the present study was to estimate the
prevalence of depression in Greeks and Cypriots older adults.
A cross-sectional study was conducted among the 445
participants, 239 members of three day care centers for older peo-
ple, in the municipality of Patras, West-Greece and 206 older adults
(110 in the community, 65 in outpatient clinics, 31 in nursing
homes) in Cyprus, aged > 60 years. A questionnaire was adminis-
tered including socio-demographic characteristics. Depressionwas
assessed using the Greek version of Geriatric Depression Scale
The overall prevalence of depression according to GDS-
15 was 33% (28% moderate, 5% severe type). Depressive symptoms
were more frequent in women (41,6% vs. 28,3%,
< 0,001), in not
married (43,0% vs. 29,3%,
< 0,001), in elderly with chronic dis-
eases (36,8% vs. 25,0%,
= 0,007), in older people dwellers of urban
areas compared to rural (36,3% vs. 26,4%,
= 0,028) and in ages
between 70 to 80 years old (38,7% vs. 31,6%,
= 0,038). Moreover,
higher prevalence of depressionwasmeasured in Greeks compared
to Cypriots (44,3% vs. 20,6%,
< 0,001). In a univariate analysis,
the following variables were significantly associated with depres-
sion: female gender (
< 0,001), co-morbidity (
= 0,004), higher age
group (
= 0,018), place of living (
= 0,022) and Greek nationality
< 0,001).
High prevalence and several risk factors are strongly
associated with depression, whereas Greeks are in higher danger
of developing depressive symptoms in late life, than Cypriots.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Treatment of Charles Bonnet
syndrome with continuous positive
airway pressure in an older adult
M. Arts
1 ,∗
, P . Michielsen
2 , S. Petrykiv
3 , L. de Jonge
1 ,R. Oude Voshaar
UMCG, Old Age Psychiatry, Groningen, Netherlands
GGZWNB, Psychiatry, Bergen op Zoom, Netherlands
GGZ Friesland, Emergency Psychiatry, Leeuwarden, Netherlands
Corresponding author.
Charles Bonnet syndrome (CBS) is a disorder in older
adults, and is characterized by a triad of recurrent vivid visual
hallucinations, ocular pathology causing visual impairment due to
lesions in central or peripheral visual pathways, and normal cogni-
tive status. It is often misdiagnosed as a psychosis, early dementia
or a drug related condition. Hypoxemia was anecdotally reported
as a cause of CBS.
We present an older adult with CBS caused by severe
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.
To report a case study, describing treatment of obstructive
sleep apnea syndrome as a cause of CBS.
A case study is presented and discussed.
An older male adult was admitted to hospital for persis-
tent vivid visual hallucinations. There was no personal or family
history of mental illness. Neurological examination was normal,
except for visual impairment due to age related macular degen-
eration. The remainder of his physical examination was normal.
Previous treatment with antipsychotics proved not to be effective.
Severe hypoxemia (SaO
79%) was diagnosed with overnight pulse
oximetry and subsequent polysomnography revealed an obstruc-
tive sleep apnea syndrome. After three nights of nasal continuous
positive airway pressure, the vivid hallucinations ceased.
Physicians need to understand the underlying causes
and mechanisms of CBS. One should be aware of the importance
of a full clinical examination and sleep apnea research in elderly
persons with visual impairment.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Management of late-life insomnia
S. Bravo Herrero
1 ,∗
, C. Moreno Menguiano
R. Martín Aragón
1, M. Gutiérrez Rodríguez
2, J.F. Cruz Fourcade
N. Rodríguez Criado
1, P. Mu˜noz-Calero Franco
B. Sánchez Sánchez
Hospital Universitario de Móstoles, UHB Psiquiatría, Móstoles, Spain
Hospital Universitario de Móstoles, CSM Móstoles, Móstoles, Spain
Corresponding author.
Insomnia is the most frequent sleep disorder in late
life. Forty-two percent of elderly people in the United States often
complain about difficulties to get or maintain sleep, or awakening
too early. Insomnia is frequent in old people greatly due to fre-
quency of concomitant medical illnesses and polypharmacy, rather
than because of age.
The objective of our research was to revise the current
state of knowledge about management of insomnia in people above
65 years of age.
For that, a bibliographical search through
PubMed.gov has been made. From the obtained results, the
14 which best suited for our goals were selected, 10 of them
dealing with people above 65 years and the rest with people above
75 or 80 years of age.
Based on the literature reviewed, the current options
of management of late-life insomnia are based on behavioral or
pharmacological therapy. The combination of behavioral therapies
shows results and is currently considered as an option, especially
given the possibility of medicine interaction and the secondary
effects hypnotic and sedative medicines might produce. There is
a paucity of long-term safety and efficacy data for the use of non-
benzodiazepine sedative-hypnotics. There are no criteria for the
use of antidepressant sedatives in elderly peoplewithout diagnosed
depression, although they are still used in practice.
Possibility of using behavioral therapy as first option.
In case of polymedicated or multi-pathological patients, pay special
attention when starting a pharmacological treatment, choose the
most suitable one and supervise it closely.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.