24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805
in complexes with DNA using electrophoretic mobility shift assay
Significant increase was observed in the overall protein
complexes binding to the –220 C allele vs. –220A. The transcription
factors, CREB, USF, and c-Myc, were differentially bound to –220C,
represented by supershifts.
We propose that differential binding of CREB, USF,
and c-Myc to CALR nucleotide –220C may be linked with the evo-
lution of higher brain functions in human.
Disclosure of interest
The author has not supplied his/her decla-
ration of competing interest.
The epigenetic regulation of
GATA4-dependent brain natriuretic
peptide expression during alcohol
A. Glahn
, S. Bleich , M. Muschler , M. Rhein , H. Frieling ,
T. Hillemacher
Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Psychiatry, Psychotherapy,
Social Psychiatry, Hannover, Germany
Corresponding author.
Natriuretic peptides participate in the complex col-
lection of metabolic effects in reaction to chronic alcohol drinking.
Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) is a specific member of this family
known to be expressed in heart and brain.
Having witnessed modulation of other natriuretic
peptides in a longitudinal cohort of alcohol-dependent patients
undergoing detoxification treatment, we were interested how BNP
methylation would be altered in correlation to protein expression
and major clinical markers for craving.
The epigenetic regulation of BNP in the context of alcoholism
is unknown to this date.
Ninety-nine male patients were subjected to a longitu-
dinal investigation (days 1, 7 and 14 of detoxification treatment)
and compared with 101 healthy controls concerning epigenetic
regulation and protein expression of BNP.
Serum levels of BNP are significantly decreasing dur-
ing withdrawal. Global OCDS scores are decreasing significantly.
Focusing on the two CpGs that are between GATA transcription
factor binding sites, detailed statistical analysis reveals a reversely
proportional methylation pattern, significantly increasing with
ongoing detoxification and thereby supporting the observed serum
level changes, accordingly. With BNP expression being GATA4-
dependent, we observed a correlation of GATA4 binding site
methylation and protein expression during alcohol withdrawal.
Without the functional knowledge about the crucial
regulation of BNP expression via the GATA transcription factor, it
would have been easy to take the mean results of the global CpG
data and propose a direct relationship between methylation and
expression. Thus, these findings are also a voice for functionally
and mechanistically approved results.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Pharmacogenetic technology in
psychiatric practice
T. Dokukina
1 ,∗
, M. Makhrov
1, P. Korolevich
1, I. Gaidukevich
A. Gilep
Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Mental Health,
Department of mental and behavioral disorders, Minsk, Belarus
Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of
Sciences, Laboratory of Molecular Diagnostics and Biotechnology,
Minsk, Belarus
Corresponding author.
Pharmacogenetic tests allow to predict the speed and features of a
metabolism of antipsychotics depending on activity of the fermen-
tal systems involved in its metabolism, proteins carriers. They are
directed as on an assessment of efficiency of therapy by antipsy-
chotics, and studying of shipping and predictive risk of formation
of side effects depending on a genotype.
The studied material
Tests of a buccal epithelium.
Release of nucleinic acids, extraction of metabolites,
PCR-analysis, release of recombinant proteins, reconstruction of
fermental activity, mass and spectrometer analysis. Methods of
diagnostics and additional researches include complex clinical
inspection – objective survey, collecting of the anamnestic data,
the analysis of experience of treatment by psychotropic medicines.
Additional criteria of inclusion in research group: age from 18 to
35 years, lack of secondary resistance, absence of any associated
diseases, Belarusians on a nationality, not relatives each other,
with hospitalization prospect not less than 4 weeks, signed “the
informed consent” to participation in the project. Neurophysiolog-
ical inspection – visual and computer EEG.
Sixty-nine patients with schizophrenia were examined.
Genomic DNA was used further for identification of mutant alleles
of genes of CYP2C9 (*2/*3), CYP2C19 (*2/*3), CYP1A2, CYP2D6. Per-
sonal medical recommendations were made to all of patients. The
dosage of a neuroleptic was changed depending on result of geno-
typing. Eighty-five percent of patients received good therapeutic
effect in the form of a full reduction of psychotic symptoms. Pre-
liminary results show efficiency and prospects of pharmacogenetic
technologies in psychiatric practice.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
testing and drug
side effects: An evaluation of its use
among a real-world case series
F. Oliva
1 ,∗
, A. Portigliatti Pomeri
2, G. Nibbio
3, M. Giuseppe
University of Turin, Department of Biological and Clinical Sciences,
Orbassano, TO, Italy
University of Turin, Department of Neurosciences “Rita Levi
Montalcini”, Orbassano, TO, Italy
University of Turin, Department Biological and Clinical Sciences,
Orbassano, TO, Italy
Corresponding author.
Various pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics
features have proven to be involved in the development of drug-
induced side effects in psychiatry and thus pharmacogenetic
profiling should be considered during drug selection to avoid the
onset of side effects.
To explore the usefulness of Neurofarmagen
testing in clin-
ical practice by evaluating whether the genetic profile given by the
tool could properly explain the onset of side effects during antipsy-
chotic treatment.
The pharmacogenetic profile of ten patients having a
history of side effect appeared during to specific a psychophar-
macologic treatment was determined by Neurofarmagen
tool. The relationship between genetic profile and side effects was
evaluated and classified.
Sixty percent of the sample showed a genomic alteration
related to a increased likelihood of having any side effects, one half
of which presented pharmacokinetic alteration (slow or interme-
diate phenotype for the implicated cytochrome) whereas the other