24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805
Clarify the role of anxiety and depression in predicting new
cardiac events.
Two hundred and fifty-one consecutive patients com-
pleted the two-years follow-up. The presence of depression was
evaluated with the Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders
(PRIME-MD) and its severity with the Hospital Anxiety and Depres-
sion Scale (HADS). Evaluations were collected at baseline, when
GRACE-score was calculated, and at 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 12 and 24-months
Forty-two patients (16.7%) developed a second cardiac
event and, of these, eighteen (42.9%) had a previous depressive
episode. At Cox Regression, controlling for confounding clinical
variables (e.g. GRACE-score), developing a first-ever depressive
episode was a significant risk factor (OR = 2.38; 95%CI = 1.11–5.14;
= 0.027) whereas baseline anxiety was protective (OR = 0.56;
95%CI = 0.38–0.81;
= 0.002). The latter, moreover, moderated the
effect of incident depression on new cardiac events.
Our results confirm the well-established detrimental
effect of depression on cardiac prognosis and suggest clinicians to
keep in mind anxious symptoms when facing a patient at his/her
first ACS.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Affective disorders in multiple
M. Said
1, S. Ouanes
2 ,∗
, R. Nefzi
1, A. Aissa
1, H. Maatallah
H. Ben Ammar
1, Z. El-Hechmi
Razi Hospital, Psychiatry F, Mannouba, Tunisia
Razi Hospital, Mannouba, Tunisia
Corresponding author.
Psychiatric disorders have a remarquable frequency
in multiple sclerosis. The leading group of these disorders con-
sists of affective disorders. These psychiatric conditions canworsen
the outcome of multiple sclerosis, thus contributing to increase
the burden of the disease to both patients and relatives. Manag-
ing such a complicated situation needs a focus on the underlying
links between affective disorders and multiple sclerosis.
To examine the hypotheses proposed to explain the
high prevalence of affective disorders in patients with multiple
Literature was reviewed using the Medline database
and the following keywords “bipolar disorder” “affective disorder”,
“mania” and “multiple sclerosis”.
PubMed research returned 13 results. After manual
inspection, 10 articles were retained and examined. The cause of
the high comorbidity between multiple sclerosis and mood dis-
orders is regarded as being multifactorial: the medication used
in multiple sclerosis possibly inducing/exacerbating mood distur-
bances, the demyelinazing brain lesions which could bring about
depression or mania, genetic overlapping with affective disorders
and last the psychological reactions and adjustment difficulties to
the neurological handicap.
Despite the fact that the higher prevalence of affective
disorders in multiple sclerosis is well established, these disorders
still remain underdiagnosed and undertreated. A shift towards a
better assessment of the psychiatric comorbidity in multiple scle-
rosis patients and the optimal treatment of those disorders is
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Consultation liaison psychiatry in
Talavera’s hospital during the year
M. Palomo Monge
1 ,∗
, D.C. Sandra
2, A.L. Maria Fernanda
G.M. David
1, T.G. Maria Fernanda
1, D.D. Arántzazu
S.D.L.P. Silvia
3, O.B. Rubén
1, L.D.L. Beatriz
Hospital Nuestra Se˜nora del Prado, Psychiatry, 45600 Spain
Centro de Rehabilitación Psicosocial y Laboral, Psicology, Talavera
de la Reina, Spain
Hospital Nuestra Se˜nora del Prado, Family Medicine, 45600 Spain
Hospital General de Ávila, Psychiatry, Avila, Spain
Corresponding author.
Analyze the number of interdepartmental consul-
tations carried out at Department of Psychiatry, Hospital Nuestra
Se˜nora del Prado from other areas of hospitalization during 2014.
The goal is to evaluate the prevalence of psychiatric
disorders in patients who are hospitalized for other reasons, and
which services are needed the most.
Retrospective cross-sectional descriptive study. A
record of consultations carried out by the psychiatry service in 2014
was collected. The data were analyzed according to the origin of the
consultation service, the month when it was performed and the sex
of the patient. The monthly percentage of interconsultations and
the percentage represented by each interconsultation service were
calculated. They classified according to sex.
In 2014, 211 interconsultations were carried out, 104
men and 86 women. Surgery 16, 11%, pneumology 13, 74%, internal
medicine 12, 32%, traumatology 8, 06%, digestive 7, 11%), I.C.U. 6,
64%, cardiology 6, 16%, hematology 5, 69%, oncology 5, 21%, pedi-
atrics 4, 27%, gynecology 2, 84%, emergency 1, 90%, palliative1, 90%,
endocrinology 1, 42%, urology 1, 42, nephrology 0, 95%, E.N.T. 0, 95%,
obstetrics 0, 47%, dermatology 0%, ophthalmology 0%, rheumatol-
ogy 0%. January 12, 8%, February 13%, March 9, 5%, April 6, 2%, May
5, 7%, June 8, 1%, July 6, 2%, August 4, 3%, September 8, 1%, October
12%, November 7, 6%, December 6, 2%.
Most of the interconsultations were carried out in
January, February and October. However, August was the least busy
month. The busiest service was the Surgery service, followed by the
Pneumology and Internal Medicine one. There were no intercon-
sultations of the Ophthalmology, Rheumatology and Dermatology
services. The consults were in demand mainly by men rather than
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Psychological syndrome analysis
(Vygotsky – Luria School) in
psychosomatics: Clinical and
psychological study of patients with
mitral valve prolapse
E. Pervichko
1 ,∗
, Y. Zinchenko
1, A. Martynov
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Psychology,
Moscow, Russia
Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, Faculty of
General Medicine, Moscow, Russia
Corresponding author.
One of the dominant methodological principles of
Russian clinical psychology (the Vygotsky-Luria School) is the prin-
ciple of Psychological syndrome analysis (PSA). It can also be
heuristically applied to psychosomatics.