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24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805


to be predictive for development of comorbidity of MDD and ASD

in the second phase (


= 0.036; OR = 100.00).


Cardiovascular disorders can cause anxious & depres-

sive disorders in frequent alcohol consumers and physically

inactive subjects. Since depression, anxiety, physical inactivity, and

alcohol consumption cannot only be considered as risk factors for

cardiovascular disorders, but also be seen as a consequence of

cardiovascular disorders, strategies for primary and secondary pre-

vention of coronary events should include a greater concern for

mental health as well.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Prevention of postoperative delirium -

A prospective nurse-led intervention

on surgical wards in a general hospital

T. Kratz , A. Diefenbacher

Ev. Krankenhaus Königin Elisabeth Herzberge, department

psychiatry psychotherapy psychosomatics, Berlin, Germany

Corresponding author.


Delirium is a frequent postoperative complication in

older and cognitively impaired patients in general hospitals. Delir-

ium is associated with prolonged hospital stay as well as with

an increased risk of nursing home placement after discharge. We

wanted to studywhether the implementation of a specialized delir-

ium nurse on a surgical ward leads to a reduction in the frequency

of postoperative delirium.


In an open-label study on two surgical wards of a gen-

eral hospital, first the prevalence rate of postoperative delirium

in patients older than 70 years was assessed (March to August

2011). During the following intervention phase (September 2011

to June 2012), a trained geriatric nurse implemented delirium-

preventative measures in accordance with the Hospital Elder Life

Program (HELP). The second surgical ward provided standard treat-

ment as usual as an in-house control.


Overall 20.2%, 95% CI [14.6, 26.4] of patients on both

wards without special intervention developed postoperative delir-

ium. By implementing preoperative screening measures and

specific interventions by a delirium nurse, the incidence of post-

operative delirium was reduced to 4.9%, 95% CI [0.0, 11.5]. The

interventions were validation, improving sleep quality, cognitive

activation, early mobilisation, improving sensory perception and

optimising food and fluid intake. Most important predictors of post-

operative delirium were Mini Mental Status Exam results, age and

preoperative infection.


The establishment of a specialised delirium nurse as

well as the implementation of simple preoperative care measures

increased postoperative attention, cognitive activation and is asso-

ciated significantly with reducing risk of postoperative delirium in

older and cognitively impaired inpatients.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Prevention, early detection and

effective treatment of the

psychological disorders in asthma and

chronic obstructive lung disease

K. Zawada


, A. Ko´zmin-Burzy ´nska


, K. Krzysztof

2 ,


Medical university of Silesia, department of pneumonology,

Katowice, Poland


Medical university of Silesia, department of psychiatry and

psychotherapy, Katowice, Poland

Corresponding author.


Chronic respiratory diseases which embrace asthma

and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are common

conditions in the population. In a large number of cases, they are

diagnosed very late. Statistics of deaths, especially in the case of

COPD, are underestimated because morbidity and mortality can be

affected by other comorbid conditions, for example cardiovascular



The objective of this analysis was to find out the core-

lation between the psychological distress and social factors in

patients with asthma and chronic obstructive lung disease.


A literature analysis on this topic was performed.

Asthma and COPD impair not only physical functioning of patients

but also affect their psychological state. Mood disorders and cog-

nitive function impairment are more often observed in this group

than in the general population. It has been proven that the coex-

istence of psychological dysfunction significantly worsens the

functioning of patients (affects, among others, their work, family

and social lives) and has an impact on the course of the treatment of

the somatic illness. First of all, patients with cognitive deficits have

greater problems in applying treatment recommendations. Accord-

ingly, it seems to be important to paymore attention to the problem

of mental disorders in patients with obstructive lung diseases.


There is a clear need for amultidisciplinary approach

that will enable prevention, early detection and effective treatment

of the psychological disorders in that group of patients.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Beneficial effect of mindfulness based

art therapy in patients with breast

cancer - A randomized controlled trial

S.Y. Lee

1 ,

, J. Duck-In


, M. Kyung-Joon


, L. Hye-Jin



L. Kwang-heun



Wonkwang university and hospital, psychiatry, Iksan, Republic of



Hallym university college of medicine, psychiatry, Chuncheon,

Republic of Korea


Chungang university college of medicine, psychiatry, Seoul,

Republic of Korea


Wonkwang university graduate school, public health, Iksan,

Republic of Korea


Dongkuk university college of medicine, psychiatry, Kyoungju,

Republic of Korea

Corresponding author.


Mindfulness based art therapy induces emotional

relaxation in cancer patients and is a treatment known to improve

psychological stability. The objective of this research was to evalu-

ate the treatment effects of MBAT for breast cancer patients.


Twenty-four breast cancer patients were selected as

subjects of the study. Two groups, the MBAT group and con-

trol group with 12 patients each, were randomly assigned. The

patients in the MBAT group were given 12 sessions of treatments.

To measure depression and anxiety, low scales of the Personality

Assessment Inventory (PAI) was used. Health-related quality of life

was evaluated using the European organization for research and

treatment of cancer quality of life questionnaire (EORTC-QLQ-C30).

The treatment results were analyzed using Ancova and two-way

repeated measures Anova.


The results showed that depression and anxiety

decreased significantly and health-related quality of life improved

significantly in the MBAT group. In the control group, however,

there was no significant change.